Python 合伙人;外部';具有炼金术的类模型

Python 合伙人;外部';具有炼金术的类模型,python,flask,sqlalchemy,flask-sqlalchemy,flask-security,Python,Flask,Sqlalchemy,Flask Sqlalchemy,Flask Security,我们为各种各样的python模块使用一个中心类模型。该模型是使用SQLAlchemy定义的。这些类都继承自声明性_基 例如,我们的模型定义如下所示: Base = declarative_base() class Post(Base): __tablename__ = 'Posts' id = Column(INT, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) body = Column(TEXT) timestamp = Col



Base = declarative_base()

class Post(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'Posts'
    id = Column(INT, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    body = Column(TEXT)
    timestamp = Column(TIMESTAMP)
    user_id = Column(INT, ForeignKey('Users.uid'))
我们一直在构建一个flask web应用程序,其中使用了相同的模型。我们发现了一个棘手的问题,sqlalchemy的设计方式似乎是希望其模型中使用的所有类都是通过传入会话的活动实例来定义的。下面是一个“适当”Alchemy类模型定义的示例:

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:////tmp/test.db'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

class User(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    username = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True)
    email = db.Column(db.String(120), unique=True)
注意,上面的flask sqlalchemy示例需要一个已经实例化的sql会话。这让我们感到震惊,因为我们完全不知道如何将SqlAlchemy模型集成到flask中。我们特别想使用flask安全套件



放弃我们漂亮、优雅的中心类模型定义,转而支持Alchemy似乎需要的东西是不可行的。我们有没有办法将模型与SQLAlchemy()对象相关联?在我们的类上获得.query()方法的额外积分,这似乎是flask security所需要的。




from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

base = declarative_base()

class Base(base):

    __abstract__ = True
    uid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)

from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from model.base import Base

app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app, model_class=Base)
import flask_sqlalchemy
'''Created by Isaac Martin 2017. Licensed insofar as it can be according to the standard terms of the MIT license: The author accepts no liability for consequences resulting from the use of this software. '''
class SQLAlchemy(flask_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemy):
    def __init__(self, app=None, use_native_unicode=True, session_options=None,
                 metadata=None, query_class=flask_sqlalchemy.BaseQuery, model_class=flask_sqlalchemy.Model):

        self.use_native_unicode = use_native_unicode
        self.Query = query_class
        self.session = self.create_scoped_session(session_options)
        self.Model = self.make_declarative_base(model_class, metadata)
        self._engine_lock = flask_sqlalchemy.Lock() = app
        flask_sqlalchemy._include_sqlalchemy(self, query_class)
        self.external_bases = []

        if app is not None:

    def get_tables_for_bind(self, bind=None):
        """Returns a list of all tables relevant for a bind."""
        result = []
        for Base in self.bases:
            for table in flask_sqlalchemy.itervalues(Base.metadata.tables):
                if'bind_key') == bind:

        return result

    def get_binds(self, app=None):
        """Returns a dictionary with a table->engine mapping.
        This is suitable for use of sessionmaker(binds=db.get_binds(app)).
        app = self.get_app(app)
        binds = [None] + list(app.config.get('SQLALCHEMY_BINDS') or ())
        retval = {}
        for bind in binds:
            engine = self.get_engine(app, bind)
            tables = self.get_tables_for_bind(bind)
            retval.update(dict((table, engine) for table in tables))
        return retval

    def bases(self):
        return [self.Model] + self.external_bases

    def register_base(self, Base):
        """Register an external raw SQLAlchemy declarative base.
        Allows usage of the base with our session management and
        adds convenience query property using self.Query by default."""

        for c in Base._decl_class_registry.values():
            if isinstance(c, type):
                if not hasattr(c, 'query') and not hasattr(c, 'query_class'):
                    c.query_class = self.Query
                if not hasattr(c, 'query'):
                    c.query = flask_sqlalchemy._QueryProperty(self)

                    # for name in dir(c):
                    #     attr = getattr(c, name)
                    #     if type(attr) == orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute:
                    #         if hasattr(attr.prop, 'query_class'):
                    #             attr.prop.query_class = self.Query

                    # if hasattr(c , 'rel_dynamic'):
                    #     c.rel_dynamic.prop.query_class = self.Query
app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
为后代存档: 我花了很多时间寻找答案。这比我最初问这个问题的时候要容易得多,但仍然不是很简单


更新: 对于任何感兴趣的人来说,与此相关的补丁已经出现了一段时间。目前尚未发布,但您可以在此处查看其进度:

