Python 扭曲的UDP-为什么可以';我不能不听就发送吗?

Python 扭曲的UDP-为什么可以';我不能不听就发送吗?,python,udp,twisted,Python,Udp,Twisted,如何在不调用Reactor.ListenUDP的情况下发送? 如果我尝试,那么我会在协议类中得到一个异常,即传输为NULL。在调用reactor.ListenUDP之前,它似乎不会在基类中设置。当然,您可以在不监听传入消息的情况下发送消息。毕竟,服务器可能根本不想接收 ----udp_协议.py--- 当然,您可以在不监听传入消息的情况下发送消息 事实证明,没有。然而,没有什么强迫你对

如何在不调用Reactor.ListenUDP的情况下发送? 如果我尝试,那么我会在协议类中得到一个异常,即传输为NULL。在调用reactor.ListenUDP之前,它似乎不会在基类中设置。当然,您可以在不监听传入消息的情况下发送消息。毕竟,服务器可能根本不想接收




import wx
from twisted.internet import wxreactor
from main_window import MainWindow

def main():
    app = wx.App(False)
    frame = MainWindow(None, 'UDP Demo')

    from twisted.internet import reactor

if __name__ == "__main__":
# SNIP - Nothing really relevant. Just creates the classes below and hooks up buttons to call their methods
from enum import Enum
from twisted.internet.error import CannotListenError

from udp_protocol import UDPProtocol

class PluginBase(object):
    This is just a dummy class to match what is in Falco

    def __init__(self, app_dist, *args, **kwargs):

class Plugin(PluginBase):
    class State(Enum):
        Represents the states that the plugin can be in
        CLOSED = 0                     # Initial state
        LISTENING = 1                  # After open() is called
        RECV_CALLBACK_REGISTERED = 2   # After listen() is called

    def __init__(self, app_dist, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Plugin, self).__init__(app_dist, *args, **kwargs)
        self.state = self.State.CLOSED
        self.port = None
        self.listener = None
        self.listen_callback = None
        self.protocol = UDPProtocol(self.on_data_received)

    def listen(self, port, isBroadcast, callback, errback=None):
        if self.state != self.State.CLOSED:
            raise RuntimeError("UDP Plugin already in an opened state")
        self.port = port

        # Start listening
            from twisted.internet import reactor
            self.listener = reactor.listenUDP(self.port, self.protocol)
            self.state = self.State.LISTENING
        except CannotListenError as err:
            error_json = {"error": err[2].strerror}
            if errback is not None:

    def stop_listening(self):
        if self.listener is not None:
            self.listener = None

        self.listen_callback = None
        self.port = None
        self.state = self.State.CLOSED

    def send(self, addr, port, data):
        # While it seems like one could send without listening for incoming messages,
        # twisted's implementation doesn't seem to work that way?
        # The transport in the protocol object only gets created when we call reactor.listenUDP,
        # as far as I can tell
        if self.state == self.State.CLOSED:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "UDP Plugin must be in an open state before attempting to send")

        self.protocol.send(addr, port, data)

    # SNIP recv
from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol
from twisted.internet import reactor

class MyProtocol(DatagramProtocol):

    def datagramReceived(self, data, (host, port)):
        print "received %r from %s:%d" % (data, host, port)
        self.transport.write(data, (host, port))

    def send(self, addr, port, data):
        self.transport.write(data, (addr, port))