Sql 如何在Snowflake中将JSON键值作为数据列读取?

Sql 如何在Snowflake中将JSON键值作为数据列读取?,sql,json,snowflake-cloud-data-platform,Sql,Json,Snowflake Cloud Data Platform,我有以下JSON示例: { "Id1": { "name": "Item1.jpg", "Status": "Approved" }, "Id2": { "name": "Item2.jpg", "Status": "Approved"


   "Id1": {
      "name": "Item1.jpg",
      "Status": "Approved"
   "Id2": {
      "name": "Item2.jpg",
      "Status": "Approved"

_key    name        Status
Id1     Item1.jpg   Approved
Id2     Item2.jpg   Approved



create temporary table FOO(v variant); -- Temp table to hold the JSON. Often you'll see a variant column simply called "V"

-- Insert into the variant column. Parse the JSON because variants don't hold string types. They hold semi-structured types.
insert into FOO select parse_json('{"Id1": {"name": "Item1.jpg", "Status": "Approved"}, "Id2": {"name": "Item2.jpg", "Status": "Approved"}}');

-- See how it looks in its raw state
select * from FOO;

-- Flatten the top-level JSON. The flatten function breaks down the JSON into several usable columns
select * from foo, lateral flatten(input => (foo.v)) ;

-- Now traverse the JSON using the column name and : to get to the property you want. Cast to string using ::string.
-- If you must have exact case on your column names, you need to double quote them.
select  KEY                     as "_key",
        VALUE:name::string      as "name",
        VALUE:Status::string    as "Status"
from FOO, lateral flatten(input => (FOO.V)) ;


create temporary table FOO(v variant); -- Temp table to hold the JSON. Often you'll see a variant column simply called "V"

-- Insert into the variant column. Parse the JSON because variants don't hold string types. They hold semi-structured types.
insert into FOO select parse_json('{"Id1": {"name": "Item1.jpg", "Status": "Approved"}, "Id2": {"name": "Item2.jpg", "Status": "Approved"}}');

-- See how it looks in its raw state
select * from FOO;

-- Flatten the top-level JSON. The flatten function breaks down the JSON into several usable columns
select * from foo, lateral flatten(input => (foo.v)) ;

-- Now traverse the JSON using the column name and : to get to the property you want. Cast to string using ::string.
-- If you must have exact case on your column names, you need to double quote them.
select  KEY                     as "_key",
        VALUE:name::string      as "name",
        VALUE:Status::string    as "Status"
from FOO, lateral flatten(input => (FOO.V)) ;
