Ruby on rails 如何在rails控制台查询中分离实例

Ruby on rails 如何在rails控制台查询中分离实例,ruby-on-rails,rails-console,Ruby On Rails,Rails Console,第一个站点上的新手。在development rails c中执行查询时,有没有办法分离实例?简单,键入: bundle exec rails c-s 就这样 $ bundle exec rails c --help Usage: rails console [environment] [options] -s, --sandbox Rollback database modifications on exit. -e, --environment=name

第一个站点上的新手。在development rails c中执行查询时,有没有办法分离实例?


bundle exec rails c-s


$ bundle exec rails c --help
Usage: rails console [environment] [options]
-s, --sandbox                    Rollback database modifications on exit.
-e, --environment=name           Specifies the environment to run this console under (test/development/production).
                                 Default: development