R 如何根据列名的部分字符串匹配从列中选择特定观察值

R 如何根据列名的部分字符串匹配从列中选择特定观察值,r,regex,dplyr,R,Regex,Dplyr,我的数据集包含大量以“dis…”开头的列 列中的值为0(无疾病)或1(有疾病)。我想创建一个观察数据框架,其中1表示特定疾病,0表示其他所有疾病 我尝试了以下方法: istroke <- filter(onlyCRP, dis_ep0009 == 1 & grep("dis_" == 0)) 我需要另一列,例如-根据这3列的某些条件(我实际上有29列“dis_u2;”列): 如果dis_ep0009==1,则IS==1(与任何其他“dis..”列上的0或1无关) 如果dis_ep




istroke <- filter(onlyCRP, dis_ep0009 == 1 & grep("dis_" == 0))

  • 如果dis_ep0009==1,则IS==1(与任何其他“dis..”列上的0或1无关)

  • 如果dis_ep0009==0和dis_epxxx==1,我想删除这些观察值

  • 如果dis_ep0009==0和dis_epxxx==0,我想编码为IS==0

  • 因此,生成的表应该如下所示:

    dis_ep0009  dis_epxxx   dis_epxxx    IS
     0            0             0        0
     0            1             0        drop
     0            0             1        drop
     1            0             1        1
     0            0             0        0
     0            0             0        0
     1            1             1        1  


    specific_disease <- "dis_ep0009"
    disease_cols <- grep("dis",names(onlyCRP),value=TRUE) # all columns containing "dis"
    disease_cols <- setdiff(disease_cols,specific_disease) # all these columns except your specific disease
    onlyCRP$any_other_disease <- apply(onlyCRP[,disease_cols]==1,1,any) # a Boolean column saying if there is another disease besides the possible specific one
    onlyCRP[onlyCRP$specific_disease == 1 & !onlyCRP$any_other_disease,] # the subset where you'll have only your specific disease and no other


    specific_disease <- "dis_ep0009"
    disease_cols <- grep("dis",names(onlyCRP),value=TRUE) # all columns containing "dis"
    disease_cols <- setdiff(disease_cols,specific_disease) # all these columns except your specific disease
    onlyCRP$any_other_disease <- apply(onlyCRP[,disease_cols]==1,1,any) # a Boolean column saying if there is another disease besides the possible specific one
    onlyCRP[onlyCRP$specific_disease == 1 & !onlyCRP$any_other_disease,] # the subset where you'll have only your specific disease and no other

    istroke <- filter(df, ifelse(dis_ep0009 == 1, 1, ifelse(dis_ep0009 == 0 & grep("dis_", names(df)) == 0, 0, ifelse(dis_ep0009 == 0 & grep("dis_", names(df)) == 1, drop())))
    specific_disease <- "dis_ep0009"
    disease_cols <- grep("dis",names(onlyCRP),value=TRUE) # all columns containing "dis"
    disease_cols <- setdiff(disease_cols,specific_disease) # all these columns except your specific disease
    onlyCRP$any_other_disease <- apply(onlyCRP[,disease_cols]==1,1,any) # a Boolean column saying if there is another disease besides the possible specific one
    onlyCRP[onlyCRP$specific_disease == 1 & !onlyCRP$any_other_disease,] # the subset where you'll have only your specific disease and no other