
在sqlite中生成分类帐?,sql,sqlite,Sql,Sqlite,我有桌子 t1(插入客户端数据) t2(客户收到的付款) 我想要这样的t3 Date id idCl nameCl opening dr closing 1-9-2016 10L CL-J Jon 0 2000 2000 22-9-2016 20L CL-J Jon 2000 1000 3000 1-9-2016 10L CL-J Jon 3000





Date       id   idCl nameCl    opening   dr     closing
1-9-2016     10L   CL-J  Jon        0      2000     2000
22-9-2016    20L   CL-J  Jon       2000    1000     3000
1-9-2016     10L   CL-J  Jon       3000    2000     5000  
5-9-2016     20L   CL-B  Ben        0      3000     3000
12-9-2016    10L   CL-B  Ben       3000    8000    11000
10-9-2016    15.5L CL-A  Alina      0      5000     5000


第一部分(在最初的mcve makig之后)是一个最小的查询,以接近您想要的输出(9月22日的奇怪排序除外;10日之前的12日是因为按idCl排序,优先级更高)。

-- make my mcve
-- (including unused table t1, as a nicety to others wanting to answer)
drop table if exists t1 ;
create table t1 (Date date, id varchar(10), idCl varchar(10), nameCl varchar(30), opening int);
drop table if exists t2;
create table t2 (Date date, id varchar(10), idCl varchar(10), nameCl varchar(30), receive int);

insert into t1 values ('1-8-2016',  '10L',   'CL-J',  'Jon', 0); 
insert into t1 values ('15-8-2016', '20L',   'CL-B',  'Ben', 0); 
insert into t1 values ('25-8-2016', '15.5L', 'CL-A',  'Alina', 0); 
insert into t1 values ('28-8-2016', '10L',   'CL-B',  'Ben', 0); 
insert into t1 values ('30-8-2016', '20L',   'CL-J',  'Jon', 0); 

insert into t2 values ('1-9-2016',  '10L',   'CL-J',  'Jon',   2000); 
insert into t2 values ('1-9-2016',  '10L',   'CL-J',  'Jon',   1000); 
insert into t2 values ('5-9-2016',  '20L',   'CL-B',  'Ben',   3000); 
insert into t2 values ('10-9-2016', '15.5L', 'CL-A',  'Alina', 5000); 
insert into t2 values ('12-9-2016', '10L',   'CL-B',  'Ben',   8000); 
insert into t2 values ('22-9-2016', '20L',   'CL-J',  'Jon',   2000); 

.headers off
select '-- simple query, not sorting by date';
.headers on
-- making pretty
.mode column
    a.id, a.idCl, a.nameCL,
    sum(b.receive)-a.receive as opening,
    a.receive               as dr,
    sum(b.receive)          as closing
from t2 as a inner join t2 as b using (idCl)
where    a.rowid >= b.rowid
group by a.rowid 
order by a.idCl DESC

-- preparing the use of date for sorting
drop table if exists moneys;
create table moneys (Date date, id varchar(10), idCl varchar(10), nameCl varchar(30), amount int);
insert into moneys select 
    date(       substr(date,-4,4)
         ||'-'||substr('0'||replace(substr(date, instr(date, '-'), 3),'-', ''),-2,2)
         ||'-'||substr('0'||replace(substr(date, 1,2),'-',''),-2,2)
from t2;

.headers off
select '';
select '-- advanced query, sorting by correct date';
.headers on
    a.date, a.id, a.idCl, a.nameCL,
    sum(b.amount)-a.amount as opening,
    a.amount               as dr,
    sum(b.amount)          as closing
from moneys as a inner join moneys as b using (idCl)
where    a.rowid >= b.rowid
group by a.rowid
order by a.idCl DESC , a.date

-- simple query, not sorting by date
Date        id          idCl        nameCl      opening     dr          closing
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
1-9-2016    10L         CL-J        Jon         0           2000        2000
1-9-2016    10L         CL-J        Jon         2000        1000        3000
22-9-2016   20L         CL-J        Jon         3000        2000        5000
5-9-2016    20L         CL-B        Ben         0           3000        3000
12-9-2016   10L         CL-B        Ben         3000        8000        11000
10-9-2016   15.5L       CL-A        Alina       0           5000        5000

