
编写一个SQL查询,查询客户只拥有一个商店的所有订单,sql,Sql,我有以下关系方案: 店铺Id、店铺名称 玩具ID、名称 CustomerCustomer ID、名称 订单ID,客户ID Olines订单ID、商店ID、玩具ID 我想用SQL编写一个查询,以查找所有客户的客户Id,这些客户的所有订单都只在一个商店中,而该商店不能是“玩具反斗城” 我是SQL新手,不知道该怎么做。任何帮助都将不胜感激 这可能会对你有所帮助。只需按照已有的替换表名和列名即可 select a.customerid from ( select or.customerid,s


店铺Id、店铺名称 玩具ID、名称 CustomerCustomer ID、名称 订单ID,客户ID Olines订单ID、商店ID、玩具ID 我想用SQL编写一个查询,以查找所有客户的客户Id,这些客户的所有订单都只在一个商店中,而该商店不能是“玩具反斗城”



select a.customerid 
from (
    select or.customerid,st.storeid,count(*) count 
    from Order or, Onlines on, Store st 
    where or.orderid=on.orderid and on.storeid=st.storeid and st.store_name!='Toy R Us' 
    group by or.customerid,st.storeid) a 
where a.count=1;


select a.customerid 
from (
    select or.customerid,st.storeid,count(*) count 
    from Order or, Onlines on, Store st 
    where or.orderid=on.orderid and on.storeid=st.storeid and st.store_name!='Toy R Us' 
    group by or.customerid,st.storeid) a 
where a.count=1;


; With cte as(
Select distinct name , c.[Customer ID],s.[store Id] 
From customer c  join order o
On c.[Customer ID]=o.[Customer ID]
Join olines l
On o.[order ID]=l.[order ID]
Join store s
On s.[store Id]=l.[store Id] and not s.[store_name]='Toys R Us')

Select * 
from cte c1 
 not exists(
 Select 1 
 from cte c2 
 where c2.[Customer ID]=c1.[Customer ID] and c2.[store Id]=<>c1.[store Id] 


; With cte as(
Select distinct name , c.[Customer ID],s.[store Id] 
From customer c  join order o
On c.[Customer ID]=o.[Customer ID]
Join olines l
On o.[order ID]=l.[order ID]
Join store s
On s.[store Id]=l.[store Id] and not s.[store_name]='Toys R Us')

Select * 
from cte c1 
 not exists(
 Select 1 
 from cte c2 
 where c2.[Customer ID]=c1.[Customer ID] and c2.[store Id]=<>c1.[store Id] 
