Python 必须输入字母A和B的代码,然后将其全部设为A';通过翻动它们来改变它不';我不适合所有的选择

Python 必须输入字母A和B的代码,然后将其全部设为A';通过翻动它们来改变它不';我不适合所有的选择,python,Python,我编写了一个代码,从用户那里输入一行a或B,他们还输入翻页器可以翻动的一行中的多少个煎饼,并输出使a或B的一行全部为a所需的翻动次数 如果字母行不能均匀翻转,代码应输出“这无法完成” 示例:如果用户输入的BBBB的翻页大小为2,则程序将输出翻页2次 翻页1来自字母1-2,它是AABB,翻页2来自字母3-4,所以现在需要两个翻页的地方是AAAA 我已经为此编写了代码,在大多数情况下它都能工作,但有一个问题是,当我输入BBAABB时,它说它不能用4号翻页纸来完成,而实际上可以用字母1-4来完成第一个






while True:
    pancakes = input('Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): ') 
    flipper = int(input('How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? ')) 

    flips, possible = 0, True 
    for row in pancakes.split('A'):
        count, remainder = divmod(len(row), flipper) 
        if remainder != 0:
            possible = False 
        flips += count 

    if possible: 
      if flips == 1:
        print('It took 1 flip.') #print out how many flips it took
        play = input('Would you like to run this program again? ') 
        print('It took', flips, 'flips.')
        play = input('Would you like to run this program again? ') 
    else: #if possible is false
      print("IMPOSSIBLE.") #printing that the burgers can't be flipped with the flipper the size inputted in 'flipper'
      play = input("Would you like to run this program again? ") 
    if play not in ['Yes', 'yes', 'Y', 'y']: 





def flip(str, pos, count):
    r = str[:pos]
    for i in range(pos, pos + count):
        r += 'A' if str[i] == 'B' else 'B'
    r += str[pos + count:]
    return r

while True:
    pancakes = input('Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): ')
    flipper = int(input('How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? '))

    flips, possible = 0, True
    while True:
            i = pancakes.index('B')
        except ValueError:
            # no 'B's, so we did it!
        if (i > len(pancakes) - flipper):
            # not enough pancakes left to flip starting with a 'B', so we can't do it.
            possible = False
            # Can do a flip, starting with a 'B', so do it
            pancakes = flip(pancakes, i, flipper)
            flips += 1

    if possible:
        if flips == 1:
            print('It took 1 flip.')  # print out how many flips it took
            print('It took', flips, 'flips.')
    else:  # if possible is false
        print("IMPOSSIBLE.")  # printing that the burgers can't be flipped with the flipper the size inputted in 'flipper'
    play = input("Would you like to run this program again? ")
    if play not in ['Yes', 'yes', 'Y', 'y']:

Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): BBAABB
How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? 4
It took 2 flips.
Would you like to run this program again? y
Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): ABBAABBAAA
How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? 4
It took 2 flips.
Would you like to run this program again? y
Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): AAAA
How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? 2
It took 0 flips.
Would you like to run this program again? y
Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): BBBB
How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? 2
It took 2 flips.
Would you like to run this program again? y
Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): BBBB
How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? 4
It took 1 flip.
Would you like to run this program again? y
Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): ABBB
How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? 2
Would you like to run this program again? y
Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): ABBB
How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? 4
Would you like to run this program again? n

Process finished with exit code 0


def flip(str, pos, count):
    r = str[:pos]
    for i in range(pos, pos + count):
        r += 'A' if str[i] == 'B' else 'B'
    r += str[pos + count:]
    return r

while True:
    pancakes = input('Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): ')
    flipper = int(input('How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? '))

    flips, possible = 0, True
    while True:
            i = pancakes.index('B')
        except ValueError:
            # no 'B's, so we did it!
        if (i > len(pancakes) - flipper):
            # not enough pancakes left to flip starting with a 'B', so we can't do it.
            possible = False
            # Can do a flip, starting with a 'B', so do it
            pancakes = flip(pancakes, i, flipper)
            flips += 1

    if possible:
        if flips == 1:
            print('It took 1 flip.')  # print out how many flips it took
            print('It took', flips, 'flips.')
    else:  # if possible is false
        print("IMPOSSIBLE.")  # printing that the burgers can't be flipped with the flipper the size inputted in 'flipper'
    play = input("Would you like to run this program again? ")
    if play not in ['Yes', 'yes', 'Y', 'y']:

Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): BBAABB
How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? 4
It took 2 flips.
Would you like to run this program again? y
Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): ABBAABBAAA
How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? 4
It took 2 flips.
Would you like to run this program again? y
Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): AAAA
How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? 2
It took 0 flips.
Would you like to run this program again? y
Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): BBBB
How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? 2
It took 2 flips.
Would you like to run this program again? y
Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): BBBB
How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? 4
It took 1 flip.
Would you like to run this program again? y
Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): ABBB
How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? 2
Would you like to run this program again? y
Enter the row of the pancakes (A/B): ABBB
How many pancakes can be flipped at one time? 4
Would you like to run this program again? n

Process finished with exit code 0
