Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/4/json/13.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
在macOS上的SwiftUI中将颜色从源拖放到目标_Swiftui - Fatal编程技术网


在macOS上的SwiftUI中将颜色从源拖放到目标,swiftui,Swiftui,如何将颜色从源拖放到目标并保持不变?我目前有一些代码可以临时完成这项工作(从源代码拖动时更改目标的颜色),但在鼠标向上移动时会很快更改。那个么,我怎样才能让颜色的变化保持在鼠标悬停在一个特定的单元格上,并且能够在鼠标悬停在该特定单元格上时再次改变该单元格?我现在的代码是基于 只是不重置拖动颜色结束。。。或者将其存储在某个地方(比如在模型中,也可以在目的地中使用) 基于Asperi的响应,我实现了存储颜色的功能。我使用一个带有变量的枚举来记住上次拖动的颜色,并使用一个颜色数组来根据上次点击的颜




import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var permanentColoring: [Color] = [.clear,.clear,.clear,.clear,.clear,.clear,.clear,.clear,.clear,.clear]
    @State var lastColorDragged:colorsDragged = .none
    var body: some View {
        HStack {
            ColorSource(color: .purple, color2: .orange, permanentColoring: self.$permanentColoring, lastColorDragged: self.lastColorDragged)
            ColorSource(color: .blue, color2: .pink, permanentColoring: self.$permanentColoring, lastColorDragged: self.lastColorDragged)
        .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)

struct DestinationDataKey: PreferenceKey {
    typealias Value = [DestinationData]

    static var defaultValue: [DestinationData] = []

    static func reduce(value: inout [DestinationData], nextValue: () -> [DestinationData]) {
        value.append(contentsOf: nextValue())

struct DestinationData: Equatable {
    let destination: Int
    let frame: CGRect

struct DestinationDataSetter: View {
    let destination: Int

    var body: some View {
        GeometryReader { geometry in
                .preference(key: DestinationDataKey.self,
                            value: [DestinationData(destination: self.destination, frame: geometry.frame(in: .global))])

struct DestinationView: View {
    @Binding var active: Int
    let label: String
    let id: Int
    let color: Color
    let color2: Color
    @Binding var permanentColoring:[Color]
    @Binding var lastColorDragged:colorsDragged

    var body: some View {
        Text(label).padding(10).background( ((self.active == id) ) ? (self.lastColorDragged == .first ? color : (self.lastColorDragged == .second ? color2 : .yellow)) : self.permanentColoring[self.id])
                .background(DestinationDataSetter(destination: id))
            .onTapGesture {
                if(self.lastColorDragged == .first) {
                    print("First color dragged: \(self.color) and not \(self.color2)")
                    self.permanentColoring[self.id] = self.color
                else if(self.lastColorDragged == .second){
                    print("Second color dragged: \(self.color2) and not \(self.color)")
                    self.permanentColoring[self.id] = self.color2

enum colorsDragged {
    case first, second, none

struct ColorSource: View {
    @State var active = 0
    @State var destinations: [Int: CGRect] = [:]
    @State var color:Color
    @State var color2:Color
    @State var draggingFirstColor:Bool = false
    @State var draggingSecondColor:Bool = false
    @Binding var permanentColoring:[Color]
    @State var lastColorDragged:colorsDragged

    var body: some View {
        VStack {

            Text("Drag From Here").padding().background(color)
                .gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0.1, coordinateSpace: .global)
                    .onChanged { value in
                        self.draggingFirstColor = true
                        self.lastColorDragged = colorsDragged.first
                        self.active = 0
                        for (id, frame) in self.destinations {
                            if frame.contains(value.location) {
                                self.active = id
                    .onEnded { value in
                        // do something on drop
//                        self.active = 0
//                        self.draggingFirstColor = false


            Text("Drag From Here").padding().background(color2)
                .gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0.1, coordinateSpace: .global)
                    .onChanged { value in
                        self.draggingSecondColor = true
                        self.lastColorDragged = colorsDragged.second
                        self.active = 0
                        for (id, frame) in self.destinations {
                            if frame.contains(value.location) {
                                self.active = id
                    .onEnded { value in
                        // do something on drop
//                        self.active = 0
//                         self.draggingSecondColor = false

            DestinationView(active: $active, label: "Drag Over Me", id: 1, color: self.color, color2: self.color2, permanentColoring: self.$permanentColoring, lastColorDragged: self.$lastColorDragged)
            DestinationView(active: $active, label: "Drag Over Me", id: 2, color: self.color, color2: self.color2, permanentColoring: self.$permanentColoring, lastColorDragged: self.$lastColorDragged)
            DestinationView(active: $active, label: "Drag Over Me", id: 3, color: self.color, color2: self.color2, permanentColoring: self.$permanentColoring, lastColorDragged: self.$lastColorDragged)
            DestinationView(active: $active, label: "Drag Over Me", id: 4, color: self.color, color2: self.color2, permanentColoring: self.$permanentColoring, lastColorDragged: self.$lastColorDragged)
        }.onPreferenceChange(DestinationDataKey.self) { preferences in
            for p in preferences {
                self.destinations[p.destination] = p.frame

