R 拉普拉随着环数的增加而变慢

R 拉普拉随着环数的增加而变慢,r,R,导言 我一直在写一个程序,处理一些原始数据,然后通过几个统计过程传递。总之,它使用了几个“lappy”实例 例如:在脚本的一部分中,我使用了一个名为Maxstat的函数(请注意,该函数只将数据作为data.frame或data.table-不接受矩阵) ** 下面的可复制样本-只需复制所有样本数据和代码的两部分 ** 样本数据: 前两列是必需的。这是下面的大数据示例-->请在示例之后继续阅读 Genedata <- structure(list(time = c(120, 120, 2





  • 下面的可复制样本-只需复制所有样本数据和代码的两部分



Genedata <- structure(list(time = c(120, 120, 28.96, 119.21, 59.53, 68.81, 
82.29, 110.82, 65.88, 84.13, 16.47, 89.75, 76.07, 67.82, 52.24, 
64.1, 55.13, 57.79, 50.1, 43.79, 30.27, 3.64, 36.59, 20.02, 118.58, 
55.33, 120, 120, 120, 106.94, 11.7, 28.79, 26.82, 52.5, 24.03, 
88.99, 102.44, 33.73, 85.28, 26.53, 37.31, 86.43, 55.92, 70.65, 
76.04, 79.13, 83.99, 80.25, 40.6, 95.37, 31.06, 37.31, 22.02, 
63.25, 34.09, 52.14, 66.04, 59.96, 47.86, 58.45, 45.99, 60.42, 
37.67, 15.71, 39.25, 49.87, 25.24, 44.97, 35.9, 26.66, 36.78, 
41.52, 22.22, 33.2, 39.68, 25.61, 83.99, 15.05, 8.38, 18.18, 
27.15, 24.26, 105.17, 11.76, 70.45, 95.07, 112.33, 27.51, 45.92, 
54.04, 103.98, 6.11, 99.51, 20.44, 76.6, 10.02, 41.45, 96.26, 
85.61, 78.87, 22.25, 74.53, 59.07, 47.8, 5.68, 79.39, 74.07, 
50.76, 67.82, 70.84, 50.59, 34.58, 38.72, 54.9, 67.92, 58.45, 
59.34, 54.54, 19.03, 26.26, 52.86, 32.05, 55.95, 56.67, 50.43, 
4.24, 49.11, 49.57, 50.49, 63.05, 49.24, 0.92, 31.36, 40.3, 116.64, 
31.92, 19.98, 24.62, 18.54, 120, 17.62, 5.32, 2.36, 5.72, 15.28, 
95.07, 4.96, 28.89, 3.25, 0.92, 18.77, 57.73, 14.39, 5.12, 4.99, 
33.17, 50.53, 5.72, 8.02, 34.02, 1.44, 36.95, 60.75, 37.44, 23.07, 
19.85, 31.85, 8.61, 42.27, 15.25, 14.56, 9.96, 8.94, 32.67, 2.07, 
22.78, 22.35), cens = c(0L, 0L, NA, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L, NA, 0L, 
NA, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 1L, NA, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, NA, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, NA, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
0L, 1L, 0L, NA, 1L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, NA, 0L, NA, NA, 1L, 0L, 
0L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, NA, NA, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, NA, 0L, 1L, 
0L, 0L, 0L, NA, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 
1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
1L, 1L, NA, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, NA, 0L, NA, 1L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 
1L, NA, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 0L)), .Names = c("time", "cens"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

