Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/8/sorting/2.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Sorting Excel按数字排序宏_Sorting_Excel_Vba - Fatal编程技术网

Sorting Excel按数字排序宏

Sorting Excel按数字排序宏,sorting,excel,vba,Sorting,Excel,Vba,我使用宏删除报告中不包含数字的行 此宏查找关键路径号并将其拆分。在a1列中,删除列表中没有的数字 这个宏工作正常。除此之外,我想按关键路径编号顺序对a1列进行排序 我添加了我想要的和我的报告文件。报告文件底部有一个关键路径文本。单击Düzenle宏时,删除行,但不按关键路径编号顺序排序 谢谢你的帮助 我不喜欢同时执行复杂的更改和删除行。如果出现任何问题,您必须恢复工作表。我引入了一个新的工作表“关键路径”,并按所需顺序将工作表“Revit KBK Sonuç”中所需的所有内容复制到该工作表中 我






我不喜欢同时执行复杂的更改和删除行。如果出现任何问题,您必须恢复工作表。我引入了一个新的工作表“关键路径”,并按所需顺序将工作表“Revit KBK Sonuç”中所需的所有内容复制到该工作表中


Option Explicit
Sub ertert()

  ' I avoid literals within the code if I think those literals may change
  ' over time and/or if I think a name would make the code clearer.
  Const ColLast As Long = 10
  Const ColShtHdrLast As Long = 2
  Const TableHdr1 As String = "Total Pressure Loss Calculations by Sections"

  Dim ColCrnt As Long
  Dim Section() As String
  Dim CriticalPath As String
  Dim InxSect As Long
  Dim Rng As Range
  Dim RowDestNext As Long
  Dim RowSrcLast As Long
  Dim RowTableHdr1 As Long
  Dim wshtDest As Worksheet
  Dim wshtSrc As Worksheet

  Set wshtSrc = Worksheets("Revit KBK Sonuç")
  Set wshtDest = Worksheets("Critical Path")

  With wshtDest
  End With

  ' I only work on the ActiveWorksheet if the user is to select the
  ' target worksheet in this way.  Code is easier to understand if
  ' With statements are used.
  With wshtSrc

    ' Copy column widths
    For ColCrnt = 1 To ColLast
      wshtDest.Columns(ColCrnt).ColumnWidth = .Columns(ColCrnt).ColumnWidth

    ' I avoid stringing commands together.  The resultant code may be
    ' marginally faster but it takes longer to write and much longer
    ' to decipher when you return to the macro in 12 months.

    ' Extract critial path string and convert to array of Section numbers
    RowSrcLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    CriticalPath = .Cells(RowSrcLast, "A").Value
    ' Extract text before trailing total pressure loss
    CriticalPath = Split(CriticalPath, ";")(0)
    ' Discard introductory text and trim spaces
    CriticalPath = Trim(Split(CriticalPath, ":")(1))
    Section = Split(CriticalPath, "-")

    Set Rng = .Cells.Find(What:=TableHdr1)

    If Rng Is Nothing Then
      Call MsgBox("I am unable to find the row containing """ & _
                                                       TableHdr1 & """", vbOKOnly)
      Exit Sub
    End If

    RowTableHdr1 = Rng.Row

    ' Copy header section of worksheet without buttons
    .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(RowTableHdr1 - 1, ColShtHdrLast)).Copy _
                                                Destination:=wshtDest.Cells(1, 1)
    ' Copy table header
    .Range(.Cells(RowTableHdr1, 1), .Cells(RowTableHdr1 + 1, ColLast)).Copy _
                                     Destination:=wshtDest.Cells(RowTableHdr1, 1)

    RowDestNext = RowTableHdr1 + 2

    ' Copy rows for each section in critical path to destination worksheet
    For InxSect = 0 To UBound(Section)

      Set Rng = .Columns("A:A").Find(What:=Section(InxSect), LookAt:=xlWhole)

      If Rng Is Nothing Then
        Call MsgBox("I am unable to find the row(s) for Section" & _
                                                   Section(InxSect), vbOKOnly)
        Set Rng = Rng.MergeArea       ' Expand to include all rows for section
        ' Copy all rows for section
        Rng.EntireRow.Copy Destination:=wshtDest.Cells(RowDestNext, 1)
        ' Step output row number
        RowDestNext = RowDestNext + Rng.Rows.Count
      End If


