
UITableViewCell异步加载图像问题-Swift,swift,uitableview,asynchronous,uiimageview,Swift,Uitableview,Asynchronous,Uiimageview,在我的应用程序中,我构建了自己的异步图像加载类。我传入一个对象,然后它检查缓存(NSCache)是否有图像,如果没有,它将检查文件系统是否已经保存了图像。如果图像尚未保存,它将在后台下载图像(NSOperations帮助) 到目前为止,这非常有效,但我在加载图像的表视图时遇到了一些小问题 首先,这是我用来从tableView(tableView:,willDisplayCell:,forrowatinexpath:)设置表视图单元格的函数。 “//问题在这里”的评论是,这是我遇到多个问题的地方















protocol MyImageManager {
    static var sharedManager: MyImageManager { get }
    func getImageForUrl(url: String, completion: (UIImage?, NSError?) -> Void)

struct MyCellData {
    let url: String

class MyTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {

    // The generation will tell us which iteration of the cell we're working with
    var generation: Int = 0

    override func prepareForReuse() {
        // Increment the generation when the cell is recycled
        self.data = nil

    var data: MyCellData? {
        didSet {
            // Reset the display state
            self.imageView?.image = nil
            self.imageView?.alpha = 0
            if let data = self.data {
                // Remember what generation the cell is on
                var generation = self.generation
                // In case the image retrieval takes a long time and the cell should be destroyed because the user navigates away, make a weak reference
                weak var wcell = self
                // Retrieve the image from the server (or from the local cache)
                MyImageManager.sharedManager.getImageForUrl(data.url, completion: { (image, error) -> Void in
                    if let error = error {
                        println("There was a problem fetching the image")
                    } else if let cell = wcell, image = image where cell.generation == generation {
                        // Make sure that UI updates happen on main thread
                        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
                            // Only update the cell if the generation value matches what it was prior to fetching the image
                            cell.imageView?.image = image
                            cell.imageView?.alpha = 0
                            UIView.animateWithDuration(0.25, animations: { () -> Void in
                                cell.imageView?.alpha = 1

class MyTableViewController: UITableViewController {

    var rows: [MyCellData] = []

    override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        var cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Identifier") as! MyTableViewCell
        cell.data = self.rows[indexPath.row]
        return cell


  • 不要忘记在主线程上进行显示更新。在网络活动线程上更新可能会导致显示在看似随机的时间更改(或从不更改)
  • 在执行异步操作时,请确保弱引用单元格(或任何其他UI元素),以防在异步操作完成之前销毁UI

protocol MyImageManager {
    static var sharedManager: MyImageManager { get }
    func getImageForUrl(url: String, completion: (UIImage?, NSError?) -> Void)

struct MyCellData {
    let url: String

class MyTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {

    // The generation will tell us which iteration of the cell we're working with
    var generation: Int = 0

    override func prepareForReuse() {
        // Increment the generation when the cell is recycled
        self.data = nil

    var data: MyCellData? {
        didSet {
            // Reset the display state
            self.imageView?.image = nil
            self.imageView?.alpha = 0
            if let data = self.data {
                // Remember what generation the cell is on
                var generation = self.generation
                // In case the image retrieval takes a long time and the cell should be destroyed because the user navigates away, make a weak reference
                weak var wcell = self
                // Retrieve the image from the server (or from the local cache)
                MyImageManager.sharedManager.getImageForUrl(data.url, completion: { (image, error) -> Void in
                    if let error = error {
                        println("There was a problem fetching the image")
                    } else if let cell = wcell, image = image where cell.generation == generation {
                        // Make sure that UI updates happen on main thread
                        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
                            // Only update the cell if the generation value matches what it was prior to fetching the image
                            cell.imageView?.image = image
                            cell.imageView?.alpha = 0
                            UIView.animateWithDuration(0.25, animations: { () -> Void in
                                cell.imageView?.alpha = 1

class MyTableViewController: UITableViewController {

    var rows: [MyCellData] = []

    override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        var cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Identifier") as! MyTableViewCell
        cell.data = self.rows[indexPath.row]
        return cell
