
Scala中惯用语的高效标量映射/映射?,scala,bytecode,Scala,Bytecode,从另一个表达式的深处多次访问标量表达式的最简洁和字节码效率最高的方法是什么 以下代码(exc.scalar4)中的所有函数都可以按需要运行。但是只有字节码器发出有效的字节码(尽管以ISTORE 2 ILOAD 2结尾很糟糕),其他的每一个都会产生六个调用 此习惯用法还可以方便地将元组的任意部分作为参数传递: for (a_tuple) { f(_._3, _._1) + g(_._2) } // caution NOT legal Scala 在本例中,intro表示一个只应调用一次的昂贵函


以下代码(exc.scalar4)中的所有函数都可以按需要运行。但是只有字节码器发出有效的字节码(尽管以ISTORE 2 ILOAD 2结尾很糟糕),其他的每一个都会产生六个调用


for (a_tuple) { f(_._3, _._1) + g(_._2) }  // caution NOT legal Scala

object Hack extends App
  @inline final def fur[T, V](x :T)(f :T => V) :V = f(x)

  @inline final def pfor[T, V](x :T)(pf :PartialFunction[T, V]) = pf(x)

  @inline final def cfor[T, V](x :T)(f :T => V) :V = x match { case x => f(x) }

  def intro :Int = 600 // only one chance to make a first impression

  def bytecoder = intro match { case __ => __ + __ / 600 }

  def functional = fur(intro) (x => x + x / 600)

  def partial = pfor(intro) { case __ => __ + __ / 600 }

  def cased = cfor(intro) ($ => $ + $ / 600)

  def optional = Some(intro).map(? => ? + ? / 600).get

  def folder = Some(intro).fold(0)(? => ? + ? / 600)

  // the for I wish for
  def scalar4 = for(intro) (_ + _ / 600) // single underline!

  println(bytecoder, functional, partial, cased, optional, folder)



// def localval = { val x = whatever; x * x / 600 }
public int localval();
   0:   aload_0
   1:   invokevirtual   #18; //Method whatever:()I
   4:   istore_1
   5:   iload_1
   6:   iload_1
   7:   imul
   8:   sipush  600
   11:  idiv
   12:  ireturn

// Canadian scalar "for" expression
@inline final case class four[T](x: T)
  @inline def apply(): T = x

  @inline def apply[V](f: Function1[T,          V]): V = f(x)
  @inline def apply[V](f: Function2[T, T,       V]): V = { val $ = x; f($, $) }
  @inline def apply[V](f: Function3[T, T, T,    V]): V = { val $ = x; f($, $, $) }
  @inline def apply[V](f: Function4[T, T, T, T, V]): V = { val $ = x; f($, $, $, $) }
  // ...

// Usage
val x = System.currentTimeMillis.toInt % 1 + 600

def a = four(x)() + 1
def b = four(x)(_ + 1)
def c = four(x)(_ + _ / x)
def d = four(x)(_ + _ / _)
def e = four(x)(_ + _ / _ - _) + 600

println(a, b, c, d, e)


def tempvar={var x=intro;x+x/600}
?你可以把块放在任何地方,你知道。如果你想在Scala中寻找“字节码效率”,那你就找错地方了。JIT难道不能优化最终无用的ISTORE 2/ILOAD 2吗?@BrunoReis-当然可以,但由于这是一个如此简单的优化,我很惊讶scalac没有这样做。接受它是因为它的字节码效率高且简单。但是我仍然不喜欢分号,并且不得不给匿名的
// def localval = { val x = whatever; x * x / 600 }
public int localval();
   0:   aload_0
   1:   invokevirtual   #18; //Method whatever:()I
   4:   istore_1
   5:   iload_1
   6:   iload_1
   7:   imul
   8:   sipush  600
   11:  idiv
   12:  ireturn
// Canadian scalar "for" expression
@inline final case class four[T](x: T)
  @inline def apply(): T = x

  @inline def apply[V](f: Function1[T,          V]): V = f(x)
  @inline def apply[V](f: Function2[T, T,       V]): V = { val $ = x; f($, $) }
  @inline def apply[V](f: Function3[T, T, T,    V]): V = { val $ = x; f($, $, $) }
  @inline def apply[V](f: Function4[T, T, T, T, V]): V = { val $ = x; f($, $, $, $) }
  // ...

// Usage
val x = System.currentTimeMillis.toInt % 1 + 600

def a = four(x)() + 1
def b = four(x)(_ + 1)
def c = four(x)(_ + _ / x)
def d = four(x)(_ + _ / _)
def e = four(x)(_ + _ / _ - _) + 600

println(a, b, c, d, e)