Python 转换以前缀表示法给出的表达式,识别公共子表达式和依赖项

Python 转换以前缀表示法给出的表达式,识别公共子表达式和依赖项,python,scala,haskell,erlang,lisp,Python,Scala,Haskell,Erlang,Lisp,在ANSI文本文件中,我得到了一组前缀表示法的表达式。我想生成另一个ANSI文本文件,其中包含这些表达式的逐步计算。例如: - + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1 应该变成 t1 = x^2 t2 = y^2 t3 = t1 + t2 t4 = t3 - 1 t4 is the result 我还必须识别常见的子表达式。举个例子 expression_1: z = ^ x 2 expression_2: - + z ^ y 2 1 expression_3: - z y 我必须生成一个输出,表


- + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1

t1 = x^2
t2 = y^2
t3 = t1 + t2
t4 = t3 - 1
t4 is the result

expression_1: z = ^ x 2
expression_2: - + z ^ y 2 1
expression_3: - z y



我已经在C++中有了一个工作实现,但是在C++中做这样的事情是很痛苦的。 哪种编程语言最适合这些类型的问题







operators = "+-*/^"

def parse(it, count=1):
    token = next(it)
    if token in operators:
        op1, count = parse(it, count)
        op2, count = parse(it, count)
        tmp = "t%s" % count
        print tmp, "=", op1, token, op2
        return tmp, count + 1
    return token, count

s = "- + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1"
a = s.split()
res, dummy = parse(iter(a))
print res, "is the result"





object Parser {
    val Subexprs = collection.mutable.Map[String, String]()
    val Dependencies = collection.mutable.Map[String, Set[String]]().withDefaultValue(Set.empty)
    val TwoArgsOp = "([-+*/^])".r     // - at the beginning, ^ at the end
    val Ident = "(\\p{Alpha}\\w*)".r
    val Literal = "(\\d+)".r

    var counter = 1
    def getIdent = {
        val ident = "t" + counter
        counter += 1

    def makeOp(op: String) = {
        val op1 = expr
        val op2 = expr
        val ident = getIdent 
        val subexpr = op1 + " " + op + " " + op2
        Subexprs(ident)  = subexpr
        Dependencies(ident) = Dependencies(op1) ++ Dependencies(op2) + op1 + op2

    def expr: String = nextToken match {
        case TwoArgsOp(op) => makeOp(op)
        case Ident(id)     => id
        case Literal(lit)  => lit
        case x             => error("Unknown token "+x)

    def nextToken =
    var tokens: Iterator[String] = _

    def parse(input: String) = {
        tokens = input.trim split "\\s+" toIterator;
        counter = 1
        if (tokens.hasNext)
            error("Input not fully parsed: "+tokens.mkString(" "))

        (Subexprs, Dependencies)

scala> val (subexpressions, dependencies) = Parser.parse("- + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1")
subexpressions: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String] = Map(t3 -> t1 + t2, t4 -> t3 - 1, t1 -> x ^ 2, t2 -> y ^ 2)
dependencies: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,Set[String]] = Map(t3 -> Set(x, y, t2, 2, t1), t4 -> Set(x, y, t3, t2, 1, 2, t1), t1 -> Set(x, 2), t
2 -> Set(y, 2))

scala> subexpressions.toSeq.sorted foreach println
(t1,x ^ 2)
(t2,y ^ 2)
(t3,t1 + t2)
(t4,t3 - 1)

scala> dependencies.toSeq.sortBy(_._1) foreach println
(t1,Set(x, 2))
(t2,Set(y, 2))
(t3,Set(x, y, t2, 2, t1))
(t4,Set(x, y, t3, t2, 1, 2, t1))

object Parser {
    val Subexprs = collection.mutable.Map[String, String]()
    val Dependencies = collection.mutable.Map[String, Set[String]]().withDefaultValue(Set.empty)
    val TwoArgsOp = "([-+*/^])".r     // - at the beginning, ^ at the end
    val Ident = "(\\p{Alpha}\\w*)".r
    val Literal = "(\\d+)".r

    var counter = 1
    def getIdent = {
        val ident = "t" + counter
        counter += 1

    def makeOp(op: String) = {
        val op1 = expr
        val op2 = expr
        val ident = getIdent 
        val subexpr = op1 + " " + op + " " + op2
        Subexprs(ident)  = subexpr
        Dependencies(ident) = Dependencies(op1) ++ Dependencies(op2) + op1 + op2