    ' Copy critical path row
    .Rows(RowSrcLast).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=wshtDest.Cells(RowDestNext, 1)
    RowDestNext = RowDestNext + 1

  End With

  ' Add border at bottom of output table
  With wshtDest
     With .Range(.Cells(RowDestNext, 1), _
                 .Cells(RowDestNext, ColLast)).Borders(xlEdgeTop)
       .LineStyle = xlContinuous
       .Weight = xlMedium
       .ColorIndex = 16
     End With
  End With

End Sub




Sub ertert()

  Const ColLast As Long = 10
  Const ColShtHdrLast As Long = 2
  Const TableHdr1 As String = "Total Pressure Loss Calculations by Sections"

  Dim ColCrnt As Long
  Dim Section() As String
  Dim CriticalPath As String
  Dim InxSect As Long
  Dim Rng As Range
  Dim RowDestNext As Long
  Dim RowDestStart As Long
  Dim RowSrcLast As Long
  Dim RowTableHdr1 As Long
  Dim wsht As Worksheet

  Set wsht = ActiveSheet

  With wsht

    ' Extract critial path string and convert to array of Section numbers
    RowSrcLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    CriticalPath = .Cells(RowSrcLast, "A").Value
    ' Extract text before trailing total pressure loss
    CriticalPath = Split(CriticalPath, ";")(0)
    ' Discard introductory text and trim spaces
    CriticalPath = Trim(Split(CriticalPath, ":")(1))
    Section = Split(CriticalPath, "-")

    Set Rng = .Cells.Find(What:=TableHdr1)

    If Rng Is Nothing Then
      Call MsgBox("I am unable to find the row containing """ & _
                                                       TableHdr1 & """", vbOKOnly)
      Exit Sub
    End If

    RowTableHdr1 = Rng.Row

    ' Because there is no fixed number of rows per section no in-situ sort is
    ' practical.  Instead copy required rows in required section to destination
    ' area below existing area.

    RowDestStart = RowSrcLast + 2
    RowDestNext = RowDestStart

    ' Copy rows for each section in critical path to destination area
    For InxSect = 0 To UBound(Section)

      Set Rng = .Columns("A:A").Find(What:=Section(InxSect), LookAt:=xlWhole)

      If Rng Is Nothing Then
        Call MsgBox("I am unable to find the row(s) for Section" & _
                                                   Section(InxSect), vbOKOnly)
        Set Rng = Rng.MergeArea       ' Expand to include all rows for section
        ' Copy all rows for section
        Rng.EntireRow.Copy Destination:=.Cells(RowDestNext, 1)
        ' Step output row number
        RowDestNext = RowDestNext + Rng.Rows.Count
      End If


    ' Copy critical path row
    .Rows(RowSrcLast).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=.Cells(RowDestNext, 1)
    RowDestNext = RowDestNext + 1

    ' Add border at bottom of output table
    With .Range(.Cells(RowDestNext, 1), _
                 .Cells(RowDestNext, ColLast)).Borders(xlEdgeTop)
      .LineStyle = xlContinuous
      .Weight = xlMedium
      .ColorIndex = 16
    End With

    ' Now have new table on rows RowDestStart to RowDestNext-1.
    ' Delete rows RowTableHdr1+2 to RowDestStart-1 (old table) to
    ' move new table into desired position.

    .Rows(RowTableHdr1 + 2 & ":" & RowDestStart - 1).EntireRow.Delete

  End With

End Sub

托尼:你太完美了:)太好了。但是如果我们只能做一张纸就更好了。我不需要关键路径,因为我会为每个报表关闭此excel文件。如果出了什么差错,我可以再复印一次报告。因为报告处于html模式。我复制它并粘贴到这里,然后单击Düzenle。你能把一张纸的代码发给我吗?@user3240191。我不知道如果答案更新,您是否会收到消息。此评论旨在确保您收到一条消息。顺便说一下,很高兴你喜欢我的第一个解决方案。我希望你更喜欢第二个版本。第二个版本非常好用。最后,我需要一些东西。有一个淡黄色按钮,用于清除纸张。当我点击它时,它会删除文本,但我不能取消所有单元格的合并并删除边框。下面是代码:Sub temizle()将ws作为此工作簿中每个ws的工作表。工作表ws.UsedRange.ClearContents下一个ws End Sub