.onEnded { value in
    // do something on drop
    // self.active = 0
    // self.draggingFirstColor = false // same for second

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var permanentColoring: [Color] = [.clear,.clear,.clear,.clear,.clear,.clear,.clear,.clear,.clear,.clear]
    @State var lastColorDragged:colorsDragged = .none
    var body: some View {
        HStack {
            ColorSource(color: .purple, color2: .orange, permanentColoring: self.$permanentColoring, lastColorDragged: self.lastColorDragged)
            ColorSource(color: .blue, color2: .pink, permanentColoring: self.$permanentColoring, lastColorDragged: self.lastColorDragged)
        .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)

struct DestinationDataKey: PreferenceKey {
    typealias Value = [DestinationData]

    static var defaultValue: [DestinationData] = []

    static func reduce(value: inout [DestinationData], nextValue: () -> [DestinationData]) {
        value.append(contentsOf: nextValue())

struct DestinationData: Equatable {
    let destination: Int
    let frame: CGRect

struct DestinationDataSetter: View {
    let destination: Int

    var body: some View {
        GeometryReader { geometry in
                .preference(key: DestinationDataKey.self,
                            value: [DestinationData(destination: self.destination, frame: geometry.frame(in: .global))])

struct DestinationView: View {
    @Binding var active: Int
    let label: String
    let id: Int
    let color: Color
    let color2: Color
    @Binding var permanentColoring:[Color]
    @Binding var lastColorDragged:colorsDragged

    var body: some View {
        Text(label).padding(10).background( ((self.active == id) ) ? (self.lastColorDragged == .first ? color : (self.lastColorDragged == .second ? color2 : .yellow)) : self.permanentColoring[self.id])
                .background(DestinationDataSetter(destination: id))
            .onTapGesture {
                if(self.lastColorDragged == .first) {
                    print("First color dragged: \(self.color) and not \(self.color2)")
                    self.permanentColoring[self.id] = self.color
                else if(self.lastColorDragged == .second){
                    print("Second color dragged: \(self.color2) and not \(self.color)")
                    self.permanentColoring[self.id] = self.color2

enum colorsDragged {
    case first, second, none

struct ColorSource: View {
    @State var active = 0
    @State var destinations: [Int: CGRect] = [:]
    @State var color:Color
    @State var color2:Color
    @State var draggingFirstColor:Bool = false
    @State var draggingSecondColor:Bool = false
    @Binding var permanentColoring:[Color]
    @State var lastColorDragged:colorsDragged

    var body: some View {
        VStack {

            Text("Drag From Here").padding().background(color)
                .gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0.1, coordinateSpace: .global)
                    .onChanged { value in
                        self.draggingFirstColor = true
                        self.lastColorDragged = colorsDragged.first
                        self.active = 0
                        for (id, frame) in self.destinations {
                            if frame.contains(value.location) {
                                self.active = id
                    .onEnded { value in
                        // do something on drop
//                        self.active = 0
//                        self.draggingFirstColor = false


            Text("Drag From Here").padding().background(color2)
                .gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0.1, coordinateSpace: .global)
                    .onChanged { value in
                        self.draggingSecondColor = true
                        self.lastColorDragged = colorsDragged.second
                        self.active = 0
                        for (id, frame) in self.destinations {
                            if frame.contains(value.location) {
                                self.active = id
                    .onEnded { value in
                        // do something on drop
//                        self.active = 0
//                         self.draggingSecondColor = false

            DestinationView(active: $active, label: "Drag Over Me", id: 1, color: self.color, color2: self.color2, permanentColoring: self.$permanentColoring, lastColorDragged: self.$lastColorDragged)
            DestinationView(active: $active, label: "Drag Over Me", id: 2, color: self.color, color2: self.color2, permanentColoring: self.$permanentColoring, lastColorDragged: self.$lastColorDragged)
            DestinationView(active: $active, label: "Drag Over Me", id: 3, color: self.color, color2: self.color2, permanentColoring: self.$permanentColoring, lastColorDragged: self.$lastColorDragged)
            DestinationView(active: $active, label: "Drag Over Me", id: 4, color: self.color, color2: self.color2, permanentColoring: self.$permanentColoring, lastColorDragged: self.$lastColorDragged)
        }.onPreferenceChange(DestinationDataKey.self) { preferences in
            for p in preferences {
                self.destinations[p.destination] = p.frame