Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/2/python/360.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Python Matplotlib加速将绘图保存到磁盘_Python_Matplotlib_Plot_Save - Fatal编程技术网

Python Matplotlib加速将绘图保存到磁盘

Python Matplotlib加速将绘图保存到磁盘,python,matplotlib,plot,save,Python,Matplotlib,Plot,Save,我想从大约250个单独的帧创建一个动画,在一个带有4 x 11子面板的图形中显示作为2D图像绘制的数据。这些数据表示速度功率谱随时间频率和纬度的变化。然而,创建和保存每个帧大约需要4秒,包括数据的运行时计算。在非交互式打印模式中,我使用“agg”作为后端,以避免在交互式打印功能上花费时间 这里的速度瓶颈不是要打印的数据的计算,而是将打印保存到磁盘。随机数据的示例运行时间(见下面的代码)和仅5帧而不保存绘图的情况类似于5秒,保存绘图为17-19秒。对于我使用的实际数据,需要绘制更多的绘图艺术家(面

我想从大约250个单独的帧创建一个动画,在一个带有4 x 11子面板的图形中显示作为2D图像绘制的数据。这些数据表示速度功率谱随时间频率和纬度的变化。然而,创建和保存每个帧大约需要4秒,包括数据的运行时计算。在非交互式打印模式中,我使用“agg”作为后端,以避免在交互式打印功能上花费时间




# import packages
import numpy as np
import time

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

path_plots_out = '/home/proxauf'

# set up grids
nt, nlat, nlon = 3328, 24, 48
dlat = 7.5
lats = np.linspace(-90,90-dlat,nlat)

dt = 98191.08

nu = (-1) * np.fft.fftfreq(nt, dt) * 10 ** 9
nnu = len(nu)

nu_fftshift = np.fft.fftshift(nu)
dnu_fftshift = nu_fftshift[1] - nu_fftshift[0]

nu_lims = [-500, 500]
ind_nu_xlims = np.where(np.logical_and(nu_fftshift >= nu_lims[0], nu_fftshift <= nu_lims[1]))[0]
ext_box_nu_lat = [nu_fftshift[ind_nu_xlims][0] - dnu_fftshift / 2, nu_fftshift[ind_nu_xlims][-1] + dnu_fftshift / 2, lats[0] - dlat / 2.0, lats[-1] + dlat / 2.0]
nnu_cut = len(ind_nu_xlims)

if plt.rcParams['interactive']:

# plotting function
def create_fig():
    data_xlabels = np.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype='U30')
    data_xlabels[-1, :] = r'Frequency [nHz]'
    data_xticks = np.array([[np.linspace(-300, 300, 3)] * ncols] * nrows)
    data_xticks_minor = np.array([[np.linspace(-500, 500, 21)] * ncols] * nrows)
    data_xlims = np.array([[(-500, 500)] * ncols] * nrows)
    data_ylabels = np.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype='U30')
    data_ylabels[:, 0] = r'Latitude [deg]'
    data_yticks = np.array([[np.linspace(-90, 90, 7)] * ncols] * nrows)
    data_yticks_minor = np.array([[np.linspace(-90, 90, 25)] * ncols] * nrows)
    data_ylims = np.array([[(-90, 90)] * ncols] * nrows)

    plot_xticks = np.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=bool)
    plot_xticks[-1, :] = True
    plot_yticks = np.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=bool)
    plot_yticks[:, 0] = True
    fig_left, fig_right, fig_bottom, fig_top, fig_hspace, fig_wspace = (0.04, 0.95, 0.06, 0.90, 0.1, 0.1)
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=figsize)
    data_list = []
    for i in range(nrows):
        data_list_temp = []
        for j in range(ncols):
            ax = axes[i, j]
            im = ax.imshow(np.zeros((nnu_cut, nlat)).T, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', aspect='auto', cmap='binary', extent=ext_box_nu_lat)
            ax.set_xlabel(data_xlabels[i, j])
            ax.set_ylabel(data_ylabels[i, j])
            ax.set_xlim(data_xlims[i, j])
            ax.set_ylim(data_ylims[i, j])
            ax.set_xticks(data_xticks[i, j])
            ax.set_xticks(data_xticks_minor[i, j], minor=True)
            ax.set_yticks(data_yticks[i, j])
            ax.set_yticks(data_yticks_minor[i, j], minor=True)
            if not plot_xticks[i, j]:
            if not plot_yticks[i, j]:
    fig.subplots_adjust(left=fig_left, right=fig_right, bottom=fig_bottom, top=fig_top, hspace=fig_hspace, wspace=fig_wspace)
    ax1 = axes[0, -1]
    ax2 = axes[-1, -1]
    top = ax1.get_position().y1
    bottom = ax2.get_position().y0
    right = ax2.get_position().x1
    cbar_pad = 0.01
    cbar_width = 0.01
    cbar_height = top - bottom
    cax = fig.add_axes([right + cbar_pad, bottom, cbar_width, cbar_height])
    cbar = plt.colorbar(data_list[-1][-1], ax=axes[-1, -1], cax=cax)
    return fig, axes, data_list

nrows = 4
ncols = 11
figsize = (16.5, 8)

