Python 正则表达式在字符串中查找字符串而不考虑顺序?

Python 正则表达式在字符串中查找字符串而不考虑顺序?,python,regex,Python,Regex,我不确定用什么词来形容这个词最好,所以我将直接进入一个例子 a bunch of lines we don't care about [...] This is a nice line I can look for This is the string I wish to extract a bunch more lines we do't care about [...] This line contains an integer 12345 related to the string abo


a bunch of lines we don't care about [...]
This is a nice line I can look for
This is the string I wish to extract
a bunch more lines we do't care about [...]
This line contains an integer 12345 related to the string above
more garbage [...]

a bunch of lines we don't care about [...]
Here is another string I wish to extract
This is a nice line I can look for
a bunch more lines we do't care about [...]
This line contains an integer 67890 related to the string above
more garbage [...]
两行(“漂亮的行”和“我想提取的字符串”)总是相邻的,但顺序是不可预测的。包含行的整数下面的行数不一致。“nice line”出现多次,并且始终相同,并且我(全局)提取的字符串和整数可能相同或不同






list1["This is the string I wish to extract", "Here is another string I wish to extract"]
list2[12345, 67890]


请参阅以下(未经测试的)python psuedocode:

L1, L2 = [], []
lines = open("file.txt").readlines()
for i, line in enumerate(i, lines):
    if 'nice line' in line:
       before_line = lines[min(i-1, 0)]
       after_line = lines[min(i+1, len(lines) - 1)]
       # You can generalize the above to a few lines above and below

       # Use regex to parse information from `before_line` and `after_line`
       # and add it to the lists: L1, L2