    def expr: String = nextToken match {
        case TwoArgsOp(op) => makeOp(op)
        case Ident(id)     => id
        case Literal(lit)  => lit
        case x             => error("Unknown token "+x)

    def assignment: Unit = {
        val ident = nextToken
        nextToken match {
            case "=" => 
                val tmpIdent = expr
                Dependencies(ident) = Dependencies(tmpIdent)
                Subexprs(ident) = Subexprs(tmpIdent)
            case x   => error("Expected assignment, got "+x)

    def stmts: Unit = while(tokens.hasNext) tokens.head match {
        case TwoArgsOp(_) => expr
        case Ident(_)     => assignment
        case x            => error("Unknown statement starting with "+x)

    def nextToken =
    var tokens: BufferedIterator[String] = _

    def parse(input: String) = {
        tokens = (input.trim split "\\s+" toIterator).buffered
        counter = 1
        if (tokens.hasNext)
            error("Input not fully parsed: "+tokens.mkString(" "))

        (Subexprs, Dependencies)

scala> val (subexpressions, dependencies) = Parser.parse("""
     | z = ^ x 2
     | - + z ^ y 2 1
     | - z y
     | """)
subexpressions: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String] = Map(t3 -> z + t2, t5 -> z - y, t4 -> t3 - 1, z -> x ^ 2, t2 -> y ^ 2)
dependencies: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,Set[String]] = Map(t3 -> Set(x, y, t2, 2, z), t5 -> Set(x, 2, z, y), t4 -> Set(x, y, t3, t2, 1, 2, z
), z -> Set(x, 2), t2 -> Set(y, 2))

scala> subexpressions.toSeq.sorted foreach println
(t2,y ^ 2)
(t3,z + t2)
(t4,t3 - 1)
(t5,z - y)
(z,x ^ 2)

scala> dependencies.toSeq.sortBy(_._1) foreach println
(t2,Set(y, 2))
(t3,Set(x, y, t2, 2, z))
(t4,Set(x, y, t3, t2, 1, 2, z))
(t5,Set(x, 2, z, y))
(z,Set(x, 2))


object PrefixParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
    import scala.collection.mutable

    // Maps generated through parsing

    val Subexprs = mutable.Map[String, String]()
    val Dependencies = mutable.Map[String, Set[String]]().withDefaultValue(Set.empty)

    // Initialize, read, parse & evaluate string

    def read(input: String) = {
        counter = 1
        parseAll(stmts, input)

    // Grammar

    def stmts               = stmt+
    def stmt                = assignment | expr
    def assignment          = (ident <~ "=") ~ expr ^^ assignOp
    def expr: P             = subexpr | identifier | number
    def subexpr: P          = twoArgs | nArgs
    def twoArgs: P          = operator ~ expr ~ expr ^^ twoArgsOp
    def nArgs: P            = "sum" ~ ("\\d+".r >> args) ^^ nArgsOp
    def args(n: String): Ps = repN(n.toInt, expr)
    def operator            = "[-+*/^]".r
    def identifier          = ident ^^ (id => Result(id, Set(id)))
    def number              = wholeNumber ^^ (Result(_, Set.empty))

    // Evaluation helper class and types

    case class Result(ident: String, dependencies: Set[String])
    type P = Parser[Result]
    type Ps = Parser[List[Result]]

    // Evaluation methods

    def assignOp: (String ~ Result) => Result = {
        case ident ~ result => 
            val value = assign(ident, 
                               result.dependencies - result.ident)

    def assign(ident: String, 
               value: String, 
               dependencies: Set[String]): Result = {
        Subexprs(ident) = value
        Dependencies(ident) = dependencies
        Result(ident, dependencies)

    def twoArgsOp: (String ~ Result ~ Result) => Result = { 
        case op ~ op1 ~ op2 => makeOp(op, op1, op2) 

    def makeOp(op: String, 
               op1: Result, 
               op2: Result): Result = {
        val ident = getIdent
               "%s %s %s" format (op1.ident, op, op2.ident),
               op1.dependencies ++ op2.dependencies + ident)

    def nArgsOp: (String ~ List[Result]) => Result = { 
        case op ~ ops => makeNOp(op, ops) 

    def makeNOp(op: String, ops: List[Result]): Result = {
        val ident = getIdent
               "%s(%s)" format (op, ops map (_.ident) mkString ", "),
               ops.foldLeft(Set(ident))(_ ++ _.dependencies))

    var counter = 1
    def getIdent = {
        val ident = "t" + counter
        counter += 1

