Regex Azure CLI\Powershell如何排除要求

Regex Azure CLI\Powershell如何排除要求,regex,azure,powershell,azure-cli,azure-cli2,Regex,Azure,Powershell,Azure Cli,Azure Cli2,作为我最后一个问题的继续。 我得到了这段代码,但现在我想知道如何排除一些需求 function Test-AdminPassword { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [int]$Requirements = 5 ) $result = 0 # test length

作为我最后一个问题的继续。 我得到了这段代码,但现在我想知道如何排除一些需求

function Test-AdminPassword {
    [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory=$true)]

    [Parameter(Position = 1)]
    [int]$Requirements = 5
$result = 0

# test length between 12 and 24
if ($Password.Length -in 12..24) {
# test uppercase
if (($Password -creplace '[^A-Z]', '').Length -ge 3) {
# test lowercase
if (($Password -creplace '[^a-z]', '').Length -ge 3) {
# test digits
if (($Password -replace '[^0-9]', '').Length -ge 3) {
# test special characters
if (($Password -creplace '[^!@$#%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};'':"\\|,.<>\/? ]', '').Length -ge 3) {

# return $true if the password complies with at least $requirements
return ($result -ge $Requirements)
如果($Password.Length-in 12..24){
如果($Password-creplace'[^A-Z]','').Length-ge 3){
如果($Password-creplace'[^a-z]','').Length-ge 3){
如果($Password-替换“[^0-9]”,“”).Length-ge 3){
如果($Password-creplace'[^!@$\\%^&*()\+\-=\[\]{};“”:“\\\\\”,.\/?”,“”)。长度-ge 3){

我现在的问题是如何编辑它,以便排除特殊字符,因为在管理员用户名中只能使用小写字符。 这一个使用了更多的参数供您使用,但是它可以用于测试管理员用户名和输入的密码

function Test-AdminInput {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByCase")]
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory=$true)]

        # Instead of these default numbers, you can set them all to 0
        # if you like. That way, omitting them from the call will skip the test.
        [int]$MinLength = 12,
        [int]$MaxLength = 24,
        [int]$MinDigits = 3,
        [int]$MinSpecial = 3,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByCase")]
        [int]$MinUpperCase = 3,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByCase")]
        [int]$MinLowerCase = 3,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByCaseRestrict")]
        [ValidateSet ("AllUpperCase","AllLowerCase","Any")]
        [string]$RestrictCase = "Any"
    # test $MinLength
    if ($MinLength -gt 0 -and $NameOrPassword.Length -lt $MinLength) {
        Write-Warning "You need at least $MinLength characters"
        return $false

    # test $MaxLength
    if ($MaxLength -gt 0 -and $NameOrPassword.Length -gt $MaxLength) {
        Write-Warning "You cannot use more than $MaxLength characters"
        return $false

    # test Restricted casing
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByCaseRestrict") {
        switch ($RestrictCase) {
            "AllUpperCase" { if ($NameOrPassword.ToUpperInvariant() -cne $NameOrPassword)  { 
                             Write-Warning "You must use upper-case characters only"; return $false } }
            "AllLowerCase" { if ($NameOrPassword.ToLowerInvariant() -cne $NameOrPassword)  { 
                             Write-Warning "You must use lower-case characters only"; return $false } }
    else {
        # test minimum uppercase
        if ($MinUpperCase -gt 0) {
            if (($NameOrPassword -creplace '[^A-Z]', '').Length -lt $MinUpperCase) { 
                Write-Warning "You must use at least $MinUpperCase upper-case characters" 
                return $false
        # test minimum lowercase
        if ($MinLowerCase -gt 0) {
            if (($NameOrPassword -creplace '[^a-z]', '').Length -lt $MinLowerCase) { 
                Write-Warning "You must use at least $MinLowerCase lower-case characters" 
                return $false

    # test digits
    if ($MinDigits -gt 0) {
        if (($NameOrPassword -replace '[^0-9]', '').Length -lt $MinDigits) {
            Write-Warning "You must use at least $MinDigits digits (0-9)" 
            return $false
    # test special characters
    if ($MinSpecial -gt 0) {
        if (($NameOrPassword -creplace '[^!@$#%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};'':"\\|,.<>\/? ]', '').Length -lt $MinSpecial) {
            Write-Warning "You must use at least $MinSpecial special characters (!@$#%^&*()_+-=[]{};'`":\|,.<>/? )" 
            return $false

