Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/8/perl/11.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
String Perl条件_String_Perl_Loops_Conditional Statements - Fatal编程技术网

String Perl条件

String Perl条件,string,perl,loops,conditional-statements,String,Perl,Loops,Conditional Statements,正在尝试遍历两个文件。一切都正常,尽管一旦我否定了if语句,就会把一切搞砸。唯一可以打印的是else语句 定义时,请忽略任何未使用的变量。以后我会把它清理干净 #!/usr/bin/perl # # Packages and modules # use strict; use warnings; use version; our $VERSION = qv('5.16.0'); # This is the version of Perl to be used use Text::CS

正在尝试遍历两个文件。一切都正常,尽管一旦我否定了if语句,就会把一切搞砸。唯一可以打印的是else语句 定义时,请忽略任何未使用的变量。以后我会把它清理干净

#   Packages and modules
use strict;
use warnings;
use version;   our $VERSION = qv('5.16.0');   # This is the version of Perl to be used
use Text::CSV  1.32;   # We will be using the CSV module (version 1.32 or higher)
                       # to parse each line

#   readFile.pl
#      Authors: schow04@mail.uoguelph + anilam@mail.uoguelph.ca
#      Project: Lab Assignment 1 Script (Iteration 0)
#      Date of Last Update: Monday, November 16, 2015.
#      Functional Summary
#         readFile.pl takes in a CSV (comma separated version) file 
#         and prints out the fields.  
#         There are three fields:
#            1. name
#            2. gender (F or M)
#            3. number of people with this name  
#         This code will also count the number of female and male 
#         names in this file and print this out at the end.
#         The file represents the names of people in the population 
#         for a particular year of birth in the United States of America.  
#         Officially it is the "National Data on the relative frequency 
#         of given names in the population of U.S. births where the individual 
#         has a Social Security Number".
#      Commandline Parameters: 1
#         $ARGV[0] = name of the input file containing the names
#      References
#         Name files from http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/babynames/limits.html

#   Variables to be used
my $EMPTY = q{};
my $SPACE = q{ };
my $COMMA = q{,};
my $femalecount = 0;
my $malecount = 0;
my $lines = 0;
my $filename     = $EMPTY;

my $filename2    = $EMPTY;
my @records;
my @records2;
my $record_count = -1;
my $top_number = 0;
my $male_total = 0;
my $male_count   = 0;
my @first_name;
my @gender;
my @first_name2;
my @number;
my $count = 0;
my $count2 = 0;
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ sep_char => $COMMA });

#   Check that you have the right number of parameters
if ($#ARGV != 1) {
   print "Usage: readTopNames.pl <names file> <course names file>\n" or
      die "Print failure\n";

 $filename = $ARGV[0];
 $filename2 = $ARGV[1];

#   Open the input file and load the contents into records array
open my $names_fh, '<', $filename
   or die "Unable to open names file: $filename\n";

@records = <$names_fh>;

close $names_fh or
   die "Unable to close: $ARGV[0]\n";   # Close the input file

open my $names_fh2, '<', $filename2
   or die "Unable to open names file: $filename2\n";

@records2 = <$names_fh2>;

close $names_fh2 or
   die "Unable to close: $ARGV[1]\n";   # Close the input file

#   Parse each line and store the information in arrays 
#   representing each field
#   Extract each field from each name record as delimited by a comma

foreach my $class_record (@records)
   chomp $class_record;
   $record_count = 0;
   $count = 0;
   foreach my $name_record ( @records2 )
      if ($csv->parse($name_record))
         my @master_fields = $csv->fields();
         $first_name[$record_count] = $master_fields[0];
         $gender[$record_count]     = $master_fields[1];
         $number[$record_count]     = $master_fields[2];

         if($class_record eq $first_name[$record_count])
            if($gender[$record_count] eq 'F')
               print("$first_name[$record_count] ($record_count)\n");
            if($gender[$record_count] eq 'M')
               my $offset = $count - 2224;
               print("$first_name[$record_count] ($offset)\n");

      } else {
         warn "Line/record could not be parsed: $records[$record_count]\n";

#   End of Script

Adam (187)
Alan (431)
Alejandro (1166)
Alex (120)
Alicia (887)
Ambrose (305)
Caleb (794)

else {
      print("$first_name[$record_count] (0)\n");

