Ruby on rails Youtube API是否有;和或;搜索和显式匹配搜索?

Ruby on rails Youtube API是否有;和或;搜索和显式匹配搜索?,ruby-on-rails,youtube,youtube-api,Ruby On Rails,Youtube,Youtube Api,Youtube API允许我像这样进行搜索吗 Search videos which have (in their title) strings both Lady Gaga AND (Cyrus OR Muse) Search videos which have (in their title) string exactly Katy Perry. I don't want titles which have Katy Elizabeth Perry. Youtube API允许我像这样进

Youtube API允许我像这样进行搜索吗

Search videos which have (in their title) strings both Lady Gaga AND (Cyrus OR Muse)
Search videos which have (in their title) string exactly Katy Perry. I don't want titles which have Katy Elizabeth Perry.
Youtube API允许我像这样进行搜索吗

Search videos which have (in their title) strings both Lady Gaga AND (Cyrus OR Muse)
Search videos which have (in their title) string exactly Katy Perry. I don't want titles which have Katy Elizabeth Perry.


并且支持包含和排除,就像Web UI中的搜索查询一样

可以使用-{query term}排除查询项。或{gaga}到或



@lbrahim\u Ulukaya谢谢。但是如果我单独调用(比如3个单独的调用),那么可能会多花三倍的时间,对吗?您可以进行异步调用。它们不需要相互依赖。@lbrahim_Ulukaya什么是异步调用?这是允许我在Youtube API中执行“或”搜索的某种“间接”功能吗?如果我这样做了,我能像Youtube API中有直接“或”搜索一样快速地执行或搜索吗?这与Youtube无关。当您可以为来自客户端的每个调用使用单独的线程时。您想做的是您自己的实现,而不是YT API。@lbrahim_Ulukaya但这表示“您的请求还可以使用布尔not(-)和或(|)运算符排除视频或查找与多个搜索词之一关联的视频。”但您说“只有和是通过API支持的,就像Web UI中的搜索查询一样。”我很困惑。两者都是正确的吗?Youtube API有版本更改吗?