  user  system elapsed 
   6.54    0.00    6.57 
  user  system elapsed 
 132.89    0.00  133.02 
> Rprof(NULL)
> summaryRprof()
                        self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
terms.formula                0.50    15.82       0.50     15.82
eval                         0.34    10.76       1.92     60.76
Surv                         0.12     3.80       0.20      6.33
.deparseOpts                 0.12     3.80       0.18      5.70
deparse                      0.08     2.53       0.32     10.13
na.omit.data.frame           0.08     2.53       0.30      9.49
lapply                       0.06     1.90       3.16    100.00
maxstat.test                 0.06     1.90       3.16    100.00
maxstat.test.data.frame      0.06     1.90       3.10     98.10
model.frame.default          0.06     1.90       1.68     53.16
cmaxstat                     0.06     1.90       0.38     12.03
match.arg                    0.06     1.90       0.30      9.49
ifelse                       0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
is.matrix                    0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
length                       0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
match                        0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
pmatch                       0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
FUN                          0.04     1.27       3.16    100.00
maxstat                      0.04     1.27       0.90     28.48
terms                        0.04     1.27       0.62     19.62
[.data.frame                 0.04     1.27       0.20      6.33
order                        0.04     1.27       0.08      2.53
[.formula                    0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
[.Surv                       0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
attr.all.equal               0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
makepredictcall              0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
unique                       0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
unlist                       0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
<Anonymous>                  0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
is.data.frame                0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
names                        0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
NextMethod                   0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
sum                          0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
model.frame                  0.02     0.63       1.70     53.80
na.omit                      0.02     0.63       0.32     10.13
[                            0.02     0.63       0.30      9.49
cscores                      0.02     0.63       0.28      8.86
cscores.Surv                 0.02     0.63       0.26      8.23
all.equal                    0.02     0.63       0.14      4.43
all.equal.numeric            0.02     0.63       0.12      3.80
paste                        0.02     0.63       0.12      3.80
[[                           0.02     0.63       0.08      2.53
sort                         0.02     0.63       0.08      2.53
[[.data.frame                0.02     0.63       0.06      1.90
sort.int                     0.02     0.63       0.06      1.90
as.list                      0.02     0.63       0.04      1.27
as.vector                    0.02     0.63       0.04      1.27
get                          0.02     0.63       0.04      1.27
-                            0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
$<-                          0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
/                            0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
anyDuplicated                0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
as.environment               0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
as.list.data.frame           0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
attr                         0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
attr<-                       0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
c                            0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
cbind                        0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
data.class                   0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
is.array                     0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
makepredictcall.default      0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
mode                         0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
pLausen94                    0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
sys.function                 0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63

                        total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
lapply                        3.16    100.00      0.06     1.90
maxstat.test                  3.16    100.00      0.06     1.90
FUN                           3.16    100.00      0.04     1.27
maxstat.test.data.frame       3.10     98.10      0.06     1.90
eval                          1.92     60.76      0.34    10.76
model.frame                   1.70     53.80      0.02     0.63
model.frame.default           1.68     53.16      0.06     1.90
maxstat                       0.90     28.48      0.04     1.27
do.call                       0.90     28.48      0.00     0.00
terms                         0.62     19.62      0.04     1.27
terms.formula                 0.50     15.82      0.50    15.82
cmaxstat                      0.38     12.03      0.06     1.90
sapply                        0.34     10.76      0.00     0.00
deparse                       0.32     10.13      0.08     2.53
na.omit                       0.32     10.13      0.02     0.63
na.omit.data.frame            0.30      9.49      0.08     2.53
match.arg                     0.30      9.49      0.06     1.90
[                             0.30      9.49      0.02     0.63
cscores                       0.28      8.86      0.02     0.63
cscores.Surv                  0.26      8.23      0.02     0.63
Surv                          0.20      6.33      0.12     3.80
[.data.frame                  0.20      6.33      0.04     1.27
.deparseOpts                  0.18      5.70      0.12     3.80
all.equal                     0.14      4.43      0.02     0.63
all.equal.numeric             0.12      3.80      0.02     0.63
paste                         0.12      3.80      0.02     0.63
order                         0.08      2.53      0.04     1.27
[[                            0.08      2.53      0.02     0.63
sort                          0.08      2.53      0.02     0.63
ifelse                        0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
is.matrix                     0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
length                        0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
match                         0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
pmatch                        0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
[.formula                     0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
[.Surv                        0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
attr.all.equal                0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
makepredictcall               0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
unique                        0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
unlist                        0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
[[.data.frame                 0.06      1.90      0.02     0.63
sort.int                      0.06      1.90      0.02     0.63
%in%                          0.06      1.90      0.00     0.00
simplify2array                0.06      1.90      0.00     0.00
sort.default                  0.06      1.90      0.00     0.00
<Anonymous>                   0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
is.data.frame                 0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
names                         0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
NextMethod                    0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
sum                           0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
as.list                       0.04      1.27      0.02     0.63
as.vector                     0.04      1.27      0.02     0.63
get                           0.04      1.27      0.02     0.63
-                             0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
$<-                           0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
/                             0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
anyDuplicated                 0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
as.environment                0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
as.list.data.frame            0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
attr                          0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
attr<-                        0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
c                             0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
cbind                         0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
data.class                    0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
is.array                      0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
makepredictcall.default       0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
mode                          0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
pLausen94                     0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
sys.function                  0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
formals                       0.02      0.63      0.00     0.00
is.na                         0.02      0.63      0.00     0.00
is.na.Surv                    0.02      0.63      0.00     0.00
rowSums                       0.02      0.63      0.00     0.00

