Python 在HDF中追加多索引数据帧

Python 在HDF中追加多索引数据帧,python,pandas,hdf5,Python,Pandas,Hdf5,以日终股票数据为例: In [36]: df Out[36]: Code Name High Low Close Volume Change Change.2 0 AAAU Perth Mint Physical Gold ETF 16.8500 16.3900 16.6900 311400 0.0000 0.02 1 AADR Advisors


In [36]: df
        Code                             Name     High      Low    Close  Volume  Change Change.2
0       AAAU     Perth Mint Physical Gold ETF  16.8500  16.3900  16.6900  311400  0.0000     0.02
1       AADR  Advisorshares Dorsey Wright ADR  49.8400  49.2300  49.6100   18500 -1.3000     2.54
2       AAMC                 Altisource Asset  24.0000  20.0000  23.9400    2500  0.3600     1.53
3        AAU                 Almaden Minerals   0.3987   0.3650   0.3684  355100 -0.0147     3.84
4       ABEQ       Absolute Core Strategy ETF  23.2100  22.8200  23.1100  114700 -0.1900     0.82
...      ...                              ...      ...      ...      ...     ...     ...      ...
26643   ZVLO                        Esoft Inc   0.0600   0.0600   0.0600    1000  0.0100       20
26644   ZVTK                      Zevotek Inc   0.0313   0.0209   0.0302   44900  0.0102       51
26645  ZXAIY   China Zenix Auto International   0.1534   0.1534   0.1534     200 -0.1566    50.52
26646   ZYRX            Zyrox Mining Intl Inc   0.0200   0.0181   0.0200    3000  0.0000        0
26647  ZZZOF           Zinc One Resources Inc   0.0111   0.0111   0.0111     300  0.0000        0

In [36]: df
        Code                             Name     High      Low    Close  Volume  Change Change.2
0       AAAU     Perth Mint Physical Gold ETF  16.8500  16.3900  16.6900  311400  0.0000     0.02
1       AADR  Advisorshares Dorsey Wright ADR  49.8400  49.2300  49.6100   18500 -1.3000     2.54
2       AAMC                 Altisource Asset  24.0000  20.0000  23.9400    2500  0.3600     1.53
3        AAU                 Almaden Minerals   0.3987   0.3650   0.3684  355100 -0.0147     3.84
4       ABEQ       Absolute Core Strategy ETF  23.2100  22.8200  23.1100  114700 -0.1900     0.82
...      ...                              ...      ...      ...      ...     ...     ...      ...
26643   ZVLO                        Esoft Inc   0.0600   0.0600   0.0600    1000  0.0100       20
26644   ZVTK                      Zevotek Inc   0.0313   0.0209   0.0302   44900  0.0102       51
26645  ZXAIY   China Zenix Auto International   0.1534   0.1534   0.1534     200 -0.1566    50.52
26646   ZYRX            Zyrox Mining Intl Inc   0.0200   0.0181   0.0200    3000  0.0000        0
26647  ZZZOF           Zinc One Resources Inc   0.0111   0.0111   0.0111     300  0.0000        0

  • 不要更改数据帧并将其与df.to_hdf()一起保存 按日期命名的组
  • 将不同的股票拆分为系列,并按名称或更好的方式按属性“Name”的“Code”构建表
  • 仅在一个组中追加多索引数据帧
  • 我想第三种解决方案在数据访问和分析方面是最快、最灵活的。但使用secound解决方案,似乎更容易为每家公司添加新的信息,如基础知识。有没有更好的折衷方案我还不知道


    In [36]: df
            Code                             Name     High      Low    Close  Volume  Change Change.2
    0       AAAU     Perth Mint Physical Gold ETF  16.8500  16.3900  16.6900  311400  0.0000     0.02
    1       AADR  Advisorshares Dorsey Wright ADR  49.8400  49.2300  49.6100   18500 -1.3000     2.54
    2       AAMC                 Altisource Asset  24.0000  20.0000  23.9400    2500  0.3600     1.53
    3        AAU                 Almaden Minerals   0.3987   0.3650   0.3684  355100 -0.0147     3.84
    4       ABEQ       Absolute Core Strategy ETF  23.2100  22.8200  23.1100  114700 -0.1900     0.82
    ...      ...                              ...      ...      ...      ...     ...     ...      ...
    26643   ZVLO                        Esoft Inc   0.0600   0.0600   0.0600    1000  0.0100       20
    26644   ZVTK                      Zevotek Inc   0.0313   0.0209   0.0302   44900  0.0102       51
    26645  ZXAIY   China Zenix Auto International   0.1534   0.1534   0.1534     200 -0.1566    50.52
    26646   ZYRX            Zyrox Mining Intl Inc   0.0200   0.0181   0.0200    3000  0.0000        0
    26647  ZZZOF           Zinc One Resources Inc   0.0111   0.0111   0.0111     300  0.0000        0

    df = pd.concat(lod, ignore_index=True)
    # remove not useful dataj
    df = df.drop(['Change.1', 'Change.2', 'Unnamed: 9'], axis=1)
    df = df.dropna()
    # append a Date column
    df['Date'] = - dt.timedelta(days=1)
    # create multiindex
    df = df.set_index(['Date', 'Code', 'Name'])
    # append the data to hdf5 container
    df.to_hdf(wkd + 'Database.h5', key='stocks', mode='a', format='table')





    df.to_hdf(wkd + 'Database.h5', key='stocks', mode='a', format='table', append = True)
    编辑: 我目前对补充问题的答复是:

    我认为使用第三种方法是可以的,因为使用磁盘上的pandas HDFStore对象查询多索引数据帧很容易:'stocks', "Code=BMWYY")
    要添加像comany fundamentals这样的新数据,我只需向HDF文件添加一个新的表对象。然后我查询这两个表,并使用pandas进行进一步分析