
有人能解释一下python中的快速排序实现吗?,python,list-comprehension,quicksort,Python,List Comprehension,Quicksort,这是我从Python Cookbook(第二版)获得的快速排序实现。第5.11节 def qsort(L): if not L: return L pivot = L[0] def lt(x): return x<pivot def ge(x): return x>=pivot return qsort(filter(lt, L[1:]))+[pivot]+qsort(filter(ge, L[1:])) 顺便说一下,我知道什么是递

这是我从Python Cookbook(第二版)获得的快速排序实现。第5.11节

def qsort(L):
     if not L: return L
     pivot = L[0]
     def lt(x): return x<pivot
     def ge(x): return x>=pivot
     return qsort(filter(lt, L[1:]))+[pivot]+qsort(filter(ge, L[1:]))




 def qsort(L):
     if not L: return L #stop condition
     pivot = L[0]  #select a pivot! (the first one in the list)
     #create two functions - greater-equal, less-than
     def lt(x): return x<pivot
     def ge(x): return x>=pivot
     #now the magic - split the list via the pivot and quick sort the sub lists
     return qsort(filter(lt, L[1:])) + # sort all elements smaller than pivot
                 [pivot] +   #the pivot
                  qsort(filter(ge, L[1:])) # sort all elements greater-equal then pivot 

     #the with only filter on L[1:] because we don't want the pivot itself (we found it by using L[0]...)

return qsort(filter(lt, L[1:]))+[pivot]+qsort(filter(ge, L[1:]))
 def qsort(L):
     if not L: return L #stop condition
     pivot = L[0]  #select a pivot! (the first one in the list)
     #create two functions - greater-equal, less-than
     def lt(x): return x<pivot
     def ge(x): return x>=pivot
     #now the magic - split the list via the pivot and quick sort the sub lists
     return qsort(filter(lt, L[1:])) + # sort all elements smaller than pivot
                 [pivot] +   #the pivot
                  qsort(filter(ge, L[1:])) # sort all elements greater-equal then pivot 

     #the with only filter on L[1:] because we don't want the pivot itself (we found it by using L[0]...)