[1] 0.02

[1] 3.16

  user  system elapsed 
   6.54    0.00    6.57 
  user  system elapsed 
 132.89    0.00  133.02 
> Rprof(NULL)
> summaryRprof()
                        self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
terms.formula                0.50    15.82       0.50     15.82
eval                         0.34    10.76       1.92     60.76
Surv                         0.12     3.80       0.20      6.33
.deparseOpts                 0.12     3.80       0.18      5.70
deparse                      0.08     2.53       0.32     10.13
na.omit.data.frame           0.08     2.53       0.30      9.49
lapply                       0.06     1.90       3.16    100.00
maxstat.test                 0.06     1.90       3.16    100.00
maxstat.test.data.frame      0.06     1.90       3.10     98.10
model.frame.default          0.06     1.90       1.68     53.16
cmaxstat                     0.06     1.90       0.38     12.03
match.arg                    0.06     1.90       0.30      9.49
ifelse                       0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
is.matrix                    0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
length                       0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
match                        0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
pmatch                       0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
FUN                          0.04     1.27       3.16    100.00
maxstat                      0.04     1.27       0.90     28.48
terms                        0.04     1.27       0.62     19.62
[.data.frame                 0.04     1.27       0.20      6.33
order                        0.04     1.27       0.08      2.53
[.formula                    0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
[.Surv                       0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
attr.all.equal               0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
makepredictcall              0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
unique                       0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
unlist                       0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
<Anonymous>                  0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
is.data.frame                0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
names                        0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
NextMethod                   0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
sum                          0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
model.frame                  0.02     0.63       1.70     53.80
na.omit                      0.02     0.63       0.32     10.13
[                            0.02     0.63       0.30      9.49
cscores                      0.02     0.63       0.28      8.86
cscores.Surv                 0.02     0.63       0.26      8.23
all.equal                    0.02     0.63       0.14      4.43
all.equal.numeric            0.02     0.63       0.12      3.80
paste                        0.02     0.63       0.12      3.80
[[                           0.02     0.63       0.08      2.53
sort                         0.02     0.63       0.08      2.53
[[.data.frame                0.02     0.63       0.06      1.90
sort.int                     0.02     0.63       0.06      1.90
as.list                      0.02     0.63       0.04      1.27
as.vector                    0.02     0.63       0.04      1.27
get                          0.02     0.63       0.04      1.27
-                            0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
$<-                          0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
/                            0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
anyDuplicated                0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
as.environment               0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
as.list.data.frame           0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
attr                         0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
attr<-                       0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
c                            0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
cbind                        0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
data.class                   0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
is.array                     0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
makepredictcall.default      0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
mode                         0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
pLausen94                    0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
sys.function                 0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63

