在swift 4.0中使用枚举为数组下标

在swift 4.0中使用枚举为数组下标,swift,struct,enums,Swift,Struct,Enums,iOS 11.x Swift 4.0 这不会编译,因为您不能用emum为数组下标,看起来是这样吗?有没有一种我可以用的可以用的 enum axis:Int { case x = 0 case y = 1 } var cords = [[10,21],[23,11],[42,12],[31,76]] var smallestCord:Int = Int.max var smallestSet:[Int] = [] for cord in cords { if cord[axis.x]

iOS 11.x Swift 4.0


enum axis:Int {
  case x = 0
  case y = 1

var cords = [[10,21],[23,11],[42,12],[31,76]]
var smallestCord:Int = Int.max
var smallestSet:[Int] = []
for cord in cords {
  if cord[axis.x] < smallestCord {
    smallestCord = cord[axis.x]
    smallestSet = cord
print("\(smallestCord) \(smallestSet)")



extension Array {
    subscript(index: axis) -> Element {
        return self[index.rawValue]

struct Point {
    var x: Int
    var y: Int

    // For when you need to convert it to array to pass into other functions
    func toArray() -> [Int] {
        return [x, y]

let cords = [
    Point(x: 10, y: 21),
    Point(x: 23, y: 11),
    Point(x: 42, y: 12),
    Point(x: 31, y: 76)
let smallestSet = cords.min(by: { $0.x < $1.x })!
let smallestCord = smallestSet.x
print("\(smallestCord) \(smallestSet.toArray())")

struct Point {
    var x: Int
    var y: Int

    // For when you need to convert it to array to pass into other functions
    func toArray() -> [Int] {
        return [x, y]

let cords = [
    Point(x: 10, y: 21),
    Point(x: 23, y: 11),
    Point(x: 42, y: 12),
    Point(x: 31, y: 76)
let smallestSet = cords.min(by: { $0.x < $1.x })!
let smallestCord = smallestSet.x
print("\(smallestCord) \(smallestSet.toArray())")