Python 尝试使用Pandas数据帧的前23行作为标头,然后围绕标头旋转

Python 尝试使用Pandas数据帧的前23行作为标头,然后围绕标头旋转,python,pandas,dataframe,Python,Pandas,Dataframe,我正在使用tabla拉入数据框。不幸的是,数据按行排列,如下所示。我需要获取前23行,并将它们用作剩余数据的列标题。我需要每行包含这23个标题,每个标题对应大约60个诊所 Col \ 0 Date 1 Clinic 2


                                         Col  \
0                                       Date   
1                                     Clinic   
2                                   Location   
3                             Clinic Manager   
4                                 Lease Cost   
5                             Square Footage   
6                           Lease Expiration   
8                              Care Provided   
9                 # of Providers (Full Time)   
10                    # FTE's Providing Care   
11                   # Providers (Part-Time)   
12                    Patients seen per week   
13  Number of patients in rooms per provider   
14        Number of patients in waiting room   
15                              # Exam Rooms   
16                           Procedure rooms   
17                               Other rooms   
18                             Specify other   
20                               Other data:   
21                                 TI Needs:   
23              Conclusion  & Recommendation   
24                                      Date   
25                                    Clinic   
26                                  Location   
27                            Clinic Manager   
28                                Lease Cost   
29                            Square Footage   
30                          Lease Expiration   
32                             Care Provided   
33                # of Providers (Full Time)   
34                    # FTE's Providing Care   
35                   # Providers (Part-Time)   
36                    Patients seen per week   
37  Number of patients in rooms per provider   
38        Number of patients in waiting room   
39                              # Exam Rooms   
40                           Procedure rooms   
41                               Other rooms   
42                             Specify other   
44                               Other data:   
45                                 TI Needs:   
47              Conclusion  & Recommendation   

0                                           9/13/2017  
1                                 Gray Medical Center  
2                 1234 E. 164th Ave Thornton CA 12345  
3                                            Jane Doe  
4                      $23,074.80 Rent, $5,392.88 CAM  
5                                               9,840  
6                                           7/31/2023  
8                                     Family Medicine  
9                                                  12  
10                                                 14  
11                                                  1  
12                                                750  
13                                                  4  
14                                                  2  
15                                                 31  
16                                                  1  
17                     X-Ray, Phlebotomist/blood draw  
18                                                NaN  
20  Facilities assistance needed.  50% of business...  
21  Paint and Carpet (flooring is in good conditio...  
23  Lay out and occupancy flow are good for this p...  
24                                          9/13/2017  
25                                    Main Cardiology  
26               12000 Wall St Suite 13 Main CA 12345  
27                                           John Doe  
28                       $9610.42 Rent, $2,937.33 CAM  
29                                              4,406  
30                                          5/31/2024  
32                                         Cardiology  
33                                                  2  
34                                       11, 2 - P.T.  
35                                                  2  
36                                                188  
37                                                  0  
38                                                  2  
39                                                  6  
40                                                  0  
41  1 - Pacemaker, 1 - Treadmill, 1- Echo, 1 - Ech...  
42  Nurse Office, MA station, Reading Room, 2 Phys...  
44  Occupied in Emerus building. Needs facilities ...  
45                    New build out, great condition.  
47  Practice recently relocated from 84th and Alco...  


df2 = pd.DataFrame(df[23:].values.reshape(-1, 23),


df=df.T;df=df.set_indexdf.columns[:23].T?感谢您的快速回复。当我运行您的代码时,我遇到了以下错误:ValueError:长度不匹配:预期为2行,接收长度为23的数组是否有其他人可以对此进行权衡或需要进一步澄清?每个数据是否在其自己的帧中?你确定每个数据的长度完全相同吗?我不确定。我知道现在,Date作为索引被引入,它真的应该只是其中的一列。一旦解决了这个问题,我有大约60列与上面第二组相同的内容,需要转换为每个诊所一行。第一个分组将用作标题,如果您添加日期,我希望最后有60多行24列。谢谢,David。我得到了以下错误:ValueError:无法将大小为2640的数组重塑为形状23我只是重新发布了更多的输出,以帮助说明数据帧的当前结构。我猜您缺少几行。您尝试重塑的行数必须是23的倍数。根据错误消息,您有2640行,不能被23整除。我假设您在这里缺少一行,因为2641可以被23整除。你能重新验证你的数据集吗?对不起,是的,我已经从数据框中删除了空行。我现在总共有1176行,每组21行,总共56个组。因此,这似乎在目前起作用,很大程度上是由于您的输入。非常感谢。它并不漂亮,但在这里是:df=df.dropnaaxis=0,how='all'df=df.reset_indexdrop=True df.columns=['Col','Val']headers=df[0:21].T.iloc[0]df3=df.Val df3=pd.DataFramedf3.values.reforme-1,21,columns=headers