                        total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
lapply                        3.16    100.00      0.06     1.90
maxstat.test                  3.16    100.00      0.06     1.90
FUN                           3.16    100.00      0.04     1.27
maxstat.test.data.frame       3.10     98.10      0.06     1.90
eval                          1.92     60.76      0.34    10.76
model.frame                   1.70     53.80      0.02     0.63
model.frame.default           1.68     53.16      0.06     1.90
maxstat                       0.90     28.48      0.04     1.27
do.call                       0.90     28.48      0.00     0.00
terms                         0.62     19.62      0.04     1.27
terms.formula                 0.50     15.82      0.50    15.82
cmaxstat                      0.38     12.03      0.06     1.90
sapply                        0.34     10.76      0.00     0.00
deparse                       0.32     10.13      0.08     2.53
na.omit                       0.32     10.13      0.02     0.63
na.omit.data.frame            0.30      9.49      0.08     2.53
match.arg                     0.30      9.49      0.06     1.90
[                             0.30      9.49      0.02     0.63
cscores                       0.28      8.86      0.02     0.63
cscores.Surv                  0.26      8.23      0.02     0.63
Surv                          0.20      6.33      0.12     3.80
[.data.frame                  0.20      6.33      0.04     1.27
.deparseOpts                  0.18      5.70      0.12     3.80
all.equal                     0.14      4.43      0.02     0.63
all.equal.numeric             0.12      3.80      0.02     0.63
paste                         0.12      3.80      0.02     0.63
order                         0.08      2.53      0.04     1.27
[[                            0.08      2.53      0.02     0.63
sort                          0.08      2.53      0.02     0.63
ifelse                        0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
is.matrix                     0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
length                        0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
match                         0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
pmatch                        0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
[.formula                     0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
[.Surv                        0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
attr.all.equal                0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
makepredictcall               0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
unique                        0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
unlist                        0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
[[.data.frame                 0.06      1.90      0.02     0.63
sort.int                      0.06      1.90      0.02     0.63
%in%                          0.06      1.90      0.00     0.00
simplify2array                0.06      1.90      0.00     0.00
sort.default                  0.06      1.90      0.00     0.00
<Anonymous>                   0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
is.data.frame                 0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
names                         0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
NextMethod                    0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
sum                           0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
as.list                       0.04      1.27      0.02     0.63
as.vector                     0.04      1.27      0.02     0.63
get                           0.04      1.27      0.02     0.63
-                             0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
$<-                           0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
/                             0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
anyDuplicated                 0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
as.environment                0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
as.list.data.frame            0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
attr                          0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
attr<-                        0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
c                             0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
cbind                         0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
data.class                    0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
is.array                      0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
makepredictcall.default       0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
mode                          0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
pLausen94                     0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
sys.function                  0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
formals                       0.02      0.63      0.00     0.00
is.na                         0.02      0.63      0.00     0.00
is.na.Surv                    0.02      0.63      0.00     0.00
rowSums                       0.02      0.63      0.00     0.00

