在数据帧中创建移动时段并计算内容(R studio)

在数据帧中创建移动时段并计算内容(R studio),r,dataframe,loops,R,Dataframe,Loops,我有一个数据框,其中包含1961年1月至2017年12月期间每天的降水数据,如下所示: DF=data.frame(年、月、日、降水量值) 我希望从1961年1月1日开始创建30天的时段,因此第一个时段将是1961年1月1日至1月30日,并希望R计算无雨天数(降水量值=0)。然后,我想在第二天做同样的事情:1月2日,所以这段时间将是1月2日到1月31日,等等。在那之后,我需要R创建一个包含1961年所有结果的数据框架。因此,它应该是一个数据框,只有一列有值(这些值将是每个时段无雨的天数) 那么我







df<-data.frame(year = rep(1967:2002, each =12*30), 
               month = rep(rep(1:12, each = 30), 36), 
               day = rep(seq(1,30, by = 1), 432),
                precipitation = sample(1:2000, 12*36))

#create a column that goes from 1 to however long your dataframe is
df$marker <- 1:nrow(df)

#'Now we create a simple loop to calculate the mean precipitation for 
#'every 30 day window. You can modify this to count the number of days with 
#'0 precipitation

#'the new column moving precip will tell you the mean precipitation for the 
#' past 30 days relative to its postion. So if your on row 55, it will give 
#' you the mean precipitation from row 25 to 55

for(i in 1:nrow(df)){
  start = i #this says we start at i
  end = i + 30 #we end 30 days later from i
  if(end > nrow(df)){
    #here I tell R to print this if there is not enough days
    #in the dataset (30 days) to calculate the 30 day window mean
    #this happens at the beginning of the dataset because we need to get to the
    #30th row to start calculating means
    print("not able to calculate, not 30 days into the data yet") 
    #Here I calculate the mean the of the past 30 days of precip
    df$movingprecip[end] = mean(df[start:end,4])}