    // Debugging helper methods

    def printAssignments = Subexprs.toSeq.sorted foreach println
    def printDependencies = Dependencies.toSeq.sortBy(_._1) map {
        case (id, dependencies) => (id, dependencies - id)
    } foreach println


     | x = sum 3 + 1 2 * 3 4 5
     | * x x
     | """)
res93: PrefixParser.ParseResult[List[PrefixParser.Result]] = [4.1] parsed: List(Result(x,Set(t1, t2)), Result(t4,Set(x, t4)))

scala> PrefixParser.printAssignments
(t1,1 + 2)
(t2,3 * 4)
(t4,x * x)
(x,sum(t1, t2, 5))

scala> PrefixParser.printDependencies
(x,Set(t1, t2))




object OpParser {
  val Natural = "([0-9]+)"r
  val Number = """((?:-)?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE](?:-)?[0-9]+)?)"""r
  val Variable = "([a-z])"r
  val Unary = "(exp|sin|cos|tan|sqrt)"r
  val Binary = "([-+*/^])"r
  val Nary = "(sum|prod|list)"r


  abstract class Expr {
    def text: String
    def args: List[Expr]
    override def toString = args match {
      case l :: r :: Nil => "(" + l + " " + text + " " + r + ")"
      case Nil => text
      case _ => args.mkString(text+"(", ",", ")")
  case class Num(text: String, args: List[Expr]) extends Expr {
    val quantity = text.toDouble
  case class Var(text: String, args: List[Expr]) extends Expr {
    override def toString = args match {
      case arg :: Nil => "(" + text + " <- " + arg + ")"
      case _ => text
  case class Una(text: String, args: List[Expr]) extends Expr
  case class Bin(text: String, args: List[Expr]) extends Expr
  case class Nar(text: String, args: List[Expr]) extends Expr {
    override def toString = text match {
      case "list" =>
        (for ((a,i) <- args.zipWithIndex) yield {
           "%3d: %s".format(i+1,a.toString)
      case _ => super.toString


  def parse(s: String): Option[Expr] = parse(s.split(" ").toList).flatMap(x => {
    if (x._2.isEmpty) Some(x._1) else None
  def parseLines(ls: List[String]): Option[Expr] = {
    val attempt =
    if (attempt.length<ls.length) None
    else if (attempt.length==1) attempt.headOption
    else Some(Nar("list",attempt))

  def numericSimplify(expr: Expr): Expr = expr match {
    case Una(t,List(e)) => numericSimplify(e) match {
      case n @ Num(_,_) => t match {
        case "exp" => calc(n, math.exp _)
        case "sin" => calc(n, math.sin _)
        case "cos" => calc(n, math.cos _)
        case "tan" => calc(n, math.tan _)
        case "sqrt" => calc(n, math.sqrt _)
      case a => Una(t,List(a))
    case Bin(t,List(l,r)) => (numericSimplify(l), numericSimplify(r)) match {
      case (n @ Num(_,_), m @ Num(_,_)) => t match {
        case "+" => calc(n, m, _ + _)
        case "-" => calc(n, m, _ - _)
        case "*" => calc(n, m, _ * _)
        case "/" => calc(n, m, _ / _)
        case "^" => calc(n, m, math.pow)
      case (a,b) => Bin(t,List(a,b))
    case Nar("list",list) => Nar("list",
    case Nar(t,list) =>
      val simple =
      val nums = simple.collect { case n @ Num(_,_) => n }
      if (simple.length == 0) t match {
        case "sum" => Num("0",Nil)
        case "prod" => Num("1",Nil)
      else if (nums.length == simple.length) t match {
        case "sum" => calc(nums, _ + _)
        case "prod" => calc(nums, _ * _)
      else Nar(t, simple)
    case Var(t,List(e)) => Var(t, List(numericSimplify(e)))
    case _ => expr




  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val test1 = "- + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1"
    val test2 = "+ + +"  // Bad!
    val test3 = "exp sin cos sum 5"  // Bad!
    val test4 = "+ * 2 3 ^ 3 2"
    val test5 = List(test1, test4, "^ y 2").mkString("list 3 "," ","")
    val test6 = "+ + x y + + * + x y + 4 5 * + x y + 4 y + + x y + 4 y"

    def performTest(test: String) = {
      println("Start with: " + test)
      val p = OpParser.parse(test)
      if (p.isEmpty) println("  Parsing failed")
      else {
        println("Parsed:     " + p.get)
        val q = OpParser.numericSimplify(p.get)
        println("Numeric:    " + q)
        val r = OpParser.algebraicSimplify(q)
        println("Algebraic:  " + r)


