R 更改x轴标签打印模型中的名称

R 更改x轴标签打印模型中的名称,r,R,如何更改x标签中的名称?for=瘢痕到=瘢痕 set_theme(base = theme_classic(), #To remove the background color and the grids theme.font = 'serif', #To change the font type axis.title.size = 1.5, #To change axis title size axis.textsize.x =


set_theme(base = theme_classic(), #To remove the background color and the grids
          theme.font = 'serif',   #To change the font type
          axis.title.size = 1.5,  #To change axis title size
          axis.textsize.x = 1.2,  #To change x axis text size
          axis.textsize.y = 1.2)  #To change y axis text size

plot_model(mod_plasmacic, type="pred", show.p = TRUE, axis.title = (expression(paste(delta^{13}, "C(‰)"))), title = "")



mod <- glm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
set_theme(base = theme_classic(), #To remove the background color and the grids
          theme.font = 'serif',   #To change the font type
          axis.title.size = 1.5,  #To change axis title size
          axis.textsize.x = 1.2,  #To change x axis text size
          axis.textsize.y = 1.2)  #To change y axis text size

plot_model(mod, type="pred", show.p = TRUE, axis.title = c("Cicatríz umbilical",expression(paste(delta^{13}, "C(‰)"))), title = "")
mod您应该将其改为“Cicatriz脐带”,而不是“Cicatriz脐带”,因为Cicatriz没有波浪音(palabra aguda terminada在辅音distinta de n o s中,例如“feliz”、“perdiz”、“calor”、“ciudad”、“pincel”……混淆的可能性更大,因为“z”听起来像“s”,而“anís”、“arnés”、“Tom s”等词确实带有波浪音。(当然,你可以在任何一本西班牙语词典上查到这一点:-)