Qt 如何使用QlistIterator在Qlist中迭代类

Qt 如何使用QlistIterator在Qlist中迭代类,qt,qlist,Qt,Qlist,我想显示包含Airports类实例的Qlist的完整内容。该类本身包含另一个集成跑道类实例的Qlist 以下是Qlist m_apList的结构示例: m_apList <2 éléments> QList<Airport> [0] @0x29265df0 Airport m_code "LFPO" QString m_name "PARIS/ORLY" QString


以下是Qlist m_apList的结构示例:

    m_apList    <2 éléments>    QList<Airport>
        [0] @0x29265df0 Airport
            m_code  "LFPO"  QString
            m_name  "PARIS/ORLY"    QString
            m_position  @0x29265df0 QGeoCoordinate
            m_runway    <6 éléments>    QList<Runway>
                [0] @0x292660d0 Runway
                    m_freqIls   110.3   double
                    m_ils   1   int
                    m_ilsRdh_ft 50  int
                    m_ilsSlope_deg  3.0 double
                    m_length    7874    int
                    m_loc   19  int
                    m_name  "02"    QString
                    m_position  @0x292660d0 QGeoCoordinate
                    m_qfu   19  int
                    m_width 197 int
                [1] @0x292661b8 Runway
                    m_freqIls   108.5   double
                    m_ils   1   int
                    m_ilsRdh_ft 54  int
                    m_ilsSlope_deg  3.0 double
                    m_length    11975   int
                    m_loc   63  int
                    m_name  "06"    QString
                    m_position  @0x292661b8 QGeoCoordinate
                    m_qfu   63  int
                    m_width 148 int
                [2] @0x29266270 Runway
                [3] @0x29266358 Runway
                [4] @0x29266468 Runway
                [5] @0x292664f0 Runway
            m_runwayLen 11900   int
            m_unknown1  5000    int
            m_unknown2  0   int
        [1] @0x29265f50 Airport
            m_code  "LFPP"  QString
            m_name  "LE PLESSIS/BELLEVILL"  QString
            m_position  @0x29265f50 QGeoCoordinate
            m_runway    <4 éléments>    QList<Runway>
                [0] @0x292666e0 Runway
                    m_freqIls   0.0 double
                    m_ils   0   int
                    m_ilsRdh_ft 50  int
                    m_ilsSlope_deg  0.0 double
                    m_length    2297    int
                    m_loc   0   int
                    m_name  "07"    QString
                    m_position  @0x292666e0 QGeoCoordinate
                    m_qfu   66  int
                    m_width 66  int
                [1] @0x29266800 Runway
                [2] @0x29266888 Runway
                [3] @0x29265548 Runway
            m_runwayLen 2700    int
            m_unknown1  0   int
            m_unknown2  0   int
m_apList QList,需要创建一个迭代器来展开QList。

但是我得到了这个错误消息“no match for”operator你不能像那样用qDebug()打印出你的

void listAirports()
  foreach (const Airport &airport, m_apList)
    // Print out the airport's properties
    qDebug() << "Code:" << airport.m_code; // Might be a member functions
    qDebug() << "Name:" << airport.m_name;
    // etc.

    // Print out ranaways
    const auto &ranways = airport.ranways();
    foreach (const Ranway &ranway, ranways)
      qDebug() << "m_freqIls" << ranway.m_freqIls;
      qDebug() << "m_ilsSlope_deg  " << ranway.m_ilsSlope_deg;
      // etc.
void list airports()


void listAirports()
  foreach (const Airport &airport, m_apList)
    // Print out the airport's properties
    qDebug() << "Code:" << airport.m_code; // Might be a member functions
    qDebug() << "Name:" << airport.m_name;
    // etc.