[1] 0.02

[1] 3.16


更新1: 添加了样本数据。注意:复制较大的数据集。您可以复制第4列并粘贴。行也可以向下复制。据我所知,应该可以工作


  user  system elapsed 
   6.54    0.00    6.57 
  user  system elapsed 
 132.89    0.00  133.02 
> Rprof(NULL)
> summaryRprof()
                        self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
terms.formula                0.50    15.82       0.50     15.82
eval                         0.34    10.76       1.92     60.76
Surv                         0.12     3.80       0.20      6.33
.deparseOpts                 0.12     3.80       0.18      5.70
deparse                      0.08     2.53       0.32     10.13
na.omit.data.frame           0.08     2.53       0.30      9.49
lapply                       0.06     1.90       3.16    100.00
maxstat.test                 0.06     1.90       3.16    100.00
maxstat.test.data.frame      0.06     1.90       3.10     98.10
model.frame.default          0.06     1.90       1.68     53.16
cmaxstat                     0.06     1.90       0.38     12.03
match.arg                    0.06     1.90       0.30      9.49
ifelse                       0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
is.matrix                    0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
length                       0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
match                        0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
pmatch                       0.06     1.90       0.06      1.90
FUN                          0.04     1.27       3.16    100.00
maxstat                      0.04     1.27       0.90     28.48
terms                        0.04     1.27       0.62     19.62
[.data.frame                 0.04     1.27       0.20      6.33
order                        0.04     1.27       0.08      2.53
[.formula                    0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
[.Surv                       0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
attr.all.equal               0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
makepredictcall              0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
unique                       0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
unlist                       0.04     1.27       0.06      1.90
<Anonymous>                  0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
is.data.frame                0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
names                        0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
NextMethod                   0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
sum                          0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
model.frame                  0.02     0.63       1.70     53.80
na.omit                      0.02     0.63       0.32     10.13
[                            0.02     0.63       0.30      9.49
cscores                      0.02     0.63       0.28      8.86
cscores.Surv                 0.02     0.63       0.26      8.23
all.equal                    0.02     0.63       0.14      4.43
all.equal.numeric            0.02     0.63       0.12      3.80
paste                        0.02     0.63       0.12      3.80
[[                           0.02     0.63       0.08      2.53
sort                         0.02     0.63       0.08      2.53
[[.data.frame                0.02     0.63       0.06      1.90
sort.int                     0.02     0.63       0.06      1.90
as.list                      0.02     0.63       0.04      1.27
as.vector                    0.02     0.63       0.04      1.27
get                          0.02     0.63       0.04      1.27
-                            0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
$<-                          0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
/                            0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
anyDuplicated                0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
as.environment               0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
as.list.data.frame           0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
attr                         0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
attr<-                       0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
c                            0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
cbind                        0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
data.class                   0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
is.array                     0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
makepredictcall.default      0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
mode                         0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
pLausen94                    0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63
sys.function                 0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63

                        total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
lapply                        3.16    100.00      0.06     1.90
maxstat.test                  3.16    100.00      0.06     1.90
FUN                           3.16    100.00      0.04     1.27
maxstat.test.data.frame       3.10     98.10      0.06     1.90
eval                          1.92     60.76      0.34    10.76
model.frame                   1.70     53.80      0.02     0.63
model.frame.default           1.68     53.16      0.06     1.90
maxstat                       0.90     28.48      0.04     1.27
do.call                       0.90     28.48      0.00     0.00
terms                         0.62     19.62      0.04     1.27
terms.formula                 0.50     15.82      0.50    15.82
cmaxstat                      0.38     12.03      0.06     1.90
sapply                        0.34     10.76      0.00     0.00
deparse                       0.32     10.13      0.08     2.53
na.omit                       0.32     10.13      0.02     0.63
na.omit.data.frame            0.30      9.49      0.08     2.53
match.arg                     0.30      9.49      0.06     1.90
[                             0.30      9.49      0.02     0.63
cscores                       0.28      8.86      0.02     0.63
cscores.Surv                  0.26      8.23      0.02     0.63
Surv                          0.20      6.33      0.12     3.80
[.data.frame                  0.20      6.33      0.04     1.27
.deparseOpts                  0.18      5.70      0.12     3.80
all.equal                     0.14      4.43      0.02     0.63
all.equal.numeric             0.12      3.80      0.02     0.63
paste                         0.12      3.80      0.02     0.63
order                         0.08      2.53      0.04     1.27
[[                            0.08      2.53      0.02     0.63
sort                          0.08      2.53      0.02     0.63
ifelse                        0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
is.matrix                     0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
length                        0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
match                         0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
pmatch                        0.06      1.90      0.06     1.90
[.formula                     0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
[.Surv                        0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
attr.all.equal                0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
makepredictcall               0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
unique                        0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
unlist                        0.06      1.90      0.04     1.27
[[.data.frame                 0.06      1.90      0.02     0.63
sort.int                      0.06      1.90      0.02     0.63
%in%                          0.06      1.90      0.00     0.00
simplify2array                0.06      1.90      0.00     0.00
sort.default                  0.06      1.90      0.00     0.00
<Anonymous>                   0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
is.data.frame                 0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
names                         0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
NextMethod                    0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
sum                           0.04      1.27      0.04     1.27
as.list                       0.04      1.27      0.02     0.63
as.vector                     0.04      1.27      0.02     0.63
get                           0.04      1.27      0.02     0.63
-                             0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
$<-                           0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
/                             0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
anyDuplicated                 0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
as.environment                0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
as.list.data.frame            0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
attr                          0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
attr<-                        0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
c                             0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
cbind                         0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
data.class                    0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
is.array                      0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
makepredictcall.default       0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
mode                          0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
pLausen94                     0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
sys.function                  0.02      0.63      0.02     0.63
formals                       0.02      0.63      0.00     0.00
is.na                         0.02      0.63      0.00     0.00
is.na.Surv                    0.02      0.63      0.00     0.00
rowSums                       0.02      0.63      0.00     0.00

