将多个SQL select语句组合为列

将多个SQL select语句组合为列,sql,sql-server,tsql,stored-procedures,Sql,Sql Server,Tsql,Stored Procedures,将多个select语句组合为一列,不会给出所需的输出。我错过了什么?Group by子句未按预期工作。我是否也需要将GroupBy用于外部选择 SQL查询: use [Test_DB] SELECT a.fldYear,a.fldMonth, a.ConnPoints,b.NonConnPoints from (Select DATEPART(YEAR, e.TestDate) as [fldYear], DATENAME(month,e.TestDate) as [fldMonth],

将多个select语句组合为一列,不会给出所需的输出。我错过了什么?Group by子句未按预期工作。我是否也需要将GroupBy用于外部选择


use [Test_DB]
SELECT  a.fldYear,a.fldMonth, a.ConnPoints,b.NonConnPoints from 
(Select  DATEPART(YEAR, e.TestDate) as [fldYear], DATENAME(month,e.TestDate) as [fldMonth], count(e.equipid) as [ConnPoints] from dbo.equip e 
where e.pID<>0 and e.TestDate between '01-01-2020' and '12-31-2020' 
Group By  DATEPART(year,e.TestDate), DATENAME(month,e.TestDate), DATEPART(month,e.TestDate)) as a,

(Select  DATEPART(YEAR, e.TestDate) as [fldYear], DATENAME(month,e.TestDate) as [fldMonth], count(e.equipid) as [NonConnPoints] from dbo.equip e 
where e.PID=0 and e.TestDate between '01-01-2020' and '12-31-2020' 
Group By  DATEPART(year,e.TestDate), DATENAME(month,e.TestDate), DATEPART(month,e.TestDate)) as b

fldYear  fldMonth   ConnPoints      NonConnPoints
2020     January    13456             73456
2020     February   8345666           8375666
2020     March      734566            8366
2020     April      734569            334469
2020     May        43456             13456
2020     June       33456             3456
2020     July       5345663           45663
2020     August     345661            75661
2020     September  345662            245662
2020     November   345668            645668
2020     December   534566            538866


select year(e.TestDate), month(e.TestDate),
       sum(case when e.pID <> 0 then 1 else 0 end) as ConnPoints,
       sum(case when e.pID = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as NonConnPoints
from dbo.equip e 
where e.TestDate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'
group by year(e.TestDate), month(e.TestDate)
order by year(e.TestDate), month(e.TestDate)

select year(e.TestDate), month(e.TestDate),
       sum(case when e.pID <> 0 then 1 else 0 end) as ConnPoints,
       sum(case when e.pID = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as NonConnPoints
from dbo.equip e 
where e.TestDate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'
group by year(e.TestDate), month(e.TestDate)
order by year(e.TestDate), month(e.TestDate)