
对哈希表中的值进行排序,并在scheme中提取密钥,scheme,hashtable,racket,Scheme,Hashtable,Racket,我对这个计划还不熟悉,并试图在这方面占优势。我有一个哈希表。我想对哈希表的值进行排序,然后使用它检索值最小的键。我有一个列表的选择排序代码。但我不知道如何对哈希映射中的值进行排序,然后提取值最低的键。有人能告诉我一些关于这件事的细节吗。这是我到目前为止所拥有的 (define (dirs-last-modified list) (define ht (make-hash)) (cond [(null? list) '()] [else (hash-set! (first


(define (dirs-last-modified list)
  (define ht (make-hash))
    [(null? list) '()]
    [else (hash-set! (first list) (file-or-directory-modify-seconds (first list))) (dirs-last-modified (rest list))])
(define (selection list) 
 (cond ( (null? list) '() )
     ( else (cons (smallest list (car list))     ; put the smallest element
                                           ; at the front of the 
                                           ; current list 
                  (selection (remove list (smallest list (car list)))))
                                           ; call selection on the list
                                           ; minus the smallest
                                           ; element

(define (remove list A)                ; remove the first occurance of atom A from list
 (cond ( (null? list) '() )           
    ( (= (car list) A) (cdr list))    ; Match found! 
    (else (cons (car list)(remove (cdr list) A)))   ; keep searching

(define (smallest list A)             ; looks for the smallest element in the list
                               ; atom A is the current smallest
 (cond ( (null? list) A)
    ( (< (car list) A) (smallest (cdr list)(car list)))
    (else (smallest (cdr list) A ))


(define (key-min-value ht)
  (car                 ; extract the key of the minimum entry
   (argmin             ; find the minimum in the entry list
    cdr                ; using as criterion the value in each entry
    (hash->list ht)))) ; convert hash table into key-value list

(key-min-value '#hash((c . 3) (a . 1) (b . 2)))
=> 'a