Sorting 组织不一致的值

Sorting 组织不一致的值,sorting,csv,text,awk,Sorting,Csv,Text,Awk,不知道在这里问这个是否合适,因为它不是编程,但我不知道还能去哪里: 我希望以一致的方式组织以下数据。目前情况很糟糕,只有前两列以逗号分隔。其余的列可以是1-9之间的任意数字,并且通常是不同的。 换句话说,我想对它进行排序,使文本匹配一行中的所有值列、一行中的所有反冲列,等等。然后我可以删除文本并添加标题,它仍然有意义 bm_wp_upg_o_t1micro, sight, value = 3, zoom = 3, recoil = 1, spread_moving = -1 bm_wp_upg

不知道在这里问这个是否合适,因为它不是编程,但我不知道还能去哪里: 我希望以一致的方式组织以下数据。目前情况很糟糕,只有前两列以逗号分隔。其余的列可以是1-9之间的任意数字,并且通常是不同的。 换句话说,我想对它进行排序,使文本匹配一行中的所有值列、一行中的所有反冲列,等等。然后我可以删除文本并添加标题,它仍然有意义

bm_wp_upg_o_t1micro, sight, value = 3, zoom = 3, recoil = 1, spread_moving = -1 
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_rear, sight, value = 3, zoom = 1, recoil = 1, spread = 1 
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_front, extra, value = 1 
bm_wp_m4_upper_reciever_edge, upper_reciever, value = 3, recoil = 1 
bm_wp_m4_upper_reciever_round, upper_reciever, value = 1 
bm_wp_m4_uupg_b_long, barrel, value = 4, damage = 1, spread = 1, spread_moving = -2, concealment = -2 




                              id,   sight,   value,    zoom,    recoil,   spread_moving,   extra,    upper_receiver,    barrel,    damage,   spread_moving,     concealment
             bm_wp_upg_o_t1micro,       x,       3,       3,         1,              -1,        ,                  ,          ,          ,              -1,
  bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_rear,       x,       3,       1,         1,                ,        ,                  ,          ,          ,                ,
 bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_front,        ,       1,        ,          ,                ,       x,                  ,          ,          ,                ,
    bm_wp_m4_upper_reciever_edge,        ,       3,        ,         1,                ,        ,                  ,          ,          ,                ,
   bm_wp_m4_upper_reciever_round,        ,       1,        ,          ,                ,        ,                  ,          ,          ,                ,
            bm_wp_m4_uupg_b_long,        ,       4,        ,          ,              -2,        ,                  ,         x,         1,              -2,              -2



awk脚本 输出
我做了另一个awk版本。我认为这应该更容易阅读。 从文件中读取所有值/列,使其尽可能动态

awk -F, '
    ID[$1]=$2                   # use column 1 as index
    for (i=3;i<=NF;i++ )        # loop through all fields from #3 to end
        gsub(/ +/,"",$i)            # remove space from field
        split($i,a,"=")         # split field in name and value a[1] and a[2]
        COLUMN[a[1]]++          # store field name as column name
        DATA[$1" "a[1]]=a[2]    # store data value in DATA using field #1 and column name as index
    printf "%49s   ","info"     # print info
    for (i in COLUMN)
        {printf "%15s",i}       # print column name
    print ""
    for (i in ID)               # loop through all ID
        printf "%32s %16s ",i, ID[i]    # print ID and info
        for (j in COLUMN)
            printf "%14s ",DATA[i" "j]+0    # print value
        print ""
    }' file

