Python 没有日期的例子

Python 没有日期的例子,python,airflow,Python,Airflow,我不习惯使用。我正在尝试运行dag,不想做任何计划 我希望使用命令行参数运行管道,并覆盖所有当前输出。我没有开始日期,没有计划,没有计时,也没有重试逻辑,我只想按顺序运行一组函数来开始 文档中始终包含日期 airflow test tutorial print_date 2015-06-01 我希望运行dag,以便它执行所有函数并忽略以前的任何运行。如何从dag中删除所有日期和日期逻辑 我有教程dag文件的修改版本: """ Code that goes along with the Airf




airflow test tutorial print_date 2015-06-01


Code that goes along with the Airflow tutorial located at:
import os
import cPickle
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
from datetime import datetime

default_args = {
    'owner': 'airflow',
    'depends_on_past': False,
    'start_date': datetime(2015, 6, 1),
    'email': [''],
    'email_on_failure': False,
    'email_on_retry': False,
    'schedule_interval': '@once'

dag = DAG('tutorial_me', default_args=default_args)

def save_file(filenm):
    with open(filenm, 'wb') as pickle_file:
        cPickle.dump(['1','2',3], pickle_file)

def delete_file(filenm):
    print "************ THIS IS WHERE STDOUT GOES"
    if os.path.exists(filenm):

# t1, t2 and t3 are examples of tasks created by instantiating operators
t1 = PythonOperator(

t2 = PythonOperator(


airflow run tutorial_me remove_file 2015-01-04


cat 2015-01-04T00\:00\:00
[2016-12-10 11:27:47,158] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /Users/user_01/airflow/dags
[2016-12-10 11:27:47,214] {} WARNING - schedule_interval is used for <Task(PythonOperator): save_file>, though it has been deprecated as a task parameter, you need to specify it as a DAG parameter instead
[2016-12-10 11:27:47,214] {} WARNING - schedule_interval is used for <Task(PythonOperator): remove_file>, though it has been deprecated as a task parameter, you need to specify it as a DAG parameter instead
[2016-12-10 11:27:47,227] {} INFO - Adding to queue: airflow run tutorial_me remove_file 2015-01-04T00:00:00 --local -sd DAGS_FOLDER/
[2016-12-10 11:27:47,234] {} INFO - Executing command: airflow run tutorial_me remove_file 2015-01-04T00:00:00 --local -sd DAGS_FOLDER/
[2016-12-10 11:27:48,050] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /Users/user_01/airflow/dags/
[2016-12-10 11:27:48,101] {} WARNING - schedule_interval is used for <Task(PythonOperator): save_file>, though it has been deprecated as a task parameter, you need to specify it as a DAG parameter instead
[2016-12-10 11:27:48,102] {} WARNING - schedule_interval is used for <Task(PythonOperator): remove_file>, though it has been deprecated as a task parameter, you need to specify it as a DAG parameter instead
[2016-12-10 11:27:48,942] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /Users/user_01/airflow/dags/
[2016-12-10 11:27:48,998] {} WARNING - schedule_interval is used for <Task(PythonOperator): save_file>, though it has been deprecated as a task parameter, you need to specify it as a DAG parameter instead
[2016-12-10 11:27:48,998] {} WARNING - schedule_interval is used for <Task(PythonOperator): remove_file>, though it has been deprecated as a task parameter, you need to specify it as a DAG parameter instead
[2016-12-10 11:27:49,020] {} INFO -
Starting attempt 1 of 1