# create figure with empty subpanels
fig, axes, data_list = create_fig()

# generate some data
data1 = np.random.rand(nt,nlat,nlon)
data2 = np.random.rand(nt,nlat,nlon)
data3 = np.random.rand(nt,nlat,nlon)
data4 = np.random.rand(nt,nlat,nlon)

wsize = nt // 4
data1_temp = np.zeros((nt, nlat, nlon))
data2_temp = np.zeros((nt, nlat, nlon))
data3_temp = np.zeros((nt, nlat, nlon))
data4_temp = np.zeros((nt, nlat, nlon))
data1_temp[:wsize,:,:] = data1[:wsize,:,:]
data2_temp[:wsize,:,:] = data2[:wsize,:,:]
data3_temp[:wsize,:,:] = data3[:wsize,:,:]
data4_temp[:wsize,:,:] = data4[:wsize,:,:]

frame_cad = 10
# do not activate, else program will take about 15-20 minutes to finish
# frame_inds = range(0, nt - wsize + 1, frame_cad)
frame_inds = range(0, 50, frame_cad)
t0 = time.time()
for c, i in enumerate(frame_inds):
    if i >= 1:
        # fill in data for the next frame
        data1_temp[i-frame_cad:i] = 0.0
        data1_temp[i+wsize- 1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad] = data1[i+wsize-1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad,:,:]
        data2_temp[i-frame_cad:i] = 0.0
        data2_temp[i+wsize- 1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad] = data2[i+wsize-1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad,:,:]
        data3_temp[i-frame_cad:i] = 0.0
        data3_temp[i+wsize- 1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad] = data3[i+wsize-1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad,:,:]
        data4_temp[i-frame_cad:i] = 0.0
        data4_temp[i+wsize- 1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad] = data4[i+wsize-1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad,:,:]
    # compute power spectrum
    pu1_temp = np.abs(np.fft.fftn(data1_temp, axes=(0, 2))) ** 2
    pu2_temp = np.abs(np.fft.fftn(data2_temp, axes=(0, 2))) ** 2
    pu3_temp = np.abs(np.fft.fftn(data3_temp, axes=(0, 2))) ** 2
    pu4_temp = np.abs(np.fft.fftn(data4_temp, axes=(0, 2))) ** 2
    pu_temp_list = [pu1_temp, pu2_temp, pu3_temp, pu4_temp]
    # update data in subpanels
    for s in range(nrows):
        for j in range(ncols):
            data_list[s][j].set_data(np.fft.fftshift(pu_temp_list[s][:,:,j], axes=(0,))[ind_nu_xlims].T)
    # save figure
    fig.savefig('%s/stackoverflow_test/frame_%04d.png' % (path_plots_out, c))
print(time.time() - t0)


  • 你正在做正确的事情来运行矩阵,但是检查是否可以最大化缓存来转置你的矩阵(当你有一个很高很窄的箱子时)

  • 你听说过稀疏矩阵或矩阵压缩技术吗

  • 做你需要做的事情,当我我会给你一些提示,但这不是一个解决方案:

    • 你正在做正确的事情来运行矩阵,但是检查是否可以最大化缓存来转置你的矩阵(当你有一个很高很窄的箱子时)

    • 你听说过稀疏矩阵或矩阵压缩技术吗

    • 当我时,做你需要做的事情,如果这正是你想要的情节,那么我认为你做得最快。5位数我得15分,不存钱我得5分




      # use np.take_along_axis() with sorting indices instead of np.fft.fftshift() later, gives a slight (not too much!) speed boost
      ind_nu_xlims = np.where(np.logical_and(nu >= nu_lims[0], nu <= nu_lims[1]))[0]
      ind_nu_sort = np.argsort(nu[ind_nu_xlims])
      nu_sort = np.take_along_axis(nu[ind_nu_xlims],ind_nu_sort,axis=0)
      ext_box_nu_lat = [nu_sort[0] + dnu_fftshift / 2, nu_sort[-1] - dnu_fftshift / 2, lats[0] - dlat / 2.0, lats[-1] + dlat / 2.0]
      # plotting function
      def create_fig():
                  # deactivating ticks massively (!) boosts plotting performance
                  # ax.set_xticks(data_xticks_minor[i, j], minor=True)
                  # ax.set_yticks(data_yticks_minor[i, j], minor=True)
      data_list = [data1, data2, data3, data4]
      # wisdom makes FFTs much faster using pyfftw than using numpy
      # enable cache and set cache memory-keeping time sufficiently large
      # this depends on the computation time between FFT calls
      for c, i in enumerate(frame_inds):
          data_temp_list = [data1_temp, data2_temp, data3_temp, data4_temp]
          pu_temp_list = []
          for j, data_temp in enumerate(data_temp_list):
              if i >= 1:
                  # fill in data for the next frame
                  data_temp[i-frame_cad:i] = 0.0
                  data_temp[i+wsize-1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad] = data_list[j][i+wsize-1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad,:,:]
              # compute Fourier transform via pyfftw; wisdom makes FFTs much faster using pyfftw than using numpy
              pu_temp = pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.fftn(data_temp, axes=(0, 2), threads=-1)
              # compute absolute-square using np.real(x * np.conj(x));
              # about same speed as np.real(x) * np.imag(x);
              # faster than np.einsum('ijk,ijk->ijk',x,np.conj(x));
              # also faster than np.abs(x)**2 since np.abs(x)**2 first takes square-root, then squares again
              pu_temp = np.real(pu_temp*np.conj(pu_temp))
          # update data in subpanels
          for s in range(nrows):
              for j in range(ncols):
                  # use np.take_along_axis() with sorting indices instead of np.fft.fftshift(), gives a slight (not too much!) speed boost
                  plot_data_list[s][j].set_data(np.take_along_axis(pu_temp_list[s][ind_nu_xlims,:,j], ind_nu_sort[:,None], axis=0).T)
          # save figure
          fig.savefig('%s/stackoverflow_test/frame_%04d.png' % (path_plots_out, c))
      print(time.time() - t0)