Python 通过PyPi的Asana API模块将Asana任务导出到CSV

Python 通过PyPi的Asana API模块将Asana任务导出到CSV,python,python-3.x,pypi,asana,asana-api,Python,Python 3.x,Pypi,Asana,Asana Api,我需要将工作区特定项目中的所有Asana任务导出为csv文件。我一直通过Asana的高级搜索手动执行此操作,但Asana生成的csv文件仅支持


import sys
import csv
import asana

def process_project_tasks(client, project, ws_dict):
    """Add each task for the current project to the records list."""
    task_list = []
    while True:
        tasks = client.tasks.find_by_project(project['id'] 
{"opt_fields":"name, projects, workspace, id, due_on, created_at, 
modified_at, completed, completed_at, assignee, assignee_status, parent, 

        for task in tasks:
            ws_name = ws_dict[task['workspace']['id']]
            assignee = task['assignee']['id'] if task['assignee'] is not 
None else ''
            created_at = task['created_at'][0:10] + ' ' + 
task['created_at'][11:16] if \
                    task['created_at'] is not None else None
            modified_at = task['modified_at'][0:10] + ' ' + 
task['modified_at'][11:16] if \
                    task['modified_at'] is not None else None
            completed_at = task['completed_at'][0:10] + ' ' + 
task['completed_at'][11:16] if \
                task['completed_at'] is not None else None
            rec = [task['name'], project['name'], ws_name,task['due_on'], 
created_at, \
                modified_at, task['completed'], completed_at, assignee, \
                task['assignee_status'], task['parent'], task['notes'], 
            rec = ['' if s is None else s for s in rec]
        if 'next_page' not in tasks:
    return task_list


def process_project_tasks(client, project, ws_dict):
    """Add each task for the current project to the records list."""

    while True:
        tasks = client.tasks.find_by_project(project['gid'], {"opt_expand":"name, \
            projects, workspace, gid, due_on, created_at, modified_at, completed, \
            completed_at, assignee, assignee_status, parent, notes, tags"})

        for task in tasks:
            ws_name = ws_dict[task['workspace']['gid']]

            #get a comma-separated list of the names of each tag
            tags = task['tags']
            if tags is not None:
                for tag in tags:
                    if i==0:
                        tagname = tag['name']
                        tagname = tagname + ', ' + tag['name']
            assignee = task['assignee']['gid'] if task['assignee'] is not None else 
            created_at = task['created_at'][0:10] + ' ' + task['created_at'][11:16] 
if \
                    task['created_at'] is not None else None
            modified_at = task['modified_at'][0:10] + ' ' + task['modified_at'] 
   [11:16] if \
                    task['modified_at'] is not None else None
            completed_at = task['completed_at'][0:10] + ' ' + task['completed_at'] 
   [11:16] if \
                task['completed_at'] is not None else None
            rec = [task['name'], project['name'], ws_name, task['due_on'], 
created_at, \
                modified_at, task['completed'], completed_at, assignee, \
                task['assignee_status'], task['parent'], task['notes'], task['gid'], 
            rec = ['' if s is None else s for s in rec]
        if 'next_page' not in tasks:
   return task_list