[2016-12-10 11:27:49,046] {} INFO - Executing <Task(PythonOperator): remove_file> on 2015-01-04 00:00:00
[2016-12-10 11:27:49,054] {} INFO - Done. Returned value was: None
[2016-12-10 11:27:55,168] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /Users/user_01/airflow/dags
[2016-12-10 11:27:55,219] {} WARNING - schedule_interval is used for <Task(PythonOperator): save_file>, though it has been deprecated as a task parameter, you need to specify it as a DAG parameter instead
[2016-12-10 11:27:55,220] {} WARNING - schedule_interval is used for <Task(PythonOperator): remove_file>, though it has been deprecated as a task parameter, you need to specify it as a DAG parameter instead
[2016-12-10 11:27:55,231] {} INFO - Adding to queue: airflow run tutorial_me remove_file 2015-01-04T00:00:00 --local -sd DAGS_FOLDER/
[2016-12-10 11:27:55,236] {} INFO - Executing command: airflow run tutorial_me remove_file 2015-01-04T00:00:00 --local -sd DAGS_FOLDER/
[2016-12-10 11:27:56,030] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /Users/user_01/airflow/dags/
[2016-12-10 11:27:56,082] {} WARNING - schedule_interval is used for <Task(PythonOperator): save_file>, though it has been deprecated as a task parameter, you need to specify it as a DAG parameter instead
[2016-12-10 11:27:56,082] {} WARNING - schedule_interval is used for <Task(PythonOperator): remove_file>, though it has been deprecated as a task parameter, you need to specify it as a DAG parameter instead
[2016-12-10 11:27:56,899] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /Users/user_01/airflow/dags/
[2016-12-10 11:27:56,950] {} WARNING - schedule_interval is used for <Task(PythonOperator): save_file>, though it has been deprecated as a task parameter, you need to specify it as a DAG parameter instead
[2016-12-10 11:27:56,951] {} WARNING - schedule_interval is used for <Task(PythonOperator): remove_file>, though it has been deprecated as a task parameter, you need to specify it as a DAG parameter instead
[2016-12-10 11:27:56,967] {} INFO - 
cat 2015-01-04T00 \:00 \:00
[2016-12-10 11:27:47158]{}信息-从/Users/user_01/aiffort/dags填充DagBag
[2016-12-10 11:27:47214]{}警告-schedule_interval用于,尽管它已被弃用为任务参数,但您需要将其指定为DAG参数
[2016-12-10 11:27:47214]{}警告-schedule_interval用于,尽管它已被弃用为任务参数,但您需要将其指定为DAG参数
[2016-12-10 11:27:47227]{}信息-添加到队列:气流运行教程删除文件2015-01-04T00:00:00-本地-sd DAGS_文件夹/
[2016-12-10 11:27:47234]{}信息-执行命令:气流运行教程删除文件2015-01-04T00:00:00-本地-sd DAGS_文件夹/
[2016-12-10 11:27:48050]{}信息-从/Users/user_01/aiffair/dags/tutorial_01.py填充DagBag
[2016-12-10 11:27:48101]{}警告-schedule_interval用于,尽管它已被弃用为任务参数,但您需要将其指定为DAG参数
[2016-12-10 11:27:48102]{}警告-schedule_interval用于,尽管它已被弃用为任务参数,但您需要将其指定为DAG参数
[2016-12-10 11:27:48942]{}信息-从/Users/user_01/aiffair/dags/tutorial_01.py填充DagBag
[2016-12-10 11:27:48998]{}警告-schedule_interval用于,尽管它已被弃用为任务参数,但您需要将其指定为DAG参数
[2016-12-10 11:27:48998]{}警告-schedule_interval用于,尽管它已被弃用为任务参数,但您需要将其指定为DAG参数
[2016-12-10 11:27:49020]{}信息-
[2016-12-10 11:27:49046]{}信息-于2015-01-04 00:00:00执行
[2016-12-10 11:27:49054]{}信息-完成。返回值为:无
[2016-12-10 11:27:55168]{}信息-从/Users/user_01/aiffort/dags填充DagBag
[2016-12-10 11:27:55219]{}警告-schedule_interval用于,尽管它已被弃用为任务参数,但您需要将其指定为DAG参数
[2016-12-10 11:27:55220]{}警告-schedule_interval用于,尽管它已被弃用为任务参数,但您需要将其指定为DAG参数
[2016-12-10 11:27:55231]{}信息-添加到队列:气流运行教程删除文件2015-01-04T00:00:00-本地-sd DAGS_文件夹/
[2016-12-10 11:27:55236]{}信息-执行命令:气流运行教程删除文件2015-01-04T00:00:00-本地-sd DAGS_文件夹/
[2016-12-10 11:27:56030]{}信息-从/Users/user_01/aiffair/dags/tutorial_01.py填充DagBag
[2016-12-10 11:27:56082]{}警告-schedule_interval用于,尽管它已被弃用为任务参数,但您需要将其指定为DAG参数
[2016-12-10 11:27:56082]{}警告-schedule_interval用于,尽管它已被弃用为任务参数,但您需要将其指定为DAG参数
[2016-12-10 11:27:56899]{}信息-从/Users/user_01/aiffair/dags/tutorial_01.py填充DagBag
[2016-12-10 11:27:56950]{}警告-schedule_interval用于,尽管它已被弃用为任务参数,但您需要将其指定为DAG参数
[2016-12-10 11:27:56951]{}警告-schedule_interval用于,尽管它已被弃用为任务参数,但您需要将其指定为DAG参数
[2016-12-10 11:27:56967]{}信息-




from airflow.operators.latest_only_operator import LatestOnlyOperator

dag = DAG(
    start_date=dt.datetime(2016, 9, 20),

latest_only = LatestOnlyOperator(task_id='latest_only', dag=dag)