Python 基于标题列表创建聚合列

Python 基于标题列表创建聚合列,python,pandas,function,for-loop,aggregate,Python,Pandas,Function,For Loop,Aggregate,我有一个包含调查数据的数据框。它还包含其他几个列,其中包括人口统计数据(如年龄、部门等)和带有评级的列。希望根据评级列的计算向数据框添加一些列 添加列的目的是提供a)获得有利响应的计数b)获得有利响应的百分比(有利响应的数量/该系数中项目的数量)c)获得有利响应的系数级百分比(如果存在属于该系数的具有NaN的任何项目,则为NaN) 下表显示了如何将其应用于指导因素的示例 我想将这一点推广到其他因素,如多样性、领导力和参与度 Coach_q1 Coach_q2 Coach_q8


添加列的目的是提供a)获得有利响应的计数b)获得有利响应的百分比(有利响应的数量/该系数中项目的数量)c)获得有利响应的系数级百分比(如果存在属于该系数的具有NaN的任何项目,则为NaN) 下表显示了如何将其应用于指导因素的示例 我想将这一点推广到其他因素,如多样性、领导力和参与度

Coach_q1  Coach_q2      Coach_q8    coach_favcount   coach_fav_perc   coach_agg_perc
Favourable   Neutral    Favourable   2                  66.6%          66.6%
Favourable   Favourable NaN          2                  100%           NaN
Favourable   Favourable Unfavourable 2                  66.6%          66.6%  
NaN          NaN        Unfavourable 0                  0%             NaN 


#Get the Coaching Columns
coaching_agg = df.loc[:, df.columns.str.contains('Coaching_')] 

#Create a column to store the number of favourable responses
df['coaching_fav_count'] = df[coaching_cols == 'Favourable'].notna().sum(axis=1)

#create a column to store the percentage of favourable responses
df['coaching_fav_perc'] = df['coaching_fav'] / len(coaching_agg.columns)


#Create a list made up of rating cols
ratingcollist = ['Coaching_','Communication_','Development_','Diversity_','Engagement_']

ratingcols = df.loc[:, df.columns.str.contains('|'.join(ratingcollist))] 



df = pd.DataFrame({'Coach_q1': ['Favourable', 'Favourable', 'Favourable', 'nan'], 
                   'Coach_q2': ['Neutral', 'Favourable', 'Favourable', 'NaN'], 
                   'Coach_q8': ['Favourable', 'nan', 'Unfavourable', 'Unfavourable']})
print (df)
     Coach_q1    Coach_q2      Coach_q8
0  Favourable     Neutral    Favourable
1  Favourable  Favourable           nan
2  Favourable  Favourable  Unfavourable
3         nan         NaN  Unfavourable

#replace nan and NaN strings to missing values
df = df.replace(['nan','NaN'], np.nan)

ratingcollist = ['Coach_','Communication_','Development_','Diversity_','Engagement_']

for rat in ratingcollist:
    #filter columns by substrings
    cols = df.filter(like=rat).columns

    #mask for no missing values
    mask = df[cols].notna().all(axis=1)
    #create new columns if match
    if len(cols) > 0:
        df[f'{rat.lower()}fav_count'] = (df[cols] == 'Favourable').sum(axis=1)
        df[f'{rat.lower()}fav_perc'] = df[f'{rat.lower()}fav_count'] / df[cols].count(axis=1)
        df.loc[mask, f'{rat.lower()}agg_perc'] = df.loc[mask, f'{rat.lower()}fav_count'] / len(cols)


df = pd.DataFrame({'Coach_q1': ['Favourable', 'Favourable', 'Favourable', 'nan'], 
                   'Coach_q2': ['Neutral', 'Favourable', 'Favourable', 'NaN'], 
                   'Coach_q8': ['Favourable', 'nan', 'Unfavourable', 'Unfavourable']})
print (df)
     Coach_q1    Coach_q2      Coach_q8
0  Favourable     Neutral    Favourable
1  Favourable  Favourable           nan
2  Favourable  Favourable  Unfavourable
3         nan         NaN  Unfavourable

df = df.replace(['nan','NaN'], 'Missing')
print (df)
     Coach_q1    Coach_q2      Coach_q8
0  Favourable     Neutral    Favourable
1  Favourable  Favourable       Missing
2  Favourable  Favourable  Unfavourable
3     Missing     Missing  Unfavourable


#create a list of all the rating columns
ratingcollist = ['Coach_','Diversity', 'Leadership', 'Engagement']

