Solr 无法在WSO2 APIM发布服务器和存储中查看已创建的API,但可以在订阅下查看它们

Solr 无法在WSO2 APIM发布服务器和存储中查看已创建的API,但可以在订阅下查看它们,solr,wso2,wso2-am,Solr,Wso2,Wso2 Am,我之前创建了几个API,并通过WSO2 API管理器(APIM)中的API Publisher发布了相同的API,我可以在Publisher Dashboard和Store Dashboard中查看它们。我已经订阅了这些API,并且能够使用这些API 最近,我无法在Publisher Dashboard或Store Dashboard以及API Manager中看到任何创建的API 我没有对API管理器的配置进行任何更改 我试图使用WSO2 APIM公开的REST API发布API,但收到以下错

我之前创建了几个API,并通过WSO2 API管理器(APIM)中的API Publisher发布了相同的API,我可以在Publisher Dashboard和Store Dashboard中查看它们。我已经订阅了这些API,并且能够使用这些API

最近,我无法在Publisher Dashboard或Store Dashboard以及API Manager中看到任何创建的API


我试图使用WSO2 APIM公开的REST API发布API,但收到以下错误消息


   "error" : true, 
   "message" : "Failed to change the life cycle status : An exception occurred   while executing handler chain. SolrCore 'registry-indexing' is not available due to init failure: Error opening new searcher"

我已经检查了Thrift端口(两个端口都在10397上,我也尝试过根据stack overflow上的其他帖子禁用它们)


        <!-- The environments to which an API will be published -->
            <!-- Environments can be of different types. Allowed values are 'hybrid', 'production' and 'sandbox'.
                 An API deployed on a 'production' type gateway will only support production keys
                 An API deployed on a 'sandbox' type gateway will only support sandbox keys
                 An API deployed on a 'hybrid' type gateway will support both production and sandbox keys. -->
            <!-- api-console element specifies whether the environment should be listed in API Console or not -->
            <Environment type="hybrid" api-console="true">
                <Name>Production and Sandbox</Name>
                <Description>This is a hybrid gateway that handles both production and sandbox token traffic.</Description>
                <!-- Server URL of the API gateway -->
                <!-- Admin username for the API gateway. -->
                <!-- Admin password for the API gateway.-->
                <!-- Endpoint URLs for the APIs hosted in this API gateway.-->

