Python 写入CSV文件选择要写入的列

Python 写入CSV文件选择要写入的列,python,csv,writing,Python,Csv,Writing,我试图从包含一些文本数据的X(本例中为6)CSV文件中导入数据,并将每个文档中的一行放到一个新的行上,以使它们彼此相邻(从第1列的文档1导出,从第2行的第二个文档导出,依此类推)。到目前为止我一直不成功 # I have a list containing the path to all relevant files files = ["path1", "path2", ...] # then I tried cycling through the folder lik


    # I have a list containing the path to all relevant files
    files = ["path1", "path2", ...]

    # then I tried cycling through the folder like this
    for file in files:
        with open(file, "r") as csvfile:
            reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",")
            for row on reader:
                # I'm interested in the stuff stored on Column 2
    # as you can see, I can get the info from the files, but from here 
    # on, I can't find a way to then write that information on the 
    # appropiate coloumn of the newly created CSV file


# I have a list containing the path to all relevant files
files = ["path1", "path2", ...]
newfile = "newpath1"

# then I tried cycling through the folder like this
for file in files:
    with open(file, "r") as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",")
        with open(newfile, "a") as wcsvfile:
            writer = csv.writer(wcsvfile)
            for row on reader:
                # I'm interested in the stuff stored on Column 2