
Python海龟递归树,python,tree,turtle-graphics,Python,Tree,Turtle Graphics,我想用python的turtle编写一个程序,创建一个具有级别的树。下面是一些I/O,您可以看到它应该做什么 我的程序对第一种情况有效,但对第二种情况打印太多。该计划的规定如下: 必须是递归的 只能使用以下功能: turtle.forward(100) <-- turtle goes forward 100 steps turtle.right(90) <-- turtle turns right 90 degrees turtle.penup()



  • 必须是递归的

  • 只能使用以下功能:

    turtle.forward(100)     <-- turtle goes forward 100 steps
    turtle.right(90)        <-- turtle turns right 90 degrees
    turtle.penup()          <-- turtle lifts its pen up off of the paper
    turtle.forward(100)     <-- turtle goes forward 100 steps
    turtle.pendown()        <-- turtle puts its pen down on the paper
    turtle.pencolor("red")  <-- turtle uses red pen      <-- turtle draws circle of radius 100 
    turtle.pencolor("blue") <-- turtle changes to blue pen (most other common colors work too!)
    turtle.forward(50)      <-- turtle moves forward 50 steps
    turtle.xcor()           <-- turtle returns its current x-coordinate
    turtle.ycor()           <-- turtle returns its current y-coordinate





    import turtle
    def tree(length,n):
        """ paints a branch of a tree with 2 smaller branches, like an Y"""
        if length < (length/n):
               return       # escape the function
        turtle.forward(length)        # paint the thik branch of the tree
        turtle.left(45)          # rotate left for smaller "fork" branch
        tree(length * 0.5,length/n)      # create a smaller branch with 1/2 the lenght of the parent branch
        turtle.right(90)         # rotoate right for smaller "fork" branch
        tree(length * 0.5,length/n)      # create second smaller branch
        turtle.left(45)          # rotate back to original heading
        turtle.backward(length)       # move back to original position
        return              # leave the function, continue with calling program