$ scalac OpParser.scala; scala OpParser
Start with: - + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1
Parsed:     (((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) - 1)
Numeric:    (((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) - 1)
Algebraic:  (((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) - 1)

Start with: + + +
  Parsing failed

Start with: exp sin cos sum 5
  Parsing failed

Start with: + * 2 3 ^ 3 2
Parsed:     ((2 * 3) + (3 ^ 2))
Numeric:    15.0
Algebraic:  15.0

Start with: list 3 - + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1 + * 2 3 ^ 3 2 ^ y 2
Parsed:     List[
  1: (((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) - 1)
  2: ((2 * 3) + (3 ^ 2))
  3: (y ^ 2)
Numeric:    List[
  1: (((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) - 1)
  2: 15.0
  3: (y ^ 2)
Algebraic:  List[
  1: (((x ^ 2) + (x0 <- (y ^ 2))) - 1)
  2: 15.0
  3: x0

Start with: + + x y + + * + x y + 4 5 * + x y + 4 y + + x y + 4 y
Parsed:     ((x + y) + ((((x + y) * (4 + 5)) + ((x + y) * (4 + y))) + ((x + y) + (4 + y))))
Numeric:    ((x + y) + ((((x + y) * 9.0) + ((x + y) * (4 + y))) + ((x + y) + (4 + y))))
Algebraic:  ((x0 <- (x + y)) + (((x0 * 9.0) + (x0 * (x1 <- (4 + y)))) + (x0 + x1)))

  def parse(s: String): Option[Expr] = parse(s.split(" ").toList).flatMap(x => {
    if (x._2.isEmpty) Some(x._1) else None
  def parseLines(ls: List[String]): Option[Expr] = {
    val attempt =
    if (attempt.length<ls.length) None
    else if (attempt.length==1) attempt.headOption
    else Some(Nar("list",attempt))
  def calc(n: Num, f: Double => Double): Num = Num(f(n.quantity).toString, Nil)
  def calc(n: Num, m: Num, f: (Double,Double) => Double): Num =
    Num(f(n.quantity,m.quantity).toString, Nil)
  def calc(ln: List[Num], f: (Double,Double) => Double): Num =
    Num(, Nil)
  def numericSimplify(expr: Expr): Expr = expr match {
    case Una(t,List(e)) => numericSimplify(e) match {
      case n @ Num(_,_) => t match {
        case "exp" => calc(n, math.exp _)
        case "sin" => calc(n, math.sin _)
        case "cos" => calc(n, math.cos _)
        case "tan" => calc(n, math.tan _)
        case "sqrt" => calc(n, math.sqrt _)
      case a => Una(t,List(a))
    case Bin(t,List(l,r)) => (numericSimplify(l), numericSimplify(r)) match {
      case (n @ Num(_,_), m @ Num(_,_)) => t match {
        case "+" => calc(n, m, _ + _)
        case "-" => calc(n, m, _ - _)
        case "*" => calc(n, m, _ * _)
        case "/" => calc(n, m, _ / _)
        case "^" => calc(n, m, math.pow)
      case (a,b) => Bin(t,List(a,b))
    case Nar("list",list) => Nar("list",
    case Nar(t,list) =>
      val simple =
      val nums = simple.collect { case n @ Num(_,_) => n }
      if (simple.length == 0) t match {
        case "sum" => Num("0",Nil)
        case "prod" => Num("1",Nil)
      else if (nums.length == simple.length) t match {
        case "sum" => calc(nums, _ + _)
        case "prod" => calc(nums, _ * _)
      else Nar(t, simple)
    case Var(t,List(e)) => Var(t, List(numericSimplify(e)))
    case _ => expr
  def algebraicSimplify(expr: Expr): Expr = {
    val all, dup, used = new collection.mutable.HashSet[Expr]
    val made = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Expr,Int]
    val user = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Expr,Expr]
    def findExpr(e: Expr) {
      e match {
        case Var(t,List(v)) =>
          user += v -> e
          if (all contains e) dup += e else all += e
        case Var(_,_) | Num(_,_) => // Do nothing in these cases
        case _ => if (all contains e) dup += e else all += e
    def replaceDup(e: Expr): Expr = {
      if (made contains e) Var("x"+made(e),Nil)
      else if (used contains e) Var(user(e).text,Nil)
      else if (dup contains e) {
        val fixed = replaceDupChildren(e)
        made += e -> made.size
      else replaceDupChildren(e)
    def replaceDupChildren(e: Expr): Expr = e match {
      case Una(t,List(u)) => Una(t,List(replaceDup(u)))
      case Bin(t,List(l,r)) => Bin(t,List(replaceDup(l),replaceDup(r)))
      case Nar(t,list) => Nar(t,
      case Var(t,List(v)) =>
        used += v
        Var(t,List(if (made contains v) replaceDup(v) else replaceDupChildren(v)))
      case _ => e
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val test1 = "- + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1"
    val test2 = "+ + +"  // Bad!
    val test3 = "exp sin cos sum 5"  // Bad!
    val test4 = "+ * 2 3 ^ 3 2"
    val test5 = List(test1, test4, "^ y 2").mkString("list 3 "," ","")
    val test6 = "+ + x y + + * + x y + 4 5 * + x y + 4 y + + x y + 4 y"

