R 如何插入多行

R 如何插入多行,r,R,我有以下数据: hhid perid actNo thisAct from to tripTime 8019450 1 1 home 180 1051 NA 8019450 1 2 school 1075 1245 24 8019450 1 3 socrec 1255 1260 10 8019450 1 4 home 1280 1619 20


hhid    perid actNo thisAct from   to tripTime  
8019450     1     1    home  180 1051       NA  
8019450     1     2  school 1075 1245       24  
8019450     1     3  socrec 1255 1260       10  
8019450     1     4    home 1280 1619       20


hhid    perid actNo thisAct from   to tripTime  
8019450     1     1    home  180 1051       NA  
*8019450    1     2  travel 1052 1074         
8019450     1     3  school 1075 1245       24  
*8019450    1     4  travel 1246 1254         
8019450     1     5  socrec 1255 1260       10  
*8019450    1     6  travel 1261 1279         
8019450     1     7    home 1280 1619       20  



dat <- read.table(text="hhid perid actNo thisAct from to tripTime
8019450 1 1 home 180 1051 NA
8019450 1 2 school 1075 1245 24
8019450 1 3 socrec 1255 1260 10
8019450 1 4 home 1280 1619 20", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

dat <- read.table(text="hhid perid actNo thisAct from to tripTime
8019450 1 1 home 180 1051 NA
8019450 1 2 school 1075 1245 24
8019450 1 3 socrec 1255 1260 10
8019450 1 4 home 1280 1619 20", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


dat <- read.table(text="
                  hhid    perid actNo thisAct from   to tripTime  
c     1     1    home  180 1051       NA  
8019450     1     2  school 1075 1245       24  
8019450     1     3  socrec 1255 1260       10  
8019450     1     4    home 1280 1619       20
                  ", header=TRUE)


dat <- read.table(text="
                  hhid    perid actNo thisAct from   to tripTime  
c     1     1    home  180 1051       NA  
8019450     1     2  school 1075 1245       24  
8019450     1     3  socrec 1255 1260       10  
8019450     1     4    home 1280 1619       20
                  ", header=TRUE)

travel <- data.frame(
  hhid = 8019450,
  perid = 1,
  actNo = NA,
  thisAct = "travel",
  from = head(dat$to + 1, -1),
  to   = tail(dat$from - 1, -1),
  tripTime = NA
x <- rbind(dat, travel)
x <- x[order(x$from), ]
x$perid <- seq_along(x$perid)

     hhid perid actNo thisAct from   to tripTime
1       c     1     1    home  180 1051       NA
5 8019450     2    NA  travel 1052 1074       NA
2 8019450     3     2  school 1075 1245       24
6 8019450     4    NA  travel 1246 1254       NA
3 8019450     5     3  socrec 1255 1260       10
7 8019450     6    NA  travel 1261 1279       NA
4 8019450     7     4    home 1280 1619       20