Ruby on rails 部署到Heroku时无法编译资产

Ruby on rails 部署到Heroku时无法编译资产,ruby-on-rails,ruby,coffeescript,asset-pipeline,Ruby On Rails,Ruby,Coffeescript,Asset Pipeline,我想将Rails应用程序部署到heroku,但资产编译失败。在本地环境中,它运行良好 Your bundle is complete! It was installed into ./vendor/bundle Cleaning up the bundler cache. -----> Writing config/database.yml to read from DATABASE_URL -----> Preparing app for Rails a


       Your bundle is complete! It was installed into ./vendor/bundle
       Cleaning up the bundler cache.
-----> Writing config/database.yml to read from DATABASE_URL
-----> Preparing app for Rails asset pipeline
       Running: rake assets:precompile
       rake aborted!
       Error: Parse error on line 13: Unexpected 'INDENT'
       (in /tmp/build_iztv4ybnwpqh/app/assets/javascripts/require_dir/view_after

root = exports ? this
class root.ViewAfterKeyRecieveViewModel
  constructor: ->
    @isDecoded = ko.observable false
    @encryptedKey = ko.observable ''
    @personalPassword = ko.observable ''
    @decodePassword = ''

    # do when @personalPassword is changed
    ko.computed =>
      if @personalPassword() isnt ''
        @decodePassword = sjcl.decrypt(@personalPassword(), @encryptedKey())
      simg = new ScrambledImage044 "/assets/image61.png" # THIS IS LINE 13
        height: 16
        width:  12
        canvasId: 'original'
        seed:   @decodePassword

  createEncryptedKey: ->
    # create key and set to @encryptedKey
    @encryptedKey sjcl.encrypt("todo", "hirakegoma")


simg = new ScrambledImage044 "/assets/image61.png",  # notice the comma
    height: 16
    width:  12
    canvasId: 'original'
    seed:   @decodePassword

simg = new ScrambledImage044( "/assets/image61.png"
    height: 16
    width:  12
    canvasId: 'original'
    seed:   @decodePassword
) # notice the parens

这可能是制表符而不是空格的问题。看,这确实很奇怪。根据我的经验,在生产环境中编译coffescript时总是有陷阱;我认为在这种模式下,解析器配置默认值可能更严格(并且不允许使用一些synctatic sugar),但我不能确定。我曾经疯狂地试图纠正这样一个错误,只是发现添加paren解决了这个问题。。。