Sql oracle 10G中的行到列

Sql oracle 10G中的行到列,sql,oracle,oracle10g,Sql,Oracle,Oracle10g,如何在oracle中将行转换为列 数据如下所示 AREA_CODE PREFIX 21 48 21 66 21 80 21 86 21 58 21 59 21 51 21 81 21 35 21 56 21 78 21 34 21 49 21 7



    21      48
    21      66
    21      80
    21      86
    21      58
    21      59
    21      51
    21      81
    21      35
    21      56
    21      78
    21      34
    21      49
    21      79
    21      36
    21      99
    21      82
    21      38
    21      32
    21      65
    22      26
    22      20
    22      27
    22      34
    22      33
    22      21
    22      38
    22      36
    232     22
    232     26
    232     27
    233     88
    233     86
    233     85
    233     87
    233     89
    233     82
    235     56
    235     53
    235     87
    235     86

AREA_CODE   P1  P2  P3  P4  P5  P6  P7  P8  P9  P10 P11 P12 P13
21  48  66  80  86  58  59  51  81  35  56  78  34  49
22  26  20  27  34  33  21  38  36                  
232 22  26  27  88  86  85  87  89  82  56  53  87  86


with tab as (select AREA_CODE, 
       row_NUMBER() over(partition by AREA_CODE order by null) rn 
       from table_name)
select AREA_CODE,
       min(decode(rn, 1, PREFIX, null)) as PREFIX1,
       min(decode(rn, 2, PREFIX, null)) as PREFIX2,
       min(decode(rn, 3, PREFIX, null)) as PREFIX3,
       min(decode(rn, 4, PREFIX, null)) as PREFIX4,
       min(decode(rn, 5, PREFIX, null)) as PREFIX5,
       min(decode(rn, 6, PREFIX, null)) as PREFIX6,
       min(decode(rn, 7, PREFIX, null)) as PREFIX7,
       min(decode(rn, 8, PREFIX, null)) as PREFIX8,
       min(decode(rn, 9, PREFIX, null)) as PREFIX9,
       min(decode(rn, 10, PREFIX, null)) as PREFIX10
  from tab
group by AREA_CODE

with tab as (select AREA_CODE, 
       row_NUMBER() over(partition by AREA_CODE order by null) rn 
       from table_name)
select *
  from tab
 pivot (max(PREFIX) as PREFIX for RN in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))

|        21 |       58 |       86 |       80 |       66 |       56 |       59 |       51 |       81 |       35 |        48 |
|        22 |       33 |       34 |       27 |       20 |       26 |       21 |       36 |       38 |   (null) |    (null) |
|       232 |       27 |       26 |       22 |   (null) |   (null) |   (null) |   (null) |   (null) |   (null) |    (null) |
|       233 |       85 |       86 |       88 |       87 |       82 |       89 |   (null) |   (null) |   (null) |    (null) |
|       235 |       56 |       53 |       87 |       86 |   (null) |   (null) |   (null) |   (null) |   (null) |    (null) |


select 21,48 from dual union all
select 21,66 from dual union all
select 21,80 from dual union all
select 21,86 from dual union all
select 21,58 from dual union all
select 21,59 from dual union all
select 21,51 from dual union all
select 21,81 from dual union all
select 21,35 from dual union all
select 21,56 from dual union all
select 22,26 from dual union all
select 22,20 from dual union all
select 22,27 from dual union all
select 22,34 from dual union all
select 22,33 from dual union all
select 22,21 from dual union all
select 22,38 from dual union all
select 22,36 from dual union all
select 232,22 from dual union all
select 232,26 from dual union all
select 232,27 from dual union all
select 233,88 from dual union all
select 233,86 from dual union all
select 233,85 from dual union all
select 233,87 from dual union all
select 233,89 from dual union all
select 233,82 from dual union all
select 235,56 from dual union all
select 235,53 from dual union all
select 235,87 from dual union all
select 235,86 from dual

您可以使用查询而不是此输出。e、 g.
反之亦然。只有在生成的列数是固定的情况下,才有可能这样做,但根据您的要求,它似乎不是固定的。因此,这是不可能的。您可以通过从表组中按前缀选择区域代码WM\U CONACT(前缀)来接近您的目标,尽管格式不好