Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/4/r/71.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
如何在R中查找字符串之间相同的短语_R_Text Mining - Fatal编程技术网


如何在R中查找字符串之间相同的短语,r,text-mining,R,Text Mining,假设我有以下字符串 c(">Date of Procedure 01/09/2018<", ">Date of Procedure 01/10/2018<", ">Date of Procedure 03/09/2018<", ">Date of Procedure 04/09/2018<", "Patient name Bilbo baggins", "Patient name: Jonny Begood", "Patient name E


c(">Date of Procedure 01/09/2018<", ">Date of Procedure 01/10/2018<", 
">Date of Procedure 03/09/2018<", ">Date of Procedure 04/09/2018<", 
"Patient name Bilbo baggins", "Patient name: Jonny Begood", 
"Patient name Elma Fudd", "Patient name Miss Puddleduck", "Patient name: Itsy Bitsy", 
"Patient name: Lala", "Type of procedure: OGD", "Type of procedure: OGD", 
"Type of procedure: Colonoscopy", "Type of procedure Colonoscopy", 
"Type of procedure: Colonoscopy", "Label 35252", "Label 543 ", 
"Label 5254 ", "Label 23", "Label 555555 ", "Label 54354")


text <- c(">Date of Procedure 01/09/2018<", ">Date of Procedure 01/10/2018<", 
          ">Date of Procedure 03/09/2018<", ">Date of Procedure 04/09/2018<", 
          "Patient name Bilbo baggins", "Patient name: Jonny Begood", 
          "Patient name Elma Fudd", "Patient name Miss Puddleduck", "Patient name: Itsy Bitsy", 
          "Patient name: Lala", "Type of procedure: OGD", "Type of procedure: OGD", 
          "Type of procedure: Colonoscopy", "Type of procedure Colonoscopy", 
          "Type of procedure: Colonoscopy", "Label 35252", "Label 543 ", 
          "Label 5254 ", "Label 23", "Label 555555 ", "Label 54354")

# tokenize text and remove punctuation and numbers 
toks <- tokens(text, remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE)

# create 1, 2 and 3 ngrams.
toks_grams <- tokens_ngrams(toks, n = 1:3)

# transform into a document feature matrix (step can be included in next one)    
my_dfm <- dfm(toks_grams)

# turn the terms into a frequency table and filter out the ones that have a count of 1
# depending on needs you can filter out words ngrams or choose a higher occuring frequency to filter on.
freqs <- textstat_frequency(my_dfm)
freqs[freqs$frequency > 1, ]

                    feature frequency rank docfreq group
1                        of         9    1       9   all
2                 procedure         9    1       9   all
3              of_procedure         9    1       9   all
4                   patient         6    4       6   all
5                      name         6    4       6   all
6              patient_name         6    4       6   all
7                     label         6    4       6   all
8                      type         5    8       5   all
9                   type_of         5    8       5   all
10        type_of_procedure         5    8       5   all
11                     date         4   11       4   all
12                  date_of         4   11       4   all
13        date_of_procedure         4   11       4   all
14              colonoscopy         3   14       3   all
15    procedure_colonoscopy         3   14       3   all
16 of_procedure_colonoscopy         3   14       3   all
17                      ogd         2   17       2   all
18            procedure_ogd         2   17       2   all
19         of_procedure_ogd         2   17       2   all
