Python 分部不';我似乎无法在机器人框架下工作,我做错了什么?

Python 分部不';我似乎无法在机器人框架下工作,我做错了什么?,python,robotframework,Python,Robotframework,我正在尝试使用/运算符进行除法。 由此产生的浮点数太离谱了。我错过了什么 这是RF的输出: KEYWORD: BuiltIn.Log ${nearTermsAmount} Documentation: Logs the given message with the given level. Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.091 / 20190527 17:13:09.107 / 17:13:09.107 INFO



KEYWORD: BuiltIn.Log ${nearTermsAmount}

Logs the given message with the given level.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.091 / 20190527 17:13:09.107 / 
17:13:09.107   INFO   3,666.00         
00:00:00.000 KEYWORD: BuiltIn.Log ${nearAllIn}
 Logs the given message with the given level.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.107 / 20190527 17:13:09.107 
17:13:09.107   INFO   1.607976        
00:00:00.015 KEYWORD: ${calNearTerms/BaseAmount} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If      ${isBase}, Calculate Terms Amount, ${nearBaseAmount}, ${nearAllIn}, ELSE, Calculate Base Amount, ${nearTermsAmount}, ${nearAllIn}

Runs the given keyword with the given arguments, if `condition` is true.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.107 / 20190527 17:13:09.122 /   00:00:00.015
00:00:00.015 KEYWORD: rateTicketKeywords.Calculate Base Amount  ${nearTermsAmount}, ${nearAllIn}

Calculates the base amount out of the given rate
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.107 / 20190527 17:13:09.122 / 00:00:00.015 
00:00:00.000 KEYWORD: ${baseAmount} = BuiltIn.Evaluate ${givenAmount} / ${givenRate}
00:00:00.015 KEYWORD: ${result} = rateTicketKeywords.Strip Numeric Commas ${baseAmount}
00:00:00.000 KEYWORD: ${result} = BuiltIn.Convert To Number ${result}, 5
17:13:09.122   INFO   ${calNearTerms/BaseAmount} = 3414.18529          
00:00:00.016 KEYWORD: ${otherAmount} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${isBase}, Strip Numeric Commas, ${nearTermsAmount}, ELSE, Strip Numeric Commas, ${nearBaseAmount}

Runs the given keyword with the given arguments, if `condition` is true.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.122 / 20190527 17:13:09.138 / 00:00:00.016
00:00:00.016 KEYWORD: rateTicketKeywords.Strip Numeric Commas ${nearBaseAmount}
17:13:09.138   INFO   ${otherAmount} = 2279.88    
00:00:00.000 KEYWORD: ${diff} = BuiltIn.Evaluate ${calNearTerms/BaseAmount} - ${otherAmount}
00:00:00.000 KEYWORD: ${diff} = BuiltIn.Evaluate abs(${diff})

Evaluates the given expression in Python and returns the results.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.138 / 20190527 17:13:09.138 / 00:00:00.000
17:13:09.138   INFO   ${diff} = 1134.30529  
00:00:00.000 KEYWORD: ${diff} = BuiltIn.Evaluate ${diff} / ${otherAmount}

Evaluates the given expression in Python and returns the results.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.138 / 20190527 17:13:09.138 / 00:00:00.000
17:13:09.138   INFO   ${diff} = 0.497528505886      
00:00:00.000 KEYWORD: ${status} = BuiltIn.Evaluate ${diff} > 0.0006
00:00:00.015 KEYWORD: BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${status}, FAIL, the   calculated near terms amount which was inserted in the trade ticked differ to  the near terms amount from the execution dialog, True

Runs the given keyword with the given arguments, if `condition` is true.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20190527 17:13:09.138 / 20190527 17:13:09.153 / 00:00:00.015
00:00:00.015 KEYWORD: BuiltIn.Fail the calculated near terms amount which was inserted in the trade ticked differ to the near terms amount from the  execution dialog, True

Fails the test with the given message and optionally alters its tags.

Source code:
Calculate Terms Amount
[Documentation]  Calculates the terms amount out of the given rate
[Arguments]  ${givenAmount}  ${givenRate}
log  ${givenAmount}
${givenAmount}=  Strip Numeric Commas  ${givenAmount}
#log  ${givenAmount}
${termsAmount}=  Evaluate  ${givenAmount} * ${givenRate}
${result}=  Strip Numeric Commas  ${termsAmount}
${result}=  Convert To Number  ${result}  5
[Return]  ${result}


当我剪切并粘贴Calculate Base Amount关键字时,我注意到缺少“=”符号(见下文)。我不确定这会做什么,但它在语法上是正确的,或者语法检查器可能需要一些工作:)


${baseAmount}  Evaluate  ${givenAmount} / ${givenRate}

${baseAmount}=  Evaluate  ${givenAmount} / ${givenRate}

这个日志转储id很难读取和遵循;将来尽量把它限制在手头的问题上。您已经包含了“Calculate Terms Amount”的来源,但在日志中可以看到,从未运行过关键字-执行的是“Calculate Base Amount”;因此,
分支到它。嗨,托多,谢谢你指出这一点。我也包括了基本金额法。要汇总日志,请使用givenAmount=3666.0。给定的速率为1.60796。将第一个除以第二个应返回2279.88。结果是3414.18529。为什么?Calc Base Amount的代码如下:Calculate Base Amount[文档]根据给定的速率计算基本金额[参数]${givenAmount}${givenRate}${BaseMount}Evaluate${givenAmount}/${givenRate}${result}=转换为数字${result}5[返回]${result}