Rx java 如何在反应式编程中使用增量id在db中创建条目?

Rx java 如何在反应式编程中使用增量id在db中创建条目?,rx-java,reactive-programming,spring-webflux,project-reactor,reactive,Rx Java,Reactive Programming,Spring Webflux,Project Reactor,Reactive,我不熟悉反应式编程。需要帮助来理解这种行为 我想要实现什么 我想创建50个条目,它们的id应该是递增的。如果db中存在id为1的条目,则应创建id为2的条目 我目前的实施情况如下: // create entry 50 times void createEntries() { LOGGER.info("going to create 50 entries); Flux.range(1, 50) .flatMap(i ->





// create entry 50 times 
 void createEntries() {
        LOGGER.info("going to create 50 entries);
        Flux.range(1, 50)
            .flatMap(i -> createEntry(5))

//method to create an entry in db with incremental id  
private Mono<Integer> createEntry(long retryInterval) {
    return (customRepository.findAllEntry()) //-->A db call which returns all entries flux<Entrys> 
            .map(entry -> entry.getEntryId())
            //get last existing entry id
            //try to create the entry with new incremented id
            .flatMap(id -> createEntry(id + 1, retryInterval));

private Mono<? extends Integer> createEntry(int newEntryId, long retryInterval) {
    return saveEntry(newEntryId) //--> return Mono<Boolean> true if saved false if id already exists
            .doOnNext(applied -> LOGGER.info("Successfully created entry with id: {} ? {} ", newEntryId, applied)) //--> Why this is called multiple times??
            .flatMap(applied -> !applied
                    //applied false shows id already exists, so try again recursively with new incremented id
                    ? createEntry(newEntryId + 1, retryInterval)
                    : Mono.just(newEntryId))
            .doOnError(e -> LOGGER.warn("Error creating entry with id {} ? {} : ", newEntryId, e));
                            .exponentialBackoff(Duration.ofSeconds(retryInterval), Duration.ofSeconds(retryInterval))); //-->retry on creation if any exception 
// create entry 50 times 
 void createEntries() {
        LOGGER.info("going to create 50 entries);

//method to create an entry in db with incremental id  
private Flux<? extends Integer> createEntry(long retryInterval) {
    return (customRepository.findAllEntry()) //-->A db call which returns all entries flux<Entrys> 
            .map(entry -> entry.getEntryId())
            //get last existing entry id
            //try to create the entry with new incremented id
            .flatMap(id -> createEntry(id + 1, retryInterval))
            .repeat(49); //-->This fixes my issue will only be invoked  49 times again onComplete(). And hence will create 50 entries

private Mono<? extends Integer> createEntry(int newEntryId, long retryInterval) {
    return saveEntry(newEntryId) //--> return Mono<Boolean> true if saved false if id already exists
            .doOnNext(applied -> LOGGER.info("Successfully created entry with id: {} ? {} ", newEntryId, applied)) 
            .flatMap(applied -> !applied
                    //applied false shows id already exists, so try again recursively with new incremented id
                    ? createEntry(newEntryId + 1, retryInterval)
                    : Mono.just(newEntryId))
            .doOnError(e -> LOGGER.warn("Error creating entry with id {} ? {} : ", newEntryId, e));
                            .exponentialBackoff(Duration.ofSeconds(retryInterval), Duration.ofSeconds(retryInterval))); //-->retry on creation if any exception 
void createEntries(){
私有Mono createEntry(长重试间隔){

private Mono最后我在代码中找到了问题所在。问题出现在下面的代码片段中

// create entry 50 times 
 void createEntries() {
        LOGGER.info("going to create 50 entries);
        Flux.range(1, 50)
            .flatMap(i -> createEntry(5))

// create entry 50 times 
 void createEntries() {
        LOGGER.info("going to create 50 entries);
        Flux.range(1, 50)
            .flatMap(i -> createEntry(5))

//method to create an entry in db with incremental id  
private Mono<Integer> createEntry(long retryInterval) {
    return (customRepository.findAllEntry()) //-->A db call which returns all entries flux<Entrys> 
            .map(entry -> entry.getEntryId())
            //get last existing entry id
            //try to create the entry with new incremented id
            .flatMap(id -> createEntry(id + 1, retryInterval));

private Mono<? extends Integer> createEntry(int newEntryId, long retryInterval) {
    return saveEntry(newEntryId) //--> return Mono<Boolean> true if saved false if id already exists
            .doOnNext(applied -> LOGGER.info("Successfully created entry with id: {} ? {} ", newEntryId, applied)) //--> Why this is called multiple times??
            .flatMap(applied -> !applied
                    //applied false shows id already exists, so try again recursively with new incremented id
                    ? createEntry(newEntryId + 1, retryInterval)
                    : Mono.just(newEntryId))
            .doOnError(e -> LOGGER.warn("Error creating entry with id {} ? {} : ", newEntryId, e));
                            .exponentialBackoff(Duration.ofSeconds(retryInterval), Duration.ofSeconds(retryInterval))); //-->retry on creation if any exception 
// create entry 50 times 
 void createEntries() {
        LOGGER.info("going to create 50 entries);

//method to create an entry in db with incremental id  
private Flux<? extends Integer> createEntry(long retryInterval) {
    return (customRepository.findAllEntry()) //-->A db call which returns all entries flux<Entrys> 
            .map(entry -> entry.getEntryId())
            //get last existing entry id
            //try to create the entry with new incremented id
            .flatMap(id -> createEntry(id + 1, retryInterval))
            .repeat(49); //-->This fixes my issue will only be invoked  49 times again onComplete(). And hence will create 50 entries

private Mono<? extends Integer> createEntry(int newEntryId, long retryInterval) {
    return saveEntry(newEntryId) //--> return Mono<Boolean> true if saved false if id already exists
            .doOnNext(applied -> LOGGER.info("Successfully created entry with id: {} ? {} ", newEntryId, applied)) 
            .flatMap(applied -> !applied
                    //applied false shows id already exists, so try again recursively with new incremented id
                    ? createEntry(newEntryId + 1, retryInterval)
                    : Mono.just(newEntryId))
            .doOnError(e -> LOGGER.warn("Error creating entry with id {} ? {} : ", newEntryId, e));
                            .exponentialBackoff(Duration.ofSeconds(retryInterval), Duration.ofSeconds(retryInterval))); //-->retry on creation if any exception 
void createEntries(){