    def performTest(test: String) = {
      println("Start with: " + test)
      val p = OpParser.parse(test)
      if (p.isEmpty) println("  Parsing failed")
      else {
        println("Parsed:     " + p.get)
        val q = OpParser.numericSimplify(p.get)
        println("Numeric:    " + q)
        val r = OpParser.algebraicSimplify(q)
        println("Algebraic:  " + r)

$ scalac OpParser.scala; scala OpParser
Start with: - + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1
Parsed:     (((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) - 1)
Numeric:    (((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) - 1)
Algebraic:  (((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) - 1)

Start with: + + +
  Parsing failed

Start with: exp sin cos sum 5
  Parsing failed

Start with: + * 2 3 ^ 3 2
Parsed:     ((2 * 3) + (3 ^ 2))
Numeric:    15.0
Algebraic:  15.0

Start with: list 3 - + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1 + * 2 3 ^ 3 2 ^ y 2
Parsed:     List[
  1: (((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) - 1)
  2: ((2 * 3) + (3 ^ 2))
  3: (y ^ 2)
Numeric:    List[
  1: (((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) - 1)
  2: 15.0
  3: (y ^ 2)
Algebraic:  List[
  1: (((x ^ 2) + (x0 <- (y ^ 2))) - 1)
  2: 15.0
  3: x0

Start with: + + x y + + * + x y + 4 5 * + x y + 4 y + + x y + 4 y
Parsed:     ((x + y) + ((((x + y) * (4 + 5)) + ((x + y) * (4 + y))) + ((x + y) + (4 + y))))
Numeric:    ((x + y) + ((((x + y) * 9.0) + ((x + y) * (4 + y))) + ((x + y) + (4 + y))))
Algebraic:  ((x0 <- (x + y)) + (((x0 * 9.0) + (x0 * (x1 <- (4 + y)))) + (x0 + x1)))
  def useTempVars(expr: Expr): Expr = {
    var n = 0
    def temp = { n += 1; "t"+n }
    def replaceTemp(e: Expr, exempt: Boolean = false): Expr = {
      def varify(x: Expr) = if (exempt) x else Var(temp,List(x))
      e match {
        case Var(t,List(e)) => Var(t,List(replaceTemp(e, exempt = true)))
        case Una(t,List(u)) => varify( Una(t, List(replaceTemp(u,false))) )
        case Bin(t,lr) => varify( Bin(t,,false))) )
        case Nar(t,ls) => varify( Nar(t,,false))) )
        case _ => e
  def varCut(expr: Expr): Expr = expr match {
    case Var(t,_) => Var(t,Nil)
    case Una(t,List(u)) => Una(t,List(varCut(u)))
    case Bin(t,lr) => Bin(t,
    case Nar(t,ls) => Nar(t,
    case _ => expr
  def getAssignments(expr: Expr): List[Expr] = {
    val children = expr.args.flatMap(getAssignments)
    expr match {
      case Var(t,List(e)) => children :+ expr
      case _ => children
  def listAssignments(expr: Expr): List[String] = {
    getAssignments(expr).collect(e => e match {
      case Var(t,List(v)) => t + " = " + varCut(v)
    }) :+ (expr.text + " is the answer")
Start with: - + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1
  t1 = (x ^ 2)
  t2 = (y ^ 2)
  t3 = (t1 + t2)
  t4 = (t3 - 1)
  t4 is the answer

