Sql 如何在子查询中重用查询?

Sql 如何在子查询中重用查询?,sql,sql-server,Sql,Sql Server,我有以下疑问 select a.id, a.user_id, a.approver_id, a.second_approver_id from tbl_approve_master a WHERE user_id in (select id from tbl_user where name like '%john%') or approver_id in (select id from tbl_user where name like '%john%') or second_approve


select a.id, a.user_id, a.approver_id, a.second_approver_id 
from tbl_approve_master a 
WHERE user_id in (select id from tbl_user where name like '%john%')
or approver_id in (select id from tbl_user where name like '%john%') 
or second_approver_id in (select id from tbl_user where name like '%john%') 



select a.id, a.user_id, a.approver_id, a.second_approver_id 
from tbl_approve_master a 
WHERE exists (
    select * 
    from tbl_user u
    where u.name like '%john%'
    and u.id in (a.user_id, a.approver_id, a.second_approver_id)

;with cte as (select id from tbl_user where name like '%john%')
select a.id, a.user_id, a.approver_id, a.second_approver_id 
from tbl_approve_master a 
join cte 
    on user_id = cte.id or approver_id = cte.id or second_approver_id = cte.id

select a.id, a.user_id, a.approver_id, a.second_approver_id 
from tbl_approve_master a
where exists (select 1 from tbl_user at
              where (a.user_id  = at.id
                or a.approver_id  = at.id
                or a.second_approver_id =id)
                and (at.name like '%john%'))

select a.id, a.user_id, a.approver_id, a.second_approver_id 
from tbl_approve_master a
where exists (select 1 from tbl_user at
              where (a.user_id  = at.id
                or a.approver_id  = at.id
                or a.second_approver_id =id)
                and (at.name like '%john%'))