更新: 我从上面提到的补丁中获取了代码,并为SQLAlchemy对象创建了一个本地覆盖,它允许注册一个外部基址。我认为这是最好的选择,直到FSA正式加入这一点。下面是该类的代码,供感兴趣的人使用。使用Alchemy 2.2进行测试


from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from model.base import Base

app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app, model_class=Base)
import flask_sqlalchemy
'''Created by Isaac Martin 2017. Licensed insofar as it can be according to the standard terms of the MIT license: The author accepts no liability for consequences resulting from the use of this software. '''
class SQLAlchemy(flask_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemy):
    def __init__(self, app=None, use_native_unicode=True, session_options=None,
                 metadata=None, query_class=flask_sqlalchemy.BaseQuery, model_class=flask_sqlalchemy.Model):

        self.use_native_unicode = use_native_unicode
        self.Query = query_class
        self.session = self.create_scoped_session(session_options)
        self.Model = self.make_declarative_base(model_class, metadata)
        self._engine_lock = flask_sqlalchemy.Lock() = app
        flask_sqlalchemy._include_sqlalchemy(self, query_class)
        self.external_bases = []

        if app is not None:

    def get_tables_for_bind(self, bind=None):
        """Returns a list of all tables relevant for a bind."""
        result = []
        for Base in self.bases:
            for table in flask_sqlalchemy.itervalues(Base.metadata.tables):
                if'bind_key') == bind:

        return result

    def get_binds(self, app=None):
        """Returns a dictionary with a table->engine mapping.
        This is suitable for use of sessionmaker(binds=db.get_binds(app)).
        app = self.get_app(app)
        binds = [None] + list(app.config.get('SQLALCHEMY_BINDS') or ())
        retval = {}
        for bind in binds:
            engine = self.get_engine(app, bind)
            tables = self.get_tables_for_bind(bind)
            retval.update(dict((table, engine) for table in tables))
        return retval

    def bases(self):
        return [self.Model] + self.external_bases

    def register_base(self, Base):
        """Register an external raw SQLAlchemy declarative base.
        Allows usage of the base with our session management and
        adds convenience query property using self.Query by default."""

        for c in Base._decl_class_registry.values():
            if isinstance(c, type):
                if not hasattr(c, 'query') and not hasattr(c, 'query_class'):
                    c.query_class = self.Query
                if not hasattr(c, 'query'):
                    c.query = flask_sqlalchemy._QueryProperty(self)

                    # for name in dir(c):
                    #     attr = getattr(c, name)
                    #     if type(attr) == orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute:
                    #         if hasattr(attr.prop, 'query_class'):
                    #             attr.prop.query_class = self.Query

                    # if hasattr(c , 'rel_dynamic'):
                    #     c.rel_dynamic.prop.query_class = self.Query
app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from model.base import Base

app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app, model_class=Base)
import flask_sqlalchemy
'''Created by Isaac Martin 2017. Licensed insofar as it can be according to the standard terms of the MIT license: The author accepts no liability for consequences resulting from the use of this software. '''
class SQLAlchemy(flask_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemy):
    def __init__(self, app=None, use_native_unicode=True, session_options=None,
                 metadata=None, query_class=flask_sqlalchemy.BaseQuery, model_class=flask_sqlalchemy.Model):

        self.use_native_unicode = use_native_unicode
        self.Query = query_class
        self.session = self.create_scoped_session(session_options)
        self.Model = self.make_declarative_base(model_class, metadata)
        self._engine_lock = flask_sqlalchemy.Lock() = app
        flask_sqlalchemy._include_sqlalchemy(self, query_class)
        self.external_bases = []

        if app is not None:

    def get_tables_for_bind(self, bind=None):
        """Returns a list of all tables relevant for a bind."""
        result = []
        for Base in self.bases:
            for table in flask_sqlalchemy.itervalues(Base.metadata.tables):
                if'bind_key') == bind:

        return result

    def get_binds(self, app=None):
        """Returns a dictionary with a table->engine mapping.
        This is suitable for use of sessionmaker(binds=db.get_binds(app)).
        app = self.get_app(app)
        binds = [None] + list(app.config.get('SQLALCHEMY_BINDS') or ())
        retval = {}
        for bind in binds:
            engine = self.get_engine(app, bind)
            tables = self.get_tables_for_bind(bind)
            retval.update(dict((table, engine) for table in tables))
        return retval

    def bases(self):
        return [self.Model] + self.external_bases

    def register_base(self, Base):
        """Register an external raw SQLAlchemy declarative base.
        Allows usage of the base with our session management and
        adds convenience query property using self.Query by default."""

        for c in Base._decl_class_registry.values():
            if isinstance(c, type):
                if not hasattr(c, 'query') and not hasattr(c, 'query_class'):
                    c.query_class = self.Query
                if not hasattr(c, 'query'):
                    c.query = flask_sqlalchemy._QueryProperty(self)

                    # for name in dir(c):
                    #     attr = getattr(c, name)
                    #     if type(attr) == orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute:
                    #         if hasattr(attr.prop, 'query_class'):
                    #             attr.prop.query_class = self.Query

                    # if hasattr(c , 'rel_dynamic'):
                    #     c.rel_dynamic.prop.query_class = self.Query
app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

self.\u engine\u options=engine\u options或{}
base=declarative\u base()
db=SQLAlchemy(app,model\u class=base)