                              id,   sight,   value,    zoom,    recoil,   spread_moving,   extra,    upper_receiver,    barrel,    damage,   spread_moving,     concealment
             bm_wp_upg_o_t1micro,       x,       3,       3,         1,              -1,        ,                  ,          ,          ,              -1,
  bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_rear,       x,       3,       1,         1,                ,        ,                  ,          ,          ,                ,
 bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_front,        ,       1,        ,          ,                ,       x,                  ,          ,          ,                ,
    bm_wp_m4_upper_reciever_edge,        ,       3,        ,         1,                ,        ,                  ,          ,          ,                ,
   bm_wp_m4_upper_reciever_round,        ,       1,        ,          ,                ,        ,                  ,          ,          ,                ,
            bm_wp_m4_uupg_b_long,        ,       4,        ,          ,              -2,        ,                  ,         x,         1,              -2,              -2
awk 'BEGIN  {
                # f_idx[field] holds the column number c for a field=value item
                # f_name[c]    holds the names
                # f_width[c]   holds the width of the widest value (or the field name)
                # f_fmt[c]     holds the appropriate format
                FS = " *, *"; n = 2;
                f_name[0] = "id";   f_width[0] = length(f_name[0])
                f_name[1] = "type"; f_width[1] = length(f_name[1])
                #-#print NR ":" $0
                line[NR,0] = $1
                len = length($1)
                if (len > f_width[0])
                    f_width[0] = len
                line[NR,1] = $2
                len = length($2)
                if (len > f_width[1])
                    f_width[1] = len
                for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++)
                    split($i, fv, " = ")
                    #-#print "1:" fv[1] ", 2:" fv[2]
                    if (!(fv[1] in f_idx))
                        f_idx[fv[1]] = n
                        f_width[n++] = length(fv[1])
                    c = f_idx[fv[1]]
                    f_name[c] = fv[1]
                    gsub(/ /, "", fv[2])
                    len = length(fv[2])
                    if (len > f_width[c])
                        f_width[c] = len
                    line[NR,c] = fv[2]
                    #-#print c ":" f_name[c] ":" f_width[c] ":" line[NR,c]
     END    {
                for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    f_fmt[i] = "%s%" f_width[i] "s"
                #-#for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                #-#    printf "%d: (%d) %s %s\n", i, f_width[i], f_name[i], f_fmt[i]
                #-#    pad = ""
                for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    printf f_fmt[j], pad, f_name[j]
                    pad = ","
                printf "\n"
                for (i = 1; i <= NR; i++)
                    pad = ""
                    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
                        printf f_fmt[j], pad, line[i,j]
                        pad = ","
                    printf "\n"
            }' data
bm_wp_upg_o_t1micro, sight, value = 3, zoom = 3, recoil = 1, spread_moving = -1 
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_rear, sight, value = 3, zoom = 1, recoil = 1, spread = 1 
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_front, extra, value = 1 
bm_wp_m4_upper_receiver_edge, upper_receiver, value = 3, recoil = 1 
bm_wp_m4_upper_receiver_round, upper_receiver, value = 1 
bm_wp_m4_uupg_b_long, barrel, value = 4, damage = 1, spread = 1, spread_moving = -2, concealment = -2
                             id,          type,value,zoom,recoil,spread_moving,spread,damage,concealment
            bm_wp_upg_o_t1micro,         sight,    3,   3,     1,           -1,      ,      ,           
 bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_rear,         sight,    3,   1,     1,             ,     1,      ,           
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_front,         extra,    1,    ,      ,             ,      ,      ,           
   bm_wp_m4_upper_receiver_edge,upper_receiver,    3,    ,     1,             ,      ,      ,           
  bm_wp_m4_upper_receiver_round,upper_receiver,    1,    ,      ,             ,      ,      ,           
           bm_wp_m4_uupg_b_long,        barrel,    4,    ,      ,           -2,     1,     1,         -2
awk -F, '
    ID[$1]=$2                   # use column 1 as index
    for (i=3;i<=NF;i++ )        # loop through all fields from #3 to end
        gsub(/ +/,"",$i)            # remove space from field
        split($i,a,"=")         # split field in name and value a[1] and a[2]
        COLUMN[a[1]]++          # store field name as column name
        DATA[$1" "a[1]]=a[2]    # store data value in DATA using field #1 and column name as index
    printf "%49s   ","info"     # print info
    for (i in COLUMN)
        {printf "%15s",i}       # print column name
    print ""
    for (i in ID)               # loop through all ID
        printf "%32s %16s ",i, ID[i]    # print ID and info
        for (j in COLUMN)
            printf "%14s ",DATA[i" "j]+0    # print value
        print ""
    }' file
                                             info            spread         recoil           zoom    concealment  spread_moving         damage          value
   bm_wp_m4_upper_reciever_round   upper_reciever              0              0              0              0              0              0              1
            bm_wp_m4_uupg_b_long           barrel              1              0              0             -2             -2              1              4
  bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_rear            sight              1              1              1              0              0              0              3
 bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_front            extra              0              0              0              0              0              0              1
    bm_wp_m4_upper_reciever_edge   upper_reciever              0              1              0              0              0              0              3
             bm_wp_upg_o_t1micro            sight              0              1              3              0             -1              0              3