
用R中的多个字符串替换相同的文本,r,text,data-manipulation,R,Text,Data Manipulation,以下是我的示例数据: root <- c("how to manage xxx","how to run xxx","how to operate xxx") type <- c("resturant","grocery store","retail store") regmatchesregmatches我需要从每个查询的根目录和类型中进行轮换,如问题所示。@RanTao您现在已经编辑了问题。一些答案是使用当时可用的信息给出的。花点时间问你想问的问题。@RanTao-那不是替换操


root <- c("how to manage xxx","how to run xxx","how to operate xxx")
type <- c("resturant","grocery store","retail store")

kw <- gsub("xxx", "123", root)
how to manage restaurant
how to run restaurant
how to operate resturant
how to manage grocery store
how to operate retail store
regmatches(root, regexpr("xxx",root)) <- type
#[1] "how to manage resturant"     "how to run grocery store"   
#[3] "how to operate retail store"
out <- rep(root,each=length(type))
regmatches(out, regexpr("xxx",out)) <- type
#[1] "how to manage resturant"      "how to manage grocery store" 
#[3] "how to manage retail store"   "how to run resturant"        
#[5] "how to run grocery store"     "how to run retail store"     
#[7] "how to operate resturant"     "how to operate grocery store"
#[9] "how to operate retail store" 
data.frame(x = unlist(lapply(type, function(x) gsub("xxx",x,root))))
#                             x
#1      how to manage resturant
#2         how to run resturant
#3     how to operate resturant
#4  how to manage grocery store
#5     how to run grocery store
#6 how to operate grocery store
#7   how to manage retail store
#8      how to run retail store
#9  how to operate retail store