Reference 在这个C程序中,如何使用引用调用而不是值调用?

Reference 在这个C程序中,如何使用引用调用而不是值调用?,reference,call,Reference,Call,您的第一个程序在许多地方使用引用调用,但也有许多错误 1) 在调用printAll时使用CBR不正确。具体而言,这一行: \asn44.c||In function 'printAll':| \asn44.c|42|error: incompatible type for argument 1 of 'calc_celsius'| \asn44.c|23|note: expected 'float' but argument is of type 'float *'| \asn44.c|42|e


1) 在调用printAll时使用CBR不正确。具体而言,这一行:

\asn44.c||In function 'printAll':|
\asn44.c|42|error: incompatible type for argument 1 of 'calc_celsius'|
\asn44.c|23|note: expected 'float' but argument is of type 'float *'|
\asn44.c|42|error: too few arguments to function 'calc_celsius'|
\asn44.c|23|note: declared here|
\asn44.c|43|error: incompatible type for argument 1 of 'calc_celsius'|
\asn44.c|23|note: expected 'float' but argument is of type 'float *'|
\asn44.c|43|error: too few arguments to function 'calc_celsius'|
\asn44.c|23|note: declared here|
\asn44.c|44|error: incompatible type for argument 1 of 'calc_celsius'|
\asn44.c|23|note: expected 'float' but argument is of type 'float *'|
\asn44.c|44|error: too few arguments to function 'calc_celsius'|
\asn44.c|23|note: declared here|
\asn44.c|49|error: incompatible type for argument 1 of 'calc_fahr'|
\asn44.c|30|note: expected 'float' but argument is of type 'float *'|
\asn44.c|49|error: too few arguments to function 'calc_fahr'|
\asn44.c|30|note: declared here|
\asn44.c|50|error: incompatible type for argument 1 of 'calc_fahr'|
\asn44.c|30|note: expected 'float' but argument is of type 'float *'|
\asn44.c|50|error: too few arguments to function 'calc_fahr'|
\asn44.c|30|note: declared here|
\asn44.c|51|error: incompatible type for argument 1 of 'calc_fahr'|
\asn44.c|30|note: expected 'float' but argument is of type 'float *'|
\asn44.c|51|error: too few arguments to function 'calc_fahr'|
\asn44.c|30|note: declared here|
||=== Build failed: 12 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s)) ===|

2) printAll只使用一个参数调用calc_celsius和calc_fahr,但这两个函数都需要两个参数

3) 您正在将浮点的地址传递给calc_celsius和calc_fahr,但您应该传递浮点本身

4) calc_fahr被声明为返回浮点值,但实际上不返回任何值

5) calc_celsius和calc_fahr都不需要第二个参数-只需返回表达式的结果(从第一个参数计算)










void calc_celsius(float, float*);
void calc_fahr(float, float*);


void printAll(float f1, float f2, float f3, float c1, float c2, float c3);

float calc_celsius(float fahr) {
    return (fahr - 32.) * 5. / 9.;

float calc_fahr(float cels) {
    return (cels * 1.8 + 32.);

void calc_celsius(float fahr, float* cels) {
    *cels = (fahr - 32.) * 5. / 9.;

void calc_fahr(float cels, float* fahr) {
    *fahr = (cels * 1.8 + 32.);
void printAll(float f1, float f2, float f3, float c1, float c2, float c3) {

    printf("Fahrenheit \t | Celsius \n");
    printf("***************************** \n");
    printf("%.2f \t\t %.2f \n", f1, calc_celsius(f1));

void calc_celsius(float fahr, float* cels) {
    *cels = (fahr - 32.) * 5. / 9.;

void calc_fahr(float cels, float* fahr) {
    *fahr = (cels * 1.8 + 32.);
void printAll(float f1, float f2, float f3, float c1, float c2, float c3) {

    printf("Fahrenheit \t | Celsius \n");
    printf("***************************** \n");
    printf("%.2f \t\t %.2f \n", f1, calc_celsius(f1));
void printAll(float f1, float f2, float f3, float c1, float c2, float c3);
float calc_celsius(float fahr) {
    return (fahr - 32.) * 5. / 9.;

float calc_fahr(float cels) {
    return (cels * 1.8 + 32.);
void calc_celsius(float fahr, float* cels) {
    *cels = (fahr - 32.) * 5. / 9.;

void calc_fahr(float cels, float* fahr) {
    *fahr = (cels * 1.8 + 32.);
void printAll(float f1, float f2, float f3, float c1, float c2, float c3) {

    printf("Fahrenheit \t | Celsius \n");
    printf("***************************** \n");
    printf("%.2f \t\t %.2f \n", f1, calc_celsius(f1));
void printAll(float f1, float f2, float f3, float c1, float c2, float c3) {

    float cels, fahr;

    printf("Fahrenheit \t | Celsius \n");
    printf("***************************** \n");
    calc_celsius(f1, &cels);
    printf("%.2f \t\t %.2f \n", f1, cels);
    calc_celsius(f2, &cels);
    printf("%.2f \t\t %.2f \n", f2, cels);