Elzie (0)
Emer (0)
Enna (0)
Enriqueta (0)
Eola (0)
Eppie (0)
Ercell (0)
Estellar (0)

foreach my $class_record (@records)
    chomp $class_record;
    $record_count = 0;
    $count = 0;

    # add found - modification A
    my $found = 0;

    foreach my $name_record ( @records2 )
        # should not be here
        if ($csv->parse($name_record))
            my @master_fields = $csv->fields();
            $first_name[$record_count] = $master_fields[0];
            $gender[$record_count]     = $master_fields[1];
            $number[$record_count]     = $master_fields[2];

            if($class_record eq $first_name[$record_count])
                if($gender[$record_count] eq 'F')
                    print("$first_name[$record_count] ($record_count)\n");
                if($gender[$record_count] eq 'M')
                    my $offset = $count - 2224;
                    print("$first_name[$record_count] ($offset)\n");
                # modification B - set found =1
                $found = 1;
                #last;    # no need to keep looping
                next; # find next one if try to find more than 1

        } else {
            warn "Line/record could not be parsed: $records[$record_count]\n";

    # modification C -
        print "${class_record}(0)\n";



我无法理解你所有不同的计数器是用来做什么的,或者为什么你要为男性记录减去magic 2224,所以我只是直接从主文件中打印了数据



use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.16.0;
use autodie;

use Text::CSV;


if ( @ARGV != 2 ) {
    die "Usage: readTopNames.pl <names file> <master names file>\n";

my ( $names_file, $master_file ) = @ARGV;

my @names = do {
    open my $fh, '<', $names_file;
chomp @names;

my @master_data = do {
    open my $fh, '<', $master_file;
chomp @master_data;

my $csv = Text::CSV->new;

for my $i ( 0 .. $#names ) {

    my $target_name = $names[$i];
    my $found;

    for my $j ( 0 .. $#master_data ) {

        my $master_rec = $master_data[$j];
        my $status     = $csv->parse($master_rec);

        unless ( $status ) {
            warn qq{Line/record "$master_rec" could not be parsed\n};

        my ( $name, $gender, $count ) = $csv->fields;

        if ( $name eq $target_name ) {

            $found = 1;

            printf "%s %s (%d)\n", $name, $gender, $count;

    unless ( $found ) {
        printf "%s (%d)\n", $target_name, 0;

如果呢?还有什么?那不行。请提供缺少的位。如果$class\u record eq$first\u name[$record\u count]这部分,我去掉了else,它工作,没有else它不工作。你需要从正确命名变量开始。例如,您有$record\u count、$count和$counter。即使您可能也不知道它们都在计算什么,因为$counter对于@records2的每次迭代都会增加两次,但在其他方面没有使用@记录似乎是一个名字列表,因为迭代器$class_记录在$class_记录eq$first_name[$record_count]中进行比较,但是还有一个@records2,它也没有说明它可能包含什么。我对你的困惑并不感到惊讶!正如我在回答中提到的,它应该是我的$name_record@records2{$record_count++…}。它是您放置$record\u count++的地方。

use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.16.0;
use autodie;

use Text::CSV;


if ( @ARGV != 2 ) {
    die "Usage: readTopNames.pl <names file> <master names file>\n";

my ( $names_file, $master_file ) = @ARGV;

my @names = do {
    open my $fh, '<', $names_file;
chomp @names;

my @master_data = do {
    open my $fh, '<', $master_file;
chomp @master_data;

my $csv = Text::CSV->new;

for my $i ( 0 .. $#names ) {

    my $target_name = $names[$i];
    my $found;

    for my $j ( 0 .. $#master_data ) {

        my $master_rec = $master_data[$j];
        my $status     = $csv->parse($master_rec);

        unless ( $status ) {
            warn qq{Line/record "$master_rec" could not be parsed\n};

        my ( $name, $gender, $count ) = $csv->fields;

        if ( $name eq $target_name ) {

            $found = 1;

            printf "%s %s (%d)\n", $name, $gender, $count;

    unless ( $found ) {
        printf "%s (%d)\n", $target_name, 0;
Adam F (7)
Adam M (5293)
Alan F (9)
Alan M (2490)
Name (0)
Alejandro F (6)
Alejandro M (2593)
Alex F (157)
Alex M (3159)
Alicia F (967)
Ambrose M (87)
Caleb F (14)
Caleb M (9143)