#create a for loop to get all the columns that match the column list keyword
for rat in ratingcollist:
    cols = df.filter(like=rat).columns
    mask = (df[cols] != 'Missing').all(axis=1)
#create 3 new columns for each factor, one for count of Favourable responses, 
#one for percentage of Favourable responses, and one for Factor Level percentage of Favourable responses

    if len(cols) > 0:
        df[f'{rat.lower()}fav_count'] = (df[cols] == 'Favourable').sum(axis=1)
        df[f'{rat.lower()}fav_perc'] = df[f'{rat.lower()}fav_count'] / df[cols].ne('Missing').sum(axis=1)
        df.loc[mask,f'{rat.lower()}agg_perc'] = df.loc[mask, f'{rat.lower()}fav_count'] / len(cols)


columns_split = df.columns.str.split('_')
count = (df.set_axis(pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(map(tuple, columns_split)), axis=1)

s = columns_split.str[0].to_series().add('_%Fav')

new_df = (df.join(count.add_suffix('_FavCount'))


  Coaching_q1 Coaching_q2 Diversity_q1 Diversity_q2  Coaching_FavCount  \
0  Favourable     Neutral   Favourable   Favourable                1.0   
1  Favourable  Favourable   Favourable    Favourble                2.0   
2         NaN  Favourable          NaN          NaN                1.0   

   Diversity_FavCount  Coaching_%Fav  Diversity_%Fav  
0                 2.0            0.5             1.0  
1                 1.0            1.0             0.5  
2                 0.0            0.5             0.0  


#create a list of all the rating columns
ratingcollist = ['Coaching_','Diversity', 'Leadership', 'Engagement']

#create a for loop to get all the columns that match the column list keyword
for rat in ratingcollist:
    cols = df.filter(like=rat).columns
    mask = (df[cols] != 'Missing').all(axis=1)
#create 3 new columns for each factor, one for count of Favourable responses, one for percentage of Favourable responses, and one for Factor Level percentage of Favourable responses

    if len(cols) > 0:
        df[f'{rat.lower()}fav_count'] = (df[cols] == 'Favourable').sum(axis=1)
        df[f'{rat.lower()}fav_perc'] = df[f'{rat.lower()}fav_count'] / df[cols].count(axis=1)
        df.loc[mask,f'{rat.lower()}agg_perc'] = df.loc[mask, f'{rat.lower()}fav_count'] / len(cols)

没有并发症:)在我看来,它简单直观,所以upvoted@jezrael如果我想创建后缀为_agg_perc的聚合列,它仅在没有缺失值的情况下计算有利响应的百分比(例如,第2行中两个因子的agg_perc列百分比均为零),我该怎么做呢?@jezrael yup done@wjie08-答案被编辑为正确使用
print (df)
     Coach_q1    Coach_q2      Coach_q8  coach_fav_count  coach_fav_perc  \
0  Favourable     Neutral    Favourable                2        0.666667   
1  Favourable  Favourable       Missing                2        1.000000   
2  Favourable  Favourable  Unfavourable                2        0.666667   
3     Missing     Missing  Unfavourable                0        0.000000   

0        0.666667  
1             NaN  
2        0.666667  
3             NaN  
columns_split = df.columns.str.split('_')
count = (df.set_axis(pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(map(tuple, columns_split)), axis=1)

s = columns_split.str[0].to_series().add('_%Fav')

new_df = (df.join(count.add_suffix('_FavCount'))

  Coaching_q1 Coaching_q2 Diversity_q1 Diversity_q2  Coaching_FavCount  \
0  Favourable     Neutral   Favourable   Favourable                1.0   
1  Favourable  Favourable   Favourable    Favourble                2.0   
2         NaN  Favourable          NaN          NaN                1.0   

   Diversity_FavCount  Coaching_%Fav  Diversity_%Fav  
0                 2.0            0.5             1.0  
1                 1.0            1.0             0.5  
2                 0.0            0.5             0.0  
#create a list of all the rating columns
ratingcollist = ['Coaching_','Diversity', 'Leadership', 'Engagement']

#create a for loop to get all the columns that match the column list keyword
for rat in ratingcollist:
    cols = df.filter(like=rat).columns
    mask = (df[cols] != 'Missing').all(axis=1)
#create 3 new columns for each factor, one for count of Favourable responses, one for percentage of Favourable responses, and one for Factor Level percentage of Favourable responses

    if len(cols) > 0:
        df[f'{rat.lower()}fav_count'] = (df[cols] == 'Favourable').sum(axis=1)
        df[f'{rat.lower()}fav_perc'] = df[f'{rat.lower()}fav_count'] / df[cols].count(axis=1)
        df.loc[mask,f'{rat.lower()}agg_perc'] = df.loc[mask, f'{rat.lower()}fav_count'] / len(cols)