    # If you get here, all tests succeeded
    return $true

do {
    $input = Read-Host -Prompt "Please insert an Admin Password (must have the 3 lower case characters, 3 upper case characters, 3 digits and 3 special characters)"
    $result = Test-AdminInput $input -MinLength 12 -MaxLength 24 -MinUpperCase 3 -MinLowerCase 3 -MinDigits 3 -MinSpecial 3
} until ($result)
do {
    $input = Read-Host -Prompt "Please insert an Admin User name (must have only lower case characters, 3 digits)"
    $result = Test-AdminInput $input -MinLength 12 -MaxLength 24 -MinDigits 3 -RestrictCase AllLowerCase
} until ($result)

这是我之前函数的完整重写。 这一个使用了更多的参数供您使用,但是它可以用于测试管理员用户名和输入的密码

function Test-AdminInput {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByCase")]
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory=$true)]

        # Instead of these default numbers, you can set them all to 0
        # if you like. That way, omitting them from the call will skip the test.
        [int]$MinLength = 12,
        [int]$MaxLength = 24,
        [int]$MinDigits = 3,
        [int]$MinSpecial = 3,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByCase")]
        [int]$MinUpperCase = 3,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByCase")]
        [int]$MinLowerCase = 3,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByCaseRestrict")]
        [ValidateSet ("AllUpperCase","AllLowerCase","Any")]
        [string]$RestrictCase = "Any"
    # test $MinLength
    if ($MinLength -gt 0 -and $NameOrPassword.Length -lt $MinLength) {
        Write-Warning "You need at least $MinLength characters"
        return $false

    # test $MaxLength
    if ($MaxLength -gt 0 -and $NameOrPassword.Length -gt $MaxLength) {
        Write-Warning "You cannot use more than $MaxLength characters"
        return $false

    # test Restricted casing
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByCaseRestrict") {
        switch ($RestrictCase) {
            "AllUpperCase" { if ($NameOrPassword.ToUpperInvariant() -cne $NameOrPassword)  { 
                             Write-Warning "You must use upper-case characters only"; return $false } }
            "AllLowerCase" { if ($NameOrPassword.ToLowerInvariant() -cne $NameOrPassword)  { 
                             Write-Warning "You must use lower-case characters only"; return $false } }
    else {
        # test minimum uppercase
        if ($MinUpperCase -gt 0) {
            if (($NameOrPassword -creplace '[^A-Z]', '').Length -lt $MinUpperCase) { 
                Write-Warning "You must use at least $MinUpperCase upper-case characters" 
                return $false
        # test minimum lowercase
        if ($MinLowerCase -gt 0) {
            if (($NameOrPassword -creplace '[^a-z]', '').Length -lt $MinLowerCase) { 
                Write-Warning "You must use at least $MinLowerCase lower-case characters" 
                return $false

    # test digits
    if ($MinDigits -gt 0) {
        if (($NameOrPassword -replace '[^0-9]', '').Length -lt $MinDigits) {
            Write-Warning "You must use at least $MinDigits digits (0-9)" 
            return $false
    # test special characters
    if ($MinSpecial -gt 0) {
        if (($NameOrPassword -creplace '[^!@$#%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};'':"\\|,.<>\/? ]', '').Length -lt $MinSpecial) {
            Write-Warning "You must use at least $MinSpecial special characters (!@$#%^&*()_+-=[]{};'`":\|,.<>/? )" 
            return $false

    # If you get here, all tests succeeded
    return $true

do {
    $input = Read-Host -Prompt "Please insert an Admin Password (must have the 3 lower case characters, 3 upper case characters, 3 digits and 3 special characters)"
    $result = Test-AdminInput $input -MinLength 12 -MaxLength 24 -MinUpperCase 3 -MinLowerCase 3 -MinDigits 3 -MinSpecial 3
} until ($result)
do {
    $input = Read-Host -Prompt "Please insert an Admin User name (must have only lower case characters, 3 digits)"
    $result = Test-AdminInput $input -MinLength 12 -MaxLength 24 -MinDigits 3 -RestrictCase AllLowerCase
} until ($result)

执行{$input=Read Host-Prompt“请插入用户名(必须只有小写字符和/或数字)”}直到($input-cmatch'\A(?[A-z0-9]+)\Z')
.length-ge 3
do{$input=Read Host-Prompt“请插入用户名(必须只有小写字符和/或数字)”}直到($input-cmatch'\A(?[A-z0-9]+)\Z')
.length-ge 3