Sql 从第一个位置开始的顺序值的数目

Sql 从第一个位置开始的顺序值的数目,sql,sql-server,tsql,Sql,Sql Server,Tsql,我想知道从堆栈顶部开始的顺序颜色是什么以及有多少,但仅限于从顶部位置1开始的顺序颜色: 颜色位置 成堆 + red + 1 | red | 2 | red | 3 | blue | 4 Stack A | blue | 5 | red | 6 | red | 7 +---------+ | red | 1 Stack B +---------+ | blue


颜色位置 成堆

+   red   +  1
|   red   |  2
|   red   |  3     
|   blue  |  4     Stack A
|   blue  |  5
|   red   |  6
|   red   |  7 

|   red   |  1     Stack B  
|   blue  |  1
|   red   |  2
|   red   |  3     Stack C
|   blue  |  4

Stack   Color    position
A       Red          1
A       Red          2
A       Red          3
A       blue         4
A       Blue         5
A       Red          6
A       Red          7
B       Red          1
C       blue         1
C       red          2
C       red          3
C       blue         4

Stack    Color      Quantity
A        Red        3
B        Red        1
C        Blue       1 
从堆栈A的顶部开始,我有3个连续的红色 从堆栈B的顶部开始,我有1个连续的红色 从堆栈C的顶部开始,我有一个连续的蓝色 短版


with islands as (
    select stack,color,position,
        position-dense_rank() over (partition by stack,color order by position) i
    from @table
select stack,color,count(*) as Count
from islands 
where i=0
group by stack,color
order by stack,color

stack   color   Count
A       Red     3
B       Red     1
C       blue    1
stack   color   position    Rank    Island
A       Red     1           1       0
A       Red     2           2       0
A       Red     3           3       0
A       blue    4           1       3
A       Blue    5           2       3
A       Red     6           4       2
A       Red     7           5       2
B       Red     1           1       0
C       blue    1           1       0
C       red     2           1       1
C       red     3           2       1
C       blue    4           2       2



declare @table table (Stack varchar(2),Color varchar(10),Position int)

insert into @table(Stack   ,Color    ,position)
('A','Red'          ,1),
('A','Red'          ,2),
('A','Red'          ,3),
('A','blue'         ,4),
('A','Blue'         ,5),
('A','Red'          ,6),
('A','Red'          ,7),
('B','Red'          ,1),
('C','blue'         ,1),
('C','red'          ,2),
('C','red'          ,3),
('C','blue'         ,4)

    dense_rank() over (partition by stack,color order by position) as Rank
from @table
order by stack,position;

stack   color   position    Rank
A       Red     1   1
A       Red     2   2
A       Red     3   3
A       blue    4   1
A       Blue    5   2
A       Red     6   4
A       Red     7   5
B       Red     1   1
C       blue    1   1
C       red     2   1
C       red     3   2
C       blue    4   2

    dense_rank() over (partition by stack,color order by position) as Rank,
    position-dense_rank() over (partition by stack,color order by position) as Island
from @table
order by stack,position

stack   color   Count
A       Red     3
B       Red     1
C       blue    1
stack   color   position    Rank    Island
A       Red     1           1       0
A       Red     2           2       0
A       Red     3           3       0
A       blue    4           1       3
A       Blue    5           2       3
A       Red     6           4       2
A       Red     7           5       2
B       Red     1           1       0
C       blue    1           1       0
C       red     2           1       1
C       red     3           2       1
C       blue    4           2       2

with x as (
    select stack,color,position,dense_rank() over (partition by stack,color order by position) r,
        position-dense_rank() over (partition by stack,color order by position) i
    from @table
select stack,color,count(*) as Count
from x 
where i=0
group by stack,color
order by stack,color


select stack, first_color, count(*)
from (select t.*,
             min(case when color <> first_color then position end) over (partition by stack) as first_other_color_position
      from (select t.*, first_value(color) over (partition by stack order by position) as first_color
            from t
           ) t
     ) t
where first_other_color_position is null or position < first_other_color_position
group by stack, first_color
order by stack;


获取每个堆栈的第一种颜色。 获取不是该颜色的每一行的第一行位置。 使用该信息过滤和聚合数据。
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