Regex 如何使用正则表达式从文本中提取动态字符串

Regex 如何使用正则表达式从文本中提取动态字符串,regex,vba,parsing,Regex,Vba,Parsing,我正在编写下面的示例文本 在此文本—(1)在不损害先前授予任何现有股份或任何类别股份持有人的任何特殊权利的情况下,根据《公司法》,公司股份可由董事发行。(2) 根据本公司的任何普通决议,第(1)款所述股份的发行可具有优先权、递延权或其他特殊权利或限制,无论是关于股息、投票权、资本回报还是其他方面 我想按以下方式拆分文本 文本在这里文本在这里- (1) 在不损害先前授予任何现有股份或任何类别股份持有人的任何特殊权利的情况下,根据《公司法》,公司股份可由董事发行 (2) 根据本公司的任何普通决议,第


  • 在此文本—(1)在不损害先前授予任何现有股份或任何类别股份持有人的任何特殊权利的情况下,根据《公司法》,公司股份可由董事发行。(2) 根据本公司的任何普通决议,第(1)款所述股份的发行可具有优先权、递延权或其他特殊权利或限制,无论是关于股息、投票权、资本回报还是其他方面
  • 我想按以下方式拆分文本

  • 文本在这里文本在这里-
  • (1) 在不损害先前授予任何现有股份或任何类别股份持有人的任何特殊权利的情况下,根据《公司法》,公司股份可由董事发行

    (2) 根据本公司的任何普通决议,第(1)款所述股份的发行可具有优先权、递延权或其他特殊权利或限制,无论是关于股息、投票权、资本回报还是其他方面


    Pattern = "([(][\d][)])([A-Z,a-z,.,\-,’,(,),_, ,:,\n,“,”,"",:,;,—,-,\—,\t,\r,]*)"



    Function SpecSplitText(x As String) As String
      Dim strFin As String, strInt As String, arr, arr1, El
      arr = Split(x, "—"):
      strFin = arr(0) & vbCrLf
      arr1 = Split(arr(1), ".")
      For Each El In arr1
        If Len(LTrim(El)) = 1 Then
            strInt = LTrim(El) & ". "
            strFin = strFin & strInt & LTrim(El) & "." & vbCrLf
            strInt = ""
        End If
      strFin = left(strFin, Len(strFin) - 3)
      SpecSplitText = strFin
    End Function

    Sub testSpecSplitText()
        Dim x As String, y As String, z As String
        x = "7. text here text here —(1) Without prejudice to any special rights previously conferred on the holders of any existing shares or class of shares but subject to the Act, shares in the company may be issued by the directors. (2) Shares referred to in paragraph (1) may be issued with preferred, deferred, or other special rights or restrictions, whether in regard to dividend, voting, return of capital, or otherwise, as the directors, subject to any ordinary resolution of the company, determine."
        y = "8. text here text here —a. Without prejudice to any special rights previously conferred on the holders of any existing shares or class of shares but subject to the Act, shares in the company may be issued by the directors. b. Shares referred to in paragraph (1) may be issued with preferred, deferred, or other special rights or restrictions, whether in regard to dividend, voting, return of capital, or otherwise, as the directors, subject to any ordinary resolution of the company, determine."
        z = "9. text here text here —I Without prejudice to any special rights previously conferred on the holders of any existing shares or class of shares but subject to the Act, shares in the company may be issued by the directors. II Shares referred to in paragraph (1) may be issued with preferred, deferred, or other special rights or restrictions, whether in regard to dividend, voting, return of capital, or otherwise, as the directors, subject to any ordinary resolution of the company, determine."
        Debug.Print SpecSplitText(x)
        Debug.Print SpecSplitText(y)
        Debug.Print SpecSplitText(z)
    End Sub


    ?那么,从哪里提取这段文字呢?它们是Word中的段落还是什么?@Lal Ansari:你没有找到同样的时间来测试上面的代码吗?