Python 使用字典替换数据帧中的字符串值

Python 使用字典替换数据帧中的字符串值,python,regex,python-3.x,loops,dataframe,Python,Regex,Python 3.x,Loops,Dataframe,我有一个数据框,其中有一列名为“cleaned_tweet”。本专栏由几个缩写的tweet组成,我想用合适的英语单词替换这些缩写。为此,我准备了一本名为“俚语”的词典,其中abbr.是关键字,所需的英语短语/单词作为值,我想用词典中的值替换所有出现的这些abbr。我已经在stackoverflow上寻找了其他几种解决方案,但它们似乎都不起作用。这是我试过的。我使用的是嵌套for循环,我相信我非常接近解决方案,但我做错了什么,我似乎无法理解 下面是嵌套循环: for i in range(len(



for i in range(len(train_test_set)):
    for j in slangs:
        train_test_set['cleaned_tweet'][i] = train_test_set['cleaned_tweet'][i].replace(j, slangs[j])

"#mopanthank whyour | hi | years oldwhyour | hi | years oldhesitationospecial editekissas insekissperience wall hacken whyour | hi | years oldunited statesing a hallwhyour | hi | years olducinogenic drwhyour | hi | years olduglwhyour | hi | years oldung ladye rainbowhwhy | would whyour | hi | years olduohesitationents | rapper from atalk later | ekissperience wall hacken whyour | hi | years oldunited statesing a hallwhyour | hi | years olducinogenic drwhyour | hi | years olduglwhyour | hi | years oldung ladye rainbowhwhy | would whyour | hi | years olduoue loversatileionwhyes | yeah | yes | your | hi | years oldu | team leaderantaonwhysomethingop it | somethingwhyour | hi | years oldupid idiotake careal edwhyour | hi | years olducatekissas insekissperience wall hacken whyour | hi | years oldunited statesing a hallwhyour | hi | years olducinogenic drwhyour | hi | years olduglwhyour | hi | years oldung ladye..."
slangs = {'abbr1': 'word1', .........}
train_test_set['cleaned_tweet'] = train_test_set['cleaned_tweet'].map(slangs)
# define the dictionary with the words as the keys and the lists of the respective abbreviations as the values
slangs = {'word1': ['abbr11', 'abbr12', ....], 'word2': ['abbr21', 'abbr22',..]}
#swap keys in slangs:
d = {k: oldk for oldk, oldv in slangs.items() for k in oldv}
train_test_set['cleaned_tweet']  = train_test_set['cleaned_tweet'].map(slangs)
似乎有许多不需要的值被附加到单元格中。 输出大小非常大,所以我不能在这里全部复制。以下是执行代码之前我的数据集和字典的结构:



"#mopanthank whyour | hi | years oldwhyour | hi | years oldhesitationospecial editekissas insekissperience wall hacken whyour | hi | years oldunited statesing a hallwhyour | hi | years olducinogenic drwhyour | hi | years olduglwhyour | hi | years oldung ladye rainbowhwhy | would whyour | hi | years olduohesitationents | rapper from atalk later | ekissperience wall hacken whyour | hi | years oldunited statesing a hallwhyour | hi | years olducinogenic drwhyour | hi | years olduglwhyour | hi | years oldung ladye rainbowhwhy | would whyour | hi | years olduoue loversatileionwhyes | yeah | yes | your | hi | years oldu | team leaderantaonwhysomethingop it | somethingwhyour | hi | years oldupid idiotake careal edwhyour | hi | years olducatekissas insekissperience wall hacken whyour | hi | years oldunited statesing a hallwhyour | hi | years olducinogenic drwhyour | hi | years olduglwhyour | hi | years oldung ladye..."
slangs = {'abbr1': 'word1', .........}
train_test_set['cleaned_tweet'] = train_test_set['cleaned_tweet'].map(slangs)
# define the dictionary with the words as the keys and the lists of the respective abbreviations as the values
slangs = {'word1': ['abbr11', 'abbr12', ....], 'word2': ['abbr21', 'abbr22',..]}
#swap keys in slangs:
d = {k: oldk for oldk, oldv in slangs.items() for k in oldv}
train_test_set['cleaned_tweet']  = train_test_set['cleaned_tweet'].map(slangs)

"#mopanthank whyour | hi | years oldwhyour | hi | years oldhesitationospecial editekissas insekissperience wall hacken whyour | hi | years oldunited statesing a hallwhyour | hi | years olducinogenic drwhyour | hi | years olduglwhyour | hi | years oldung ladye rainbowhwhy | would whyour | hi | years olduohesitationents | rapper from atalk later | ekissperience wall hacken whyour | hi | years oldunited statesing a hallwhyour | hi | years olducinogenic drwhyour | hi | years olduglwhyour | hi | years oldung ladye rainbowhwhy | would whyour | hi | years olduoue loversatileionwhyes | yeah | yes | your | hi | years oldu | team leaderantaonwhysomethingop it | somethingwhyour | hi | years oldupid idiotake careal edwhyour | hi | years olducatekissas insekissperience wall hacken whyour | hi | years oldunited statesing a hallwhyour | hi | years olducinogenic drwhyour | hi | years olduglwhyour | hi | years oldung ladye..."
slangs = {'abbr1': 'word1', .........}
train_test_set['cleaned_tweet'] = train_test_set['cleaned_tweet'].map(slangs)
# define the dictionary with the words as the keys and the lists of the respective abbreviations as the values
slangs = {'word1': ['abbr11', 'abbr12', ....], 'word2': ['abbr21', 'abbr22',..]}
#swap keys in slangs:
d = {k: oldk for oldk, oldv in slangs.items() for k in oldv}
train_test_set['cleaned_tweet']  = train_test_set['cleaned_tweet'].map(slangs)



slangs = { 'lng1': 'val1', 'lng2': 'val2' }

rx = r'\b(?:{})\b'.format("|".join(slangs.keys())
train_test_set['cleaned_tweet'] = train_test_set['cleaned_tweet'].str.replace(rx), lambda x: slangs[])
\b(?:abc | def | ghi |…)\b
lambda x:slags[]