[1] 0.02

[1] 3.16
self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
术语。公式0.50 15.82 0.50 15.82
评估0.34 10.76 1.92 60.76
附加值0.12 3.80 0.20 6.33
.deparseOpts 0.12 3.80 0.18 5.70
德帕斯0.08 2.53 0.32 10.13
na.omit.data.frame 0.08 2.53 0.30 9.49
搭接0.06 1.90 3.16 100.00
maxstat.test 0.06 1.90 3.16 100.00
maxstat.test.data.frame 0.06 1.90 3.10 98.10
model.frame.default 0.06 1.90 1.68 53.16
cmaxstat 0.06 1.90 0.38 12.03
match.arg 0.06 1.90 0.30 9.49
如果其他0.06 1.90 0.06 1.90
is.0.06 1.90 0.06 1.90
长度0.061.90 0.061.90
匹配0.06 1.90 0.06 1.90
pmatch 0.06 1.90 0.06 1.90
乐趣0.04 1.27 3.16 100.00
maxstat 0.04 1.27 0.90 28.48
条款0.04 1.27 0.62 19.62
[.数据框0.04 1.27 0.20 6.33
订单0.04 1.27 0.08 2.53
[.公式0.04 1.27 0.06 1.90
[.Surv 0.04 1.27 0.06 1.90
所有属性均等于0.04 1.27 0.06 1.90
makepredictcall 0.04 1.27 0.06 1.90
独特的0.04 1.27 0.06 1.90
未列出0.04 1.27 0.06 1.90
0.04     1.27       0.04      1.27
is.data.frame 0.04 1.27 0.04 1.27
名称0.04 1.27 0.04 1.27
下一种方法0.04 1.27 0.04 1.27
总和0.04 1.27 0.04 1.27
型号0.02 0.63 1.70 53.80
na.省略0.02 0.63 0.32 10.13
[                            0.02     0.63       0.30      9.49
Ccores 0.02 0.63 0.28 8.86
cscores.Surv 0.02 0.63 0.26 8.23
全部等于0.02 0.63 0.14 4.43
所有.equal.numeric 0.02 0.63 0.12 3.80
粘贴0.02 0.63 0.12 3.80
[[                           0.02     0.63       0.08      2.53
排序0.02 0.63 0.08 2.53
[.data.frame 0.02 0.63 0.06 1.90
sort.int 0.02 0.63 0.06 1.90
as.list 0.02 0.63 0.04 1.27
as.vector 0.02 0.63 0.04 1.27
获得0.02 0.63 0.04 1.27
-                            0.02     0.63       0.02      0.63



