
在pythex中重新工作,但不';我不能用python工作,python,regex,findall,urlopen,Python,Regex,Findall,Urlopen,我正在做一项作业,我需要从现场网站上搜集信息 为此,我使用,并需要刮的游戏名称,价格,然后图像来源。我有工作的标题,但价格和图像来源只是重新调整空列表,虽然当通过pythex它是返回正确的答案 这是我的密码: from re import findall, finditer, MULTILINE, DOTALL from urllib.request import urlopen game_html_source = urlopen\ ('https://www.nintendo.com/ga




from re import findall, finditer, MULTILINE, DOTALL
from urllib.request import urlopen

game_html_source = urlopen\

# game titles - working
game_title = findall(r'<h3 class="b3">([A-Z a-z:0-9]+)</h3>', game_html_source)

# game prices - retuning empty-list
game_prices = findall(r'<p class="b3 row-price">(\$[.0-9]+)</p>', game_html_source)

# game images - returning empty list
game_images = findall(r'<img alt="[A-Z a-z:]+" src=("https://media.nintendo.com/nintendo/bin/[A-Za-z0-9-\/_]+.png")>',game_html_source)
game\u html\u source=urlopen\
game_title=findall(r'([A-Z A-Z:0-9]+)”,game_html_源码)
game\u prices=findall(r'


,game\u html\u源代码) 打印(游戏价格) #游戏图片-返回空列表 game\u images=findall(r'',game\u html\u源代码) 打印(游戏图片)

foo_start, foo_end = pp.makeHTMLTags('foo')

<foo class='bar'>
<foo href=something_not_in_quotes>

import pyparsing as pp

# define expressions to match opening and closing tags <h3>
h3, h3_end = pp.makeHTMLTags("h3")

# define a specific type of <h3> tag that has the desired 'class' attribute
h3_b3 = h3().addCondition(lambda t: t['class'] == "b3")

# similar for <p>
p, p_end = pp.makeHTMLTags("p")
p_b3_row_price = p().addCondition(lambda t: t['class'] == "b3 row-price")

# similar for <img>
img, _ = pp.makeHTMLTags("img")
img_expr = img().addCondition(lambda t: t.src.startswith("//media.nintendo.com/nintendo/bin"))

# define expressions to capture tag body for title and price - include negative lookahead for '<' so that
# tags with embedded tags are not matched
LT = pp.Literal('<')
title_expr = h3_b3 + ~LT + pp.SkipTo(h3_end)('title') + h3_end
price_expr = p_b3_row_price + ~LT + pp.SkipTo(p_end)('price') + p_end

# compose a scanner expression by '|'ing the 3 sub-expressions into one
scanner = title_expr | price_expr | img_expr

# not shown - read web page into variable 'html'

# use searchString to search through the retrieved HTML for matches
for match in scanner.searchString(html):
    if 'title' in match:
        print("Title:", match.title)
    elif 'price' in match:
        print("Price:", match.price)
    elif 'src' in match:
        print("Img src:", match.src)
        print("???", match.dump())

import pyparsing as pp

# define expressions to match opening and closing tags <h3>
h3, h3_end = pp.makeHTMLTags("h3")

# define a specific type of <h3> tag that has the desired 'class' attribute
h3_b3 = h3().addCondition(lambda t: t['class'] == "b3")

# similar for <p>
p, p_end = pp.makeHTMLTags("p")
p_b3_row_price = p().addCondition(lambda t: t['class'] == "b3 row-price")

# similar for <img>
img, _ = pp.makeHTMLTags("img")
img_expr = img().addCondition(lambda t: t.src.startswith("//media.nintendo.com/nintendo/bin"))

# define expressions to capture tag body for title and price - include negative lookahead for '<' so that
# tags with embedded tags are not matched
LT = pp.Literal('<')
title_expr = h3_b3 + ~LT + pp.SkipTo(h3_end)('title') + h3_end
price_expr = p_b3_row_price + ~LT + pp.SkipTo(p_end)('price') + p_end

# compose a scanner expression by '|'ing the 3 sub-expressions into one
scanner = title_expr | price_expr | img_expr

# not shown - read web page into variable 'html'

# use searchString to search through the retrieved HTML for matches
for match in scanner.searchString(html):
    if 'title' in match:
        print("Title:", match.title)
    elif 'price' in match:
        print("Price:", match.price)
    elif 'src' in match:
        print("Img src:", match.src)
        print("???", match.dump())
Img src: //media.nintendo.com/nintendo/bin/SF6LoN-xgX1iT617eWfBrNcWH6RQXnSh/I_IRYaBzJ61i-3hnYt_k7hVxHtqGmM_w.png
Title: Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
Price: $59.99
Img src: //media.nintendo.com/nintendo/bin/wcfCyAd7t2N78FkGvEwCOGzVFBNQRbhy/AvG-_d4kEvEplp0mJoUew8IAg71YQveM.png
Title: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Price: $59.99
Img src: //media.nintendo.com/nintendo/bin/QKPpE587ZIA5fUhUL4nSbH3c_PpXYojl/J_Wd79pnFLX1NQISxouLGp636sdewhMS.png
Title: Wizard of Legend
Price: $15.99