Start with: + + x y + + * + x y + 4 5 * + x y + 4 y + + x y + 4 y
Algebraic:  ((x0 <- (x + y)) + (((x0 * 9.0) + (x0 * (x1 <- (4 + y)))) + (x0 + x1)))
  x0 = (x + y)
  t1 = (x0 * 9.0)
  x1 = (4 + y)
  t2 = (x0 * x1)
  t3 = (t1 + t2)
  t4 = (x0 + x1)
  t5 = (t3 + t4)
  t6 = (x0 + t5)
  t6 is the answer
  def directDepends(expr: Expr): Set[Expr] = expr match {
    case Var(t,_) => Set(expr)
    case _ => expr.args.flatMap(directDepends).toSet
  def indirectDepends(expr: Expr) = {
    val depend = getAssignments(expr).map(e => 
      e -> e.args.flatMap(directDepends).toSet
    val tagged = for ((k,v) <- depend) yield (k.text ->
    def percolate(tags: Map[String,Set[String]]): Option[Map[String,Set[String]]] = {
      val expand = for ((k,v) <- tags) yield (
        k -> (v union v.flatMap(x => tags.get(x).getOrElse(Set())))
      if (tags.exists(kv => expand(kv._1) contains kv._1)) None  // Cyclic dependency!
      else if (tags == expand) Some(tags)
      else percolate(expand)
  def listDependents(expr: Expr): List[(String,String)] = {
    def sayNothing(s: String) = if (s=="") "nothing" else s
    val e = expr match {
      case Var(_,_) => expr
      case _ => Var("result",List(expr))
    indirectDepends(e).map( =>
      (x._1, sayNothing(x._2.toList.sorted.mkString(" ")))
Start with: - + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1
  result requires x y

Start with: list 3 z = ^ x 2 - + z ^ y 2 1 w = - z y
Parsed:     List[
  1: (z <- (x ^ 2))
  2: ((z + (y ^ 2)) - 1)
  3: (w <- (z - y))
  z requires x
  w requires x y z
  result requires w x y z

Start with: list 2 x = y y = x
Parsed:     List[
  1: (x <- y)
  2: (y <- x)
  result requires cyclic

Start with: + + x y + + * + x y + 4 5 * + x y + 4 y + + x y + 4 y
Algebraic:  ((x0 <- (x + y)) + (((x0 * 9.0) + (x0 * (x1 <- (4 + y)))) + (x0 + x1)))
  x0 requires x y
  x1 requires y
  result requires x x0 x1 y
  def numericEvaluate(expr: Expr, initialValues: Map[String,Double]) = {
    val chain = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[(String,Double)]
    val evaluated = new collection.mutable.HashMap[String,Double]
    def note(xv: (String,Double)) { chain += xv; evaluated += xv }
    evaluated ++= initialValues
    def substitute(expr: Expr): Expr = expr match {
      case Var(t,List(n @ Num(v,_))) => { note(t -> v.toDouble); n }
      case Var(t,_) if (evaluated contains t) => Num(evaluated(t).toString,Nil)
      case Var(t,ls) => Var(t,
      case Una(t,List(u)) => Una(t,List(substitute(u)))
      case Bin(t,ls) => Bin(t,
      case Nar(t,ls) => Nar(t,
      case _ => expr
    def recurse(e: Expr): Expr = {
      val sub = numericSimplify(substitute(e))
      if (sub == e) e else recurse(sub)
    (recurse(expr), chain.toList)
        val (num,ops) = numericEvaluate(r,Map("x"->3,"y"->1.5))
        for ((v,n) <- ops) println("  "+v+" = "+n)
        println("  result = " + num)
Start with: list 3 - + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1 + * 2 3 ^ 3 2 ^ y 2
Algebraic:  List[
  1: (((x ^ 2) + (x0 <- (y ^ 2))) - 1)
  2: 15.0
  3: x0
  x0 = 2.25
  result = List[
  1: 10.25
  2: 15.0
  3: 2.25

Start with: list 3 z = ^ x 2 - + z ^ y 2 1 w = - z y
Algebraic:  List[
  1: (z <- (x ^ 2))
  2: ((z + (y ^ 2)) - 1)
  3: (w <- (z - y))
  z = 9.0
  w = 7.5
  result = List[
  1: 9.0
  2: 10.25
  3: 7.5