Genedata <- structure(list(time = c(120, 120, 28.96, 119.21, 59.53, 68.81, 
82.29, 110.82, 65.88, 84.13, 16.47, 89.75, 76.07, 67.82, 52.24, 
64.1, 55.13, 57.79, 50.1, 43.79, 30.27, 3.64, 36.59, 20.02, 118.58, 
55.33, 120, 120, 120, 106.94, 11.7, 28.79, 26.82, 52.5, 24.03, 
88.99, 102.44, 33.73, 85.28, 26.53, 37.31, 86.43, 55.92, 70.65, 
76.04, 79.13, 83.99, 80.25, 40.6, 95.37, 31.06, 37.31, 22.02, 
63.25, 34.09, 52.14, 66.04, 59.96, 47.86, 58.45, 45.99, 60.42, 
37.67, 15.71, 39.25, 49.87, 25.24, 44.97, 35.9, 26.66, 36.78, 
41.52, 22.22, 33.2, 39.68, 25.61, 83.99, 15.05, 8.38, 18.18, 
27.15, 24.26, 105.17, 11.76, 70.45, 95.07, 112.33, 27.51, 45.92, 
54.04, 103.98, 6.11, 99.51, 20.44, 76.6, 10.02, 41.45, 96.26, 
85.61, 78.87, 22.25, 74.53, 59.07, 47.8, 5.68, 79.39, 74.07, 
50.76, 67.82, 70.84, 50.59, 34.58, 38.72, 54.9, 67.92, 58.45, 
59.34, 54.54, 19.03, 26.26, 52.86, 32.05, 55.95, 56.67, 50.43, 
4.24, 49.11, 49.57, 50.49, 63.05, 49.24, 0.92, 31.36, 40.3, 116.64, 
31.92, 19.98, 24.62, 18.54, 120, 17.62, 5.32, 2.36, 5.72, 15.28, 
95.07, 4.96, 28.89, 3.25, 0.92, 18.77, 57.73, 14.39, 5.12, 4.99, 
33.17, 50.53, 5.72, 8.02, 34.02, 1.44, 36.95, 60.75, 37.44, 23.07, 
19.85, 31.85, 8.61, 42.27, 15.25, 14.56, 9.96, 8.94, 32.67, 2.07, 
22.78, 22.35), cens = c(0L, 0L, NA, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L, NA, 0L, 
NA, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 1L, NA, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, NA, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, NA, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
0L, 1L, 0L, NA, 1L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, NA, 0L, NA, NA, 1L, 0L, 
0L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, NA, NA, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, NA, 0L, 1L, 
0L, 0L, 0L, NA, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 
1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
1L, 1L, NA, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, NA, 0L, NA, 1L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 
1L, NA, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 0L)), .Names = c("time", "cens"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

data <- replicate(10000, abs(rnorm(177)))
Genedata <- data.frame(Genedata, data)

## 1000 variables
##    user  system elapsed 
##  11.613   0.090  11.780 

## 2000 variables
##   user  system elapsed
## 23.847   0.060  24.043

## 3000 variables
##    user  system elapsed 
##  35.316   0.093  35.905

## 10000 variables
##    user  system elapsed 
## 120.654   0.594 122.140 


## 43000
##    user  system elapsed 
## 612.587   3.134 630.464 


genes <- names(Genedata)[-(1:3)]

time_it <- function(f, vars = c(25, 100, 500, 999)) {
  names(vars) <- vars
  sapply(vars, function(x) system.time(lapply(genes[1:x], f))[3]) / vars

fit_model <- function(var) {
  maxstat.test(Surv(time, cens) ~ get(var), data = Genedata, 
    smethod = "LogRank", pmethod = "Lau94")
#  25.elapsed 100.elapsed 500.elapsed 999.elapsed 
#    1.800000    1.790000    1.812000    1.857858 



## Convert to a "long" data.table format: 
Genedata2 <- data.table(time=rep(Genedata[[1]],ncol(Genedata)-2),
                        variable=rep(1:(ncol(Genedata)-2), each=nrow(Genedata)),

## Calculate the maxstat.test by each variable:
maxstat.estimate2 <- Genedata2[,list(ans=list(maxstat.test(Surv(time, cens) ~ value,
                     data=.SD, smethod="LogRank", pmethod="Lau94"))), by="variable"]

## 1,000 variables:
##  user  system elapsed 
##  2.01    0.00    2.01

## 5,000 variables:
##  user  system elapsed 
## 12.17    0.00   12.17

## 10,000 variables:
##  user  system elapsed 
## 21.19    0.07   21.25

## 43,000 variables:
##  user  system elapsed 
## 96.91    0.21   97.22