Python 检查两个加起来等于10的整数之间是否出现三个问号

Python 检查两个加起来等于10的整数之间是否出现三个问号,python,Python,新的正则表达式。下面的正则表达式有三个或更多的问号,它们是连续出现的,但是如果我想得到,如果两个数字之间有三个问号,加起来等于10,那么不管它们是否连续出现 import re def has_three_question_marks(word): regex_pattern = re.compile(r"(\d\D+)(?=(\d))") question_marks = re.compile(r"\d(\D+)?\?{3,}(\D+)?") matches = r


import re

def has_three_question_marks(word):
    regex_pattern = re.compile(r"(\d\D+)(?=(\d))")
    question_marks = re.compile(r"\d(\D+)?\?{3,}(\D+)?")
    matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, word)
    if matches:
        for match in matches:
            question_mark_matches = re.findall(question_marks, str(match))
            if question_mark_matches:
                if int(match[0][0]) + int(match[1]) == 10:
                    return True
    return False
has_three_question_marks("arrb6???4xxbl5???eee5") #This returns True
has_three_question_marks("acc?7??sss?3rr1??????5") #This returns False, I need it to return True


'1?1?1?1' --> false

import re

test = ["arrb6???4xxbl5???eee5","acc?7??sss?3rr1??????5", 
        "?5?5?5?", "1???1", "1?1?1?1","1??2?", "1??2?2","1??23?2"]

def areThreeIn(text):
    patt = r"\d(\?+)\d"
    matches = re.findall(patt,text) 
    return sum(len(m) for m in matches) >= 3

for t in test:
    print(f"{t:<20} {areThreeIn(t)}")


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re

# runs of things neither question mark nor digit
not_qmark_digit = r'[^?\d]*'
# contiguous blocks of non-digit with exactly three question mark
three_qmark = '(?:' + not_qmark_digit + r'\?){3}' + not_qmark_digit
# build a regexp matching 1...?.?.?...9 given the start digit
def delimited(start):
  end = 10-start
  return str(start) + three_qmark + str(end)
# make the 9 cases starting with each digit
cases = [delimited(n) for n in range(1, 10)]
# and join them as alternatives
pattern = '|'.join(cases)

x = re.compile(pattern)
# ['6???4', '5???eee5']
# ['7??sss?3']

?@PedroLobito sorry大于或等于
import re

test = ["arrb6???4xxbl5???eee5","acc?7??sss?3rr1??????5", 
        "?5?5?5?", "1???1", "1?1?1?1","1??2?", "1??2?2","1??23?2"]

def areThreeIn(text):
    patt = r"\d(\?+)\d"
    matches = re.findall(patt,text) 
    return sum(len(m) for m in matches) >= 3

for t in test:
    print(f"{t:<20} {areThreeIn(t)}")
arrb6???4xxbl5???eee5 True
acc?7??sss?3rr1??????5 True
?5?5?5?              False
1???1                True
1?1?1?1              False
1??2?                False
1??2?2               False # overlapping: would be True 
1??23?2              True
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re

# runs of things neither question mark nor digit
not_qmark_digit = r'[^?\d]*'
# contiguous blocks of non-digit with exactly three question mark
three_qmark = '(?:' + not_qmark_digit + r'\?){3}' + not_qmark_digit
# build a regexp matching 1...?.?.?...9 given the start digit
def delimited(start):
  end = 10-start
  return str(start) + three_qmark + str(end)
# make the 9 cases starting with each digit
cases = [delimited(n) for n in range(1, 10)]
# and join them as alternatives
pattern = '|'.join(cases)

x = re.compile(pattern)
# ['6???4', '5???eee5']
# ['7??sss?3']