-- advanced query, sorting by correct date
Date        id          idCl        nameCl      opening     dr          closing
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
2016-09-01  10L         CL-J        Jon         0           2000        2000
2016-09-01  10L         CL-J        Jon         2000        1000        3000
2016-09-22  20L         CL-J        Jon         3000        2000        5000
2016-09-05  20L         CL-B        Ben         0           3000        3000
2016-09-12  10L         CL-B        Ben         3000        8000        11000
2016-09-10  15.5L       CL-A        Alina       0           5000        5000
1) 按时间顺序排列的第二个查询顺序,用于输出本身和对行进行排序以生成期初和。
2) 不使用整个表t1。例如,您是否只希望处理与现有帐户匹配的条目,然后在插入中间表“moneys”或要使用的t2表条目之前进行筛选。
3) “id”(与“idCL”相反)没有明显的影响,与所需的输出相匹配,例如Ben总计为11000。也许你想要所有id的总数。(起初,我将id分开处理,认为它们是不同的帐户,因为它们是在t1中分开打开的。)

-- make my mcve
-- (including unused table t1, as a nicety to others wanting to answer)
drop table if exists t1 ;
create table t1 (Date date, id varchar(10), idCl varchar(10), nameCl varchar(30), opening int);
drop table if exists t2;
create table t2 (Date date, id varchar(10), idCl varchar(10), nameCl varchar(30), receive int);

insert into t1 values ('1-8-2016',  '10L',   'CL-J',  'Jon', 0); 
insert into t1 values ('15-8-2016', '20L',   'CL-B',  'Ben', 0); 
insert into t1 values ('25-8-2016', '15.5L', 'CL-A',  'Alina', 0); 
insert into t1 values ('28-8-2016', '10L',   'CL-B',  'Ben', 0); 
insert into t1 values ('30-8-2016', '20L',   'CL-J',  'Jon', 0); 

insert into t2 values ('1-9-2016',  '10L',   'CL-J',  'Jon',   2000); 
insert into t2 values ('1-9-2016',  '10L',   'CL-J',  'Jon',   1000); 
insert into t2 values ('5-9-2016',  '20L',   'CL-B',  'Ben',   3000); 
insert into t2 values ('10-9-2016', '15.5L', 'CL-A',  'Alina', 5000); 
insert into t2 values ('12-9-2016', '10L',   'CL-B',  'Ben',   8000); 
insert into t2 values ('22-9-2016', '20L',   'CL-J',  'Jon',   2000); 

.headers off
select '-- simple query, not sorting by date';
.headers on
-- making pretty
.mode column
    a.id, a.idCl, a.nameCL,
    sum(b.receive)-a.receive as opening,
    a.receive               as dr,
    sum(b.receive)          as closing
from t2 as a inner join t2 as b using (idCl)
where    a.rowid >= b.rowid
group by a.rowid 
order by a.idCl DESC

-- preparing the use of date for sorting
drop table if exists moneys;
create table moneys (Date date, id varchar(10), idCl varchar(10), nameCl varchar(30), amount int);
insert into moneys select 
    date(       substr(date,-4,4)
         ||'-'||substr('0'||replace(substr(date, instr(date, '-'), 3),'-', ''),-2,2)
         ||'-'||substr('0'||replace(substr(date, 1,2),'-',''),-2,2)
from t2;

.headers off
select '';
select '-- advanced query, sorting by correct date';
.headers on
    a.date, a.id, a.idCl, a.nameCL,
    sum(b.amount)-a.amount as opening,
    a.amount               as dr,
    sum(b.amount)          as closing
from moneys as a inner join moneys as b using (idCl)
where    a.rowid >= b.rowid
group by a.rowid
order by a.idCl DESC , a.date
-- simple query, not sorting by date
Date        id          idCl        nameCl      opening     dr          closing
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
1-9-2016    10L         CL-J        Jon         0           2000        2000
1-9-2016    10L         CL-J        Jon         2000        1000        3000
22-9-2016   20L         CL-J        Jon         3000        2000        5000
5-9-2016    20L         CL-B        Ben         0           3000        3000
12-9-2016   10L         CL-B        Ben         3000        8000        11000
10-9-2016   15.5L       CL-A        Alina       0           5000        5000

-- advanced query, sorting by correct date
Date        id          idCl        nameCl      opening     dr          closing
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
2016-09-01  10L         CL-J        Jon         0           2000        2000
2016-09-01  10L         CL-J        Jon         2000        1000        3000
2016-09-22  20L         CL-J        Jon         3000        2000        5000
2016-09-05  20L         CL-B        Ben         0           3000        3000
2016-09-12  10L         CL-B        Ben         3000        8000        11000
2016-09-10  15.5L       CL-A        Alina       0           5000        5000