    // Print out ranaways
    const auto &ranways = airport.ranways();
    foreach (const Ranway &ranway, ranways)
      qDebug() << "m_freqIls" << ranway.m_freqIls;
      qDebug() << "m_ilsSlope_deg  " << ranway.m_ilsSlope_deg;
      // etc.
void list airports()

qDebug()您可以演示如何将AirPort实例添加到Qlist中吗?AirPort的可能副本是通过PS中的addAirport()函数添加的。感谢您关注此作业。您可以演示如何将AirPort实例添加到Qlist中吗?AirPort的可能副本是通过addAirport()添加的函数,以PS表示。感谢您的关注。感谢vahancho。它适用于第一部分“机场属性”。但我无法访问此处的跑道:const auto&ranways=airport.ranways();我将访问器设置为:QList ranways(){return mu trunway;}获取此错误:从类型为'QList'auto&trunk=airport.ranways()的右值初始化类型为'QList&'的非常量引用无效;此补码:将'const airport'作为'this'参数传递将丢弃限定符[-fppermissive]auto&trunk=airport.ranways();您必须返回对m_ranway对象的引用,而不是副本,也就是说,您的函数应该是:
const QList&ranways()const{return m_trank;}
。感谢您的帮助,我非常感谢。谢谢vahancho。它适用于第一部分“机场属性”。但我无法访问此处的跑道:const auto&ranways=airport.ranways();我将访问者设置为:QList ranways(){return m_trunway;}获取此错误:从类型为'QList'auto&trunk=airport.ranways()的右值初始化类型为'QList&'的非常量引用无效;此补码:将'const airport'作为'this'参数传递将丢弃限定符[-fppermissive]auto&trunk=airport.ranways();您必须返回对m_ranway对象的引用,而不是副本,也就是说,您的函数应该是:
const QList&ranways()const{return m_runway;}
#ifndef AIRPORT_H
#define AIRPORT_H

#include <QGeoCoordinate>
#include <QString>

class Runway
    Runway(QString name, int qfu, int length_ft, int width, int ils, double freq_Ils,
           int loc, double latitude, double longitude, double elevation_ft, double ilsSlope_deg, int ilsRdh_ft)
        : m_name(name), m_qfu(qfu), m_length(length_ft), m_width(width),
          m_ils(ils), m_freqIls(freq_Ils), m_loc(loc), m_ilsSlope_deg(ilsSlope_deg), m_ilsRdh_ft(ilsRdh_ft)

    QString nameRunway() const { //lecture du code OACI
        return m_name;

    QGeoCoordinate m_position;
    QString m_name;
    int m_qfu;
    int m_length;
    int m_width;
    int m_ils;
    double m_freqIls;
    int m_loc;
    double m_ilsSlope_deg;
    int m_ilsRdh_ft;


class Airport
    Airport(QString code, QString name, double latitude, double longitude,
            double elevation_ft, int unknown1, int unknown2, int runwayLenght_ft)
        :m_code(code), m_name(name), m_unknown1(unknown1), m_unknown2(unknown2),
          m_runwayLen(runwayLenght_ft) {

    void setPosition(const QGeoCoordinate &c) { //Affectation des nouvelles coordonnees de position
        m_position = c;
    QGeoCoordinate position() const{
        return m_position; //Lecture des coordonnees de position
    QString oaciCode() const { //lecture du code OACI
        return m_code;
    QString airportName() const {
        return m_name;
    int runwayLength() const { //lecture du pays
        return m_runwayLen;
    void addRunway(const Runway &runway){
        m_runway << runway;
        QGeoCoordinate m_position;
        QString m_code;
        QString m_name;
        int m_unknown1;
        int m_unknown2;
        int m_runwayLen;
        QList<Runway> m_runway;

#endif // AIRPORT_H
void listAirports()
  foreach (const Airport &airport, m_apList)
    // Print out the airport's properties
    qDebug() << "Code:" << airport.m_code; // Might be a member functions
    qDebug() << "Name:" << airport.m_name;
    // etc.

    // Print out ranaways
    const auto &ranways = airport.ranways();
    foreach (const Ranway &ranway, ranways)
      qDebug() << "m_freqIls" << ranway.m_freqIls;
      qDebug() << "m_ilsSlope_deg  " << ranway.m_ilsSlope_deg;
      // etc.