Ruby on rails 邮件默认为

Ruby on rails 邮件默认为,ruby-on-rails,ruby-on-rails-4,Ruby On Rails,Ruby On Rails 4,我有一个管理员电子邮件: class AdminMailer < ApplicationMailer ADMIN_EMAIL = '' def send1 mail(to: ADMIN_EMAIL, subject: 'You have a new registered user') end end class AdminMailer


class AdminMailer < ApplicationMailer

  def send1
    mail(to: ADMIN_EMAIL, subject: 'You have a new registered user')

class AdminMailer

class AdminMailer < ApplicationMailer
  default to: ''
class AdminMailer





#*+:主题+-消息的主题,如果省略,则Action Mailer将
#要求Rails I18n类在
# The main method that creates the message and renders the email templates. There are
# two ways to call this method, with a block, or without a block.
# It accepts a headers hash. This hash allows you to specify
# the most used headers in an email message, these are:
# * +:subject+ - The subject of the message, if this is omitted, Action Mailer will
#   ask the Rails I18n class for a translated +:subject+ in the scope of
#   <tt>[mailer_scope, action_name]</tt> or if this is missing, will translate the
#   humanized version of the +action_name+
# * +:to+ - Who the message is destined for, can be a string of addresses, or an array
#   of addresses.
# * +:from+ - Who the message is from
# * +:cc+ - Who you would like to Carbon-Copy on this email, can be a string of addresses,
#   or an array of addresses.
# * +:bcc+ - Who you would like to Blind-Carbon-Copy on this email, can be a string of
#   addresses, or an array of addresses.
# * +:reply_to+ - Who to set the Reply-To header of the email to.
# * +:date+ - The date to say the email was sent on.
# You can set default values for any of the above headers (except +:date+)
# by using the ::default class method:
#  class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
#    default from: '',
#            bcc